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Anyone want to take over the world?


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Yeah, so. Does anyone want to go in halfsies with me on my quest to take over the world? I'm going to need a lot of money, and I don't think that my babysitting change is going to cut it.


My brother heard about them on the news yesterday, and I can't remember exactly why.


Anyway, isn't that a little...weird?

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Well, you could do that.....or you could be a little more subtle and hire one of our lackeys to do it. No guarantee that nothing'll happen to you, though. :brow:


So will next Tuesday work for you? I have an appointment on Monday.

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I always thought that they should make a movie where the crazed super-criminal genius (read: James Bond-ian villian)actually finally suceeds in taking over the world... and all the problems that go with it.

Perhaps it could be the plot of the next Austin Powers movie.


The biggest downside, besides the one Nute already mentioned, is what does someone ambitious enough to want to rule the world and ruthless enough to actually manage to achieve that goal do once they have? There's really nowhere to go from there. Someone that driven always has to have somewhere else to go,.. some other goal to reach.


Someone capable of becoming the ruler of the world is destined to be miserable once they are.


Not to mention the almost continual assaination attempts...

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That's why I'm making you my heir. Because I will probably die before age 20. And I think you'd love the challenge. But I DO have a list of things I want you to do when I'm gone, starting with my deification and followed with the building of massive temples in my honor. :dozey:

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attemting to rule the world...is pointless. Why the hell would you want to rule everyone? then what? after you rule the world...what else is there? Your life will have no meaning. then you will kill yourself...because you have achived all you could in life and it will drive you to suicide.



although..if you could have anything and anyone in the world...that would be kinda cool...

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