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Slave 1 vehicle


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Slave 1 sounds to be a very hard vehicle to make, but it still would be cool to see done. Think of all the weapons you could possibly use. Lasers, Missles, and Sonic Blasts. Well anyway I hope you can get the models to work so you can add this to the list of your other great vehicles.

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Ok I found your problem. You only had 2 frames of animation for the landing animation. Probably a typo, is my guess. You had it set as


BOTH_WINGS_CLOSE    	11	10	-1	-20


I changed the animation.cfg to look like this


// Format:  targetFrame, frameCount, loopFrame, frameSpeed
BOTH_VS_IDLE        	1	1	-1	20
BOTH_WINGS_OPEN     	1	10	-1	10
BOTH_WINGS_CLOSE    	1	10	-1	-10
ROOT                	1	1	-1	20


notice I also changed the framespeed to be a bit slower, it seemed to rotate a bit fast to me, but i'll leave that up to you. It still doesn't finish the animation completely though for some reason, you made need to redo the animation in Max again, cause I couldn't figure it out. But the game doesn't crash anymore


Other suggestions:


I changed the height to 186 (cause the ship was sunk into the ground)


And you should mess around with the camera fields in the .veh file as it's hard to see around the ship when flying, maybe pull the camera back and maybe offset it a bit too.


Maybe increase the animation to at least 15 frames if not 20 and try to include the stabilizer fins in the animation, they should be down when landed and positioned how they are when flying.




It's not a bad model, I think you said you didn't make it right, so I don't feel too bad saying that "it'll do until I finish with my slave 1 model"

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