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CMI glitch: have two mirros in Blood Island


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There might be some spoilers ahead so anyone who hasn't completed the Blood Island chapter of CMI shouldn't read more...


On Blood Island, you have to lighten the Lighthouse using a mirror. To get the mirror, you're supposed to steal it from the Hotel. To steal it, the normal way is to take it and replace it with the face of the barman's ancestor.

However, I didn't find this on my first try. Since you can't exit "normally" the Hotel with the mirror in your inventory, I decided to grab the mirror and have the undertaker take me out... And it works ! When you drink the "death drink" you appear in the crypt with the mirror.

This way I could fix the Lighthouse. But then, when I discovered the trick with the mirror and the portrait, I put the picture and the dialogue when the bartender accuses you of stealing the mirror started.

So Guybrush argued that the mirror was still there (because of the portrait) and at the end of the dialogue, the game gave me a second mirror ! So there I was, with a Lighthouse fixed and working, and still a mirror in my inventory...


Of course, since it's a scumm scripted game, there's absolutely nothing you can do with the spare mirror, except use it again on the Lighthouse (yes, it works again...). But I just wanted to know if you guys knew this already or not.


Well, that's about it. Also do you know any other funny glitch of this kind in this or another scumm game ?

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If you're playing on Mega-Monkey mode when you're in the quicksand use the glue on Murray's arm. Then use Murray's arm with the upper left corner of the screen and Guybrush will walk up there. He still acts like he's in the quicksand, and once you try to pick up the reed he'll go back to where he was.

Also in some versions of the game you can get two gold teeth from blondebeard. If you offer him a second piece of gum AFTER you have floated the first one out the window, but BEFORE you have panned it out of the mud puddle, he will respond normally saying he doesn't want it until he finds his tooth but he'll take the gum anyway. Go outside, get the tooth from the mud puddle and then go back inside and he'll be blowing a bubble with a tooth inside.

Also, not very cool, but an error nonetheless, when you are in the Goodsoup crypt, next to the crack in the wall Guybrush will put on the Tofu mask if you try, but half of it will be in shadow, and half of it will be in the light, even though there is no light source.

Also on Blood Island, once you have completed almost everything go back to the cemetery and give the scissors to Old Blind Pew. Save your game first, because it will crash it.

When you are at the Carneval of the Damned on Monkey Island try picking up the "guess yer age 'n weight sign. Save your game first because there is no way to get it back to normal, although you can make Guybrush visible again if you use the hole. Once you move on to the rollercoaster everything returns to normal again.

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Originally posted by Lefty9fingers

As far as glitches go we have covered them all. Besides, Mrs. Brinestoops monkey webpage has a far more thorough list of in jokes and funny/cool stuff for CMI than the SCUMM bar or WoMI pages have combined.


Glancing through "The secrets, in-jokes and easter eggs of The Curse of Monkey Island" section of that site it has less than we have. Don't know how you can add it up to having more than us and WoMI together. :¬:

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