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Stuff to do


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As many of you know kamurith missions on dathomir have been basically removed. They made them hard to find and only in a large group.


I have found our new "kams." On dantooine Huurton Stalkers/Huntress give about 4.7k exp are 10k ham and 15% kin, energy, blast, ??. They are really easy and have spawn spots everywhere inlcuding missions for 7.5k creds. I will be on dantooine after I place my house till I master fencer and the def trees of pikeman and swordsman (and later mastering those too). The credits aren't great but awesome exp.


Maruader armor on Endor. This was never done and I wouldn't mind going out and grabing it.


RIS armor stuff for vega. We can ask around for places to get all the items he needs and go hunting for them.


Battlefield near Rorana. We could set up rebs vs imps in the PA (any neutrals would go to imp most likely) or just do something with it.


Parties. We should set up parties to promote our city and shops. Would be cool if we did it same time cantina opened.


Boxing/Fighting matches. Set up fights to promote city. We can give some items we craft away as prizes.


This is just a start. Anybody have more or want to improve on what I've got?



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We need to organize the city militia. I'll start a post where people can sign up, and we can decide on the leader later.


That's all I can think of for what we've got to do. I've got a lot of stuff I want to do, but that's not important.


Once we get our list down we need to stick to it. We should move down the line, doing one thing after another in order of importance until they're all done.

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I am excited about our pub opening, but should we do it this weekend? I just want to make sure our city is in good order and fully decked out before we invite people. Remember we are looking for new citizens.


Regardless of when we have it I will be there thoguh.......go -A-

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