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Really cool mods


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  • 8 months later...

SBX 3.1, in my honest opinion (IMHO) tries way too hard to imitate the movies as well as JO/JA and falls flat on it's face doing so


- When it takes 5-6 shield hits to kill someone in a regular saber or staff duel, that's way too long and just drags it all out. At least with regular JK sabers the killing and action was much more faster paced to say the least.


- Glowsabers. I'm probably one of the few who never did like glowsabers much, and ever since that was released, everyone and their dog copied it anyway. It's worse when rookies to the game don't even know how to turn off the lightsaber trails from those glowsabs and then cause a crapload of lag.


- Force Push. Abused all too often when you can send someone flying a good distance so that a person can't get back up that easily.


- The MSN Gaming Zone thing. You don't see many people playing SBX on the zone. A lot of people dont, especially those like me who have been playing 5 or more years now, the mod is often considered "for newbs" on the zone.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by xQuarkds9x

SBX 3.1, in my honest opinion (IMHO) tries way too hard to imitate the movies as well as JO/JA and falls flat on it's face doing so


- When it takes 5-6 shield hits to kill someone in a regular saber or staff duel, that's way too long and just drags it all out. At least with regular JK sabers the killing and action was much more faster paced to say the least.


- Glowsabers. I'm probably one of the few who never did like glowsabers much, and ever since that was released, everyone and their dog copied it anyway. It's worse when rookies to the game don't even know how to turn off the lightsaber trails from those glowsabs and then cause a crapload of lag.


- Force Push. Abused all too often when you can send someone flying a good distance so that a person can't get back up that easily.


- The MSN Gaming Zone thing. You don't see many people playing SBX on the zone. A lot of people dont, especially those like me who have been playing 5 or more years now, the mod is often considered "for newbs" on the zone.

Since I don't play JK online, I guess I won't make anyone angry about saying I love that mod. You actually have more than 2 lightsaber swings! :)


Even though it makes the Dark jedi NPC's easy to kill.... :(

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MotS CTF was cool. THere was even a "Coop" mod out there (actually several coop maps for JK).


There was even a "Qbert" style mod (jump on boxes to have them change color) and JK Pong!


PS: Here's the link to another section of Al's site that's updated more often (though this section is focused on the comics, not his skins):



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