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Holiday Special 2....


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It's that time of the year again! Following the success (or not!) of last years fesitive bonanza, it's time for:


Star Wars: The Cantina: Holiday Special 2....


*It all began one winter's day as Deac sat in the Cantina with Orthos*


Deac: Orthos? What are you doing alive?


Orthos: It's a special. The writers wanted me back. Plus I said I'd help the boss move if he gave me a part...


Deac: You must really want that part!

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*In walks RH Irvine.*


RH Irvine "So tell me. 'Deac'..." *Mentioning to the 'post writer'* "... Interesting how you put the setting in the Cantina on a winter day..."


*RH Irvine runs up and opens a set of certains to show the outside, snowing.*


RH Irvine "This is a desert planet!" *Begins to shake his fist at 'Deac'.*


*In walks a red haired man in japaneese robes.*


Man in robes "Lost his mind that he has... Talking to the ceiling, he is..."


((<3 Kenshin))

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*An earth shattering secret is revealed!*


Deac: Well...truth is...it isn't just some guy who happens to share the name of his lead character. I am the writer/director...


Orthos: What did I do? Why'd you write me out! Tell me!


Deac: I was sick that day. [Phew] And please, it always snows in Christmas specials. But it wouldn't be a christmas special without...


*Syrnl walks in*


Syrnl: Hello!


Deac: without....


*Enter Lokpihet and Reletha*


Both: Hi there!


Deac: It definatley wouldn't be a christmas special without...


*Beler Jil enters*


Beler: Yes! I got invited!


Deac: Oh for crying out loud! It says so in the script!


"Deac: It wouldn't be a christmas special without...


Enter Rwos, left stage!"

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*Sophae and Sellena walk in.*


Flax: Hay Deac, who writes the parts about my dead wife coming back to life? *To Sophae.* You're not supposed to come back till Ep 15!


Sophae: I need the money. Besides. *Holds Mistletoe over Flax' head.* I wanted to say you.


*They start kissing.*


*In walk Hal and Kal, along with Mirra*


*Hal sees his parents groping.*


Hal: Ah, no! That's just wrong!


*Mirra goes and sits down next to Orthos.*


Mirra: Hello Orthos, you look good.

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*Rwos stumbles in, out of breath*


Rwos: Sorry, am I late? It was a long way to walk from...wait, what am I doing here anyway? I'm supposed to be er...*looks round shiftily*...something...else...in my own universe. *Looks around at the snow* Oh! Of course...it's the Christmas Special. How could I forget?

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Orthos: Uh...thakns. I...have been going to the gym a lot.


Syrnl: Deac! It's been great! Dismembered Ewok have our "Best of" Album coming out in a week. Someone might be getting it in their stockings... *Motions to Lokpihet, Reletha and Orthos*


Reletha: Not again.... Now, what about the irrevlevant Christmas related plot?


*Lokpihet stands*


Lokpihet: As was revealed at the end of Cantina 10, I....HAVE A CELLPHONE!


*It rings. Everyone looks cross.*


What!? I don't know how to change the ringtone!

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*Lokpihet keeps punching his cellphone*


Lokpihet: Come on! Change!


Orthos: You're gonna break it...


Lokpihet: There! ...Uh oh


*The phone now beeps. A vortex has appeared in front of them*


Deac: Wow. It seems your inability to use your cellphone has opened upon a portal to who-knows-where.


Orthos: You're the writer. So you must know where. So tell us.


Deac: That's not really been decided. Votes?

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*Lokpihet hears the joke and laughs*


Lokpihet: Hiyo!


*Deac is not amused*


Deac: Only one way to find out...


*Deac enters the portal, and finds himself in the centre of a crowded street. The people are dressed for winter, except a few. All wear clothes that Deac is not familiar with. Fortunatley, he sees a few handy Rebel Pilots*


Deac: Excuse me, what planet am I on?


Pilot#1: Earth man! Outer Rim, Milky Way Galaxy!


Deac: I don't believe I've heard of it...


Pilot#2: My first time too. I'm from Vulcan *shows ears. Deac looks more confused*


Passer by: The convention centre's two blocks away- NERDS!


Deac: My gods. I've gone through a portal and arrived on the strangest and most backward planet imaginable...."Earth"!!!


*The terminator theme begins to play. Then the man in the television shop changes the channel so that the theme to "Doctor Who" can be heard, then finally the theme to "Teletubbies"*


Deac: Thank god this is only a christmas special...




Orthos: Shouldn't we go in after him?

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RH Irvine "I donno. but..."


*RH Irvine is interupted by two small humanoids dressed in semi-worn out clothes.*


*One of the small creatures pulls out a gold ring on a necklace, he proceeds by making a short chant of some strange and exotc sorts...*


Small humanoid "Ring goes on" *Dissappears* "Ring goes off" *Re-appears* "Ring goes on" *Dissappears* "Ring goes off" *Re-appears* "Yes Sam!" *talking to his companion* "We shall go fourth to Mordor!"


*His companion whom twas named 'Sam' holds a look on his face with embarresment.*


Sam "Alright, let's go."


*The two jump into the portal.*


RH Irvine *in a squeeky voice* "...precious..." *Coughs while shaking his head real quick.* "Sorry, where was I? Oh yes! the portal, Sure let's follow Deac..."

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??? "Tell me about it."


*Leaning up agenst a wall stood a very young man, roughly 17, with blonde hair. RH Irvine jumps through, and reconises.*


RH Irvine "Hey I know you! Aren't you a little old for this time frame, havok?"


Havok "Aw, can't I just introduce myself now? At least now my 'creator' desided to at least give me a name."


RH Irvine "Yeah, but you're only what 6 in this current time?"


Havok "No, actually, in this current time I'm less then a year old!"


RH Irvine "Oh right, right. Cloned. gotcha."


*Havok already 'ticked', turns away.*


RH Irvine *muttering* "I wonder if the brains behind creating malice knows that the brains behind creating him would start having him call his 'mother'..." 'Hmmm, makes a plot. I think.'

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Deac: Rwos? You know this place? Can we get back?


*A random guy walks past and looks at Deac, then at a skecthbook he is holding*


Guy: What? Cool! The royalties will be here any moment *Dances off*


Deac: Hmmm. This planet must have a monarchy or something....

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Rwos: Normally I'd say yes, but since this is the holiday special I'm not so sure.


*Watches the man dance by* This planet's got hundreds of divided countries. Judging by the level of civilization here, and the fact that they still have a monarchy, I'd say we're in England or one of its sister countries.

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Deac: Is that an important planet or something?


[Note: Players of Freelancer will notice it's the largest sector!]


*Deac then notices a familiar figure in a shop window*




Lokpihet: Hey Reletha, we need to do something evil.


Reletha: I suppose.


Lokpihet: Want to kidnap the most important person to an Earth Christmas?



Reletha: You mean.... Jesus! No wait...we can't kidnap deities.


Lokpihet: No...


Reletha: Dick Clarke? Then they would never know what year it was!


Lokpihet: I mean Father Christmas!


Reletha: You mean Santa?


Lokpihet: Just because Star Wars was American doesn't mean we should stop being English! Yes! Let's go to the north pole, kidnap him and then hold him ransom for the earth. That sounds like a fiendish enough, yet Christmassy enough silly plot!

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