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Bored already!?!?!?


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I love rp games, I love Star Wars, but I'm not enjoying SWG - and I've only been playing 3 days!!!


I find places are either deserted, or players ignore me when I ask for help (even the helpers!!). The Holocron says the cantina is a great place to joing groups etc - but they are always deserted.


I've done a couple of missions, got my pistols 1, but it's a bit dull. I know things will improve when I get more skills/exp, but I'm finding it a bit of a drag (which is unusual for me).


Are there any good community sites, or even clans that would accept me?


I'm looking for a bit more of a community feel - buddies etc.




Appro (Lonely boy...lol).:(

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Well if you ask me there were more people around before this patch. it appears that sony has run off most of the people who still had hope for this game. The past two days I have played a total of maybe 30 minutes. I log in and see that there are 3 times as many broken/duplicate vehicles around cities as there are players. I had bad fps before this patch but now it is almost impossible for me to do anything when near a city because of all the vehicles around. I just can't get into it anymore. I think I will be canceling my membership until they get all this worked out. I just hope they fix all the problems before all my character data is wiped out because I would hate to start all over. Good luck to you.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Player Cities has killed the game off. There isnt really enough people around the 'static' cities now.


I quit because its rubbish.



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I agree, i have been playing for 4 weeks,

it was good at the start, i have advanced many skills and have become CH, but its suddenly dawned on me, i get all these skills and what do they really get me?, in the end, credits!!.


Thats all, and what can i do with credits?, buy some clothes, armor, and some other items, big wow!, so thats the point of the game!.


There is no real playable content, and unless your some geek who spends his life in game, your NOT becoming a Jedi.


The vehicle bug is hilarious, the devs knew about it, it was happening in the Test center, yet they still released the bloody patch. Im not playing till its sorted out, Why?, because i cant FPS is so bad.


How do i cancel my account?.

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Well, I'll have to say the same thing. I played SWG since the start and I got Master Commando, then currently Master Creature Handler. I have only been on for a few minutes here and there because there is no one around my PA anymore and the kettemoor sever seems empty also. I am so sad because all the players that I knew seemed to have left as well. I just think im going to have to cancel my account also.


I currently started up EverQuest and am enjoying that. Lots of players around and for the most part they are very friendly and willing to help. I also have really been enjoying it becuase I know a few people on the Povar Server in real life.


I to might come back to SWG someday. I have until January 17 untill my account runs out. I really don't want to cancel my account, but I am bored and feel like I don't know anyone now on my server. I am part of the ELITE PA and we seem to have benn shrinking and dropping players from the game. It's a sad day. I will miss my 2 Grual Mualers the most.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Its a big big shame that Galaxies has gone/going down that long slippery lane. Like everyone, wanted the game to be great etc and here I am 6 months in and I cant stand it.


The Vehicle bug is amazing and like everything, the lazy programming with the Dev team allowed the patch to be added to the game. Its a sort of 'screw you lot because you will still pay your money and still play the game because its Star Wars' attitude.


Well sorry Sony - not this time. Im glad I have opened my eyes like the 45,000 people who have left already.



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I've been playing this game somewhat heavily almost since the start (a week or 2 after launch) and I still haven't seen everything in this game. I've been working on getting my Carbineer profession as max as I can, but I still only have 0-2-0-1. I'm almost at 0-3-0-2 though. :)


I'm still not bored with SWG, I've been too busy living in it rather than exploring it and try to do everything.

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Originally posted by Sorce

What town are you in?


If you're in one of the deserted starting towns, it would be better for you to go to one of the capital cities, eg. Theed, Bestine or Coronet.


negative. The capital cities are now filled with so many broken/duplicate vehicles that you can't do anything when around them. It comes down to this, if it wasn't for us paying then the people who work on this game would not get paid. We have the power here. People keep complaining about things but the people who are in charge seem to think they know what needs to be done to the game when what they should be doing is making the game how we want it. Why???? because we are the ones paying for it. The only way for us to get what we want is for everyone to cancel their membership. 1 of 2 things will happen. they will start listening to us or they will close the servers and quit. either way it's best if everyone cancels their membership now. For those that don't you are working towards NOTHING. If you think that this is going to get better you need to go to the doctor. All I have heard is lies. The "monthly"story sux! It's not even monthly. The last 2 patches have been terrible. I think I go back to playing counter strike. I know it's full of uber-733t kiddies who like to cheat but at least I don't have to worry about logging on one day to find they nerfed my favorite gun and I move 1 step every 5 seconds!

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I'm not bored yet either, but there's a chance I will be when I've toured the galaxy.


Meanwhile, I know a lot of people have decided not to buy this game in the first place, until the space expansion comes out.


Perhaps they released it before it was ready because they used up all the money allocated to its production, and the only way to keep working on it would be for people to start paying and playing. If that's the case, and enough people stop playing, there's a possibility there will never be a space expansion, and the whole thing is frelled.


Which is a shame, because then the boards we complain about the game on would become pointless.


Incidentally, the best way to avoid the lagness maximus caused by the vehicle bug is to NOT LEAVE THEM ALL PARKED NEXT TO THE FRELLING STARPORT. It's the developers' fault that the bug exists, but it's the players' fault for leaving them all in the same place.


My hat's off to those of you who are quitting. Me, I've started doing BH missions because the marks are hardly ever in town, and I get to see more of whichever planet they're on.

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Guest DarthMaulUK



The game was released way too early. Why? To make money...and they have. Ive posted the sums before. Around 300,000 users at one stage paying an average $11 a month (I think i worked it out on that) = $3.3 million a month!


That is ALOT of money and when you consider what you have got for that...nothing. Mounts and vehicles should have been in the game from day one, without bugs and they should have had at least some idea of content...come on, this is Star Wars..theres plenty going on...so why havent we seen it?!


Galaxies is the worst game I have ever played and I gave it 6 months and I was laughed at by my fellow workers and we are all being laughed at by Sony.


The only thing decent about the game are the graphics..fantastic but thats not worth $3.3 million alone. Until they get proper actual gamers in making the content, not some cheap fresh out of college loser who probably hasnt even heard of Star Wars the game will always remain crap.



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I think all you whiners should leave the boards because then...I will rule them all! MUHAHAHAHAHAHH!!!! on a more serious note I think the devs are working hard so that yall can play a game all day and not do any work at all. Do you know how many people dont have computers? Or how many have dirt for a floor and many have cardboard boxes for a house? Or how many people dont even have a house at all? Consider yourselves blessed to be able to play this game and all you can do is complain about it and talk about how crappy it is. According to figures provided by the US Department of Health and Human Services, up to 600,000 men, women, and children go homeless each night in the U.S. And thats just in the U.S. just one country, what about all the others...

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Yes, never complain about anything because somewhere someone is always worse off than you, in fact with all of your waking life you should be thanking your lucky stars that you haven't been hit by a truck or that a meteor hasn't crashed into you, or that you don't have a life threatening disease or that you have a home and food.

Lets all use this Star Wars Galaxies forum to thank the lord for the sweet air we breath.

<I'm sensing a Hammering for this>


Back to topic. Appro- What server are you on? I'm kicking off my new account this weekend and could probably do with some company.

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This is my first post on the boards since I purchased SWG and it will probably be my last until it turns into something worth playing. To be honest I have never been so bored in a MMORPG. Nobody ever talks when I ask questions and even the cities are on the whole pretty much deserted, other than vehicles littering the streets. There is only one multiplayer game for me and that is Anarchy Online.

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Considering the fact most games are in continuous development, I expected the bugs and hassles up front. I came from a couple years in DAOC and there were still bugs in that game but not the newb kinda bugs.



I find SWG with more depth than most games I've seen. The ability to migrate from profession to profession is probably the nicest thing....if ya dont like one thing, try something new until you do.


On the point of groups...like was said already...go to more populated cities such as Coronet or Theed....you might also try shuttling into various player cities and hanging around getting to know the people living there.


I am co-Guild Leader for Praetorian Galactic Corp on Scylla server and we've lost a few people to the bordom routine...what usually happens is they dont ask for help or they dont get involved with hunts and groups....we have people hunting and grouping all the time....now we're heading more into a PvP side of the game which is really cool. We've Allied with another guild and build an awesome city with them which includes a Rebel base and all the toys. What is heading into the game is base raids which will develop the PvP a bit more. I related this to DAOC with Keep raids....it's very similar since a defended base also has guards and players....an undefended base just has the guards and is easier to destroy.


If you look around, and be vigil in asking questions and be nice to folks, you will find groups out there....once you do, you can pretty much have your pick of places to call home.


Give it time...it's a game which will give you back only what you put into it.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

The only difference between Galaxies in beta and Galaxies now is the $14 a month fee. The game is STILL beta and when you get bugs where you can exit the gaming world shows the lazyness of SOEs programmers.



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They are probably lazy for a few reasons.


(1) They think all the hipe about the game is enough to get players.


(2) It's star wars RPG No matter how screwed up it is people will pay to play. So why should they worry?


(3) If the game goes bust they will have already made their money back.


I think it's kind of sad that the game is still full retail price 6 or 7 months after release when you can fined other RPGs that were released around the same time or after considerably marked down. There is something to that?:o

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I'm not bored with this game... yet. Maybe it is because I don't have all the bugs ppl are talking about here.


I don't like that they don't have almost any interior at all. And when there is any, like in cave, there is nothing interesting in it. I went in to a Drall Cave and the only thing I found was Dralls and some junk. But nothing to explore or a mission to find or something.


I played AC2 and I left the game because there was a huge lack of interesting and funny missions. But atleast there was a few and there were interiors too. In SWG there seems to be none.


The Vehicle clone bug thing... I don't have it anymore on my server I can tell you. We had it the first and second day, but now there isn't any.


One thing that I don't like, and I didn't have it before, is that the client crash once in a while. I don't get any error msg or anything. But sometimes, not often but, sometimes it just crashes. If I am lucky I can use ctrl+alt+delete and have a normal restart. But most of the time I have to hit the reset-button.


The Monthly Events, btw, Where do they start and where can I find those? Or where I can read about it?


If they will not improve the game with some real interesting contents and missions. If they had missions as they are in fps games and have real nice rewards for you to complete it it would be real cool and probebly attract more ppl.

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