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Male Twi'Lek Player

Captain LeChuck

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it's pronounced both ways you would think to pronounce it phonetically in the game. so who knows. and this would be possible as you already have twi'lek player models. you'd just have to find someone who knows how to switch player models with NPC models in this game. wouldn't think it'd be that big of a deal though, you already have one in your party, use her. :)

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Is it just me or are blue twi'leks so much hotter? :p


Anyway, I know it was possible to polymorph your character to change model in NWN but now it seems they have removed the EffectPolymorph function in nwscript unfortunately..maybe there's another way.


and I think twi'lek is pronounced something like "tweee-leck" or "twii lek" as NPCs in the game often tend to say either one..it is strange though :)

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yeah i agree. it's just a matter of something like swapping player models the way you would in a game like JA. going to the console and telling ht game to swap the current player model with another. but we don't know how to do that with this game.


and yes i thought blue was amuch better color. yellow was good too. but i also think mission looked alot better ingame than her concep art made her look.

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Certain armor and clothing, like the Sith Trooper armor and Sand People Clothes completely change the player model. Purhaps if we could find the scripts for these items and alter them or create new ones? Do you guys think this would work, and where in the mess of files are the scripts for these two items?

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i don't think they really do COMPLETELY change the playermodel. no more so than every armor class changing the player model. the sand people clothing looks very similar to the star forge robes model wise, and thus i am imagining also are similar to revan's robes. the sith armor does change it alot more than the other, but even it has things that look similar to it, like the mandalorian armor. i think both those work on the same model. the only constant as a player is the head really.

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i don't think you can say for sure that it's pronounced only twee'lek, considering that the game itself pronounces it at least two different ways. i know i have heard the race referred to as twee'lek, and also as twy'lek. if the game is using two different pronounciations and it's coming from lucasarts, how can you be so sure which one is the correct one?

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bastila and jolee looked pretty cool. but i hated juhani. i don't think there's ever been a character that annoyed me more appearance wise than she does. what is up with that hair for crying out loud? she would have looked better without that d@mn sprig of whatever sticking out of her head.

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