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Little black line?

Mon Cal

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wats the deal with people crossing out the jedi's name when they post screens of him....its pointless..i mean, if he wanted to keep himself secret he wouldnt post screens and crap. its just really annoying.


ps. most the jedi ive met are ass holes, they think they're a god or something. quite frankly until jedi knight, when you get force area knock down...your a sucky little padawan who cant kill worth beans in PvP.


ps.s. I hate jedi

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I think a lot do it to keep their ingame name hidden from Bounty Hunters - either that or they might be selling their account on Ebay as I have seen a few on there for alot of money



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Man... do people really buy that? I mean, how important can it be to be a Jedi?!?! They look at it as if they buy it they will become Jedi as if they would have become it in the real world. I mean jeeze! Can it be so important. Ok it would be fun to become a Jedi but in the end what you really are is a high amount of advanced polygons being able to spray particles around. I mean it would be fun to be a Jedi with that amount you are suppose to spend the money on. But really do it for MORE money. Tsss... some people just have to get a life...

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I saw a bid for $1500 on ebay - so some must. But then its like the early days of the game when people needed money. On ebay you could buy 1 million credits for like $100+ but now it gets around $10-15


Its sad but its a quick way to make a buck. This was one of the reasons why I felt the path to become a jedi had no thought at all from the Dev team.


If anything, people should have been proud to be able to unlock their force slots but instead, money ( Holocrons selling for 5million credits) doesnt really do much to help you to the path of being a jedi.



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Originally posted by Mon Cal

most the jedi ive met are ass holes, they think they're a god or something.


I think this points out a fatal flaw in the method of attaining the force sensitive slot. In an attempt not to annoy anyone too much, let's put it this way: there are sensible SWG players, and silly SWG players. The sensible ones are the ones who should be jedi, because they'd treat it properly. Unfortunately they're too sensible to go through all that...hologrinding, or whatever it's called. This means only the silly people, who ARE silly enough to hologrind, get to become Jedi. :D


At this point I would like to mention that the only reason I'm doing what the holocron told me is because I'm curious to see what my other holocron will say afterwards. :rolleyes:

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lol ive just been sittin back and reading. i sell holo's. i use holo's yet i hate the ass hole jedi. i mean hiding your name from BH's dosnt matter, they have to get the mission off BH terminals. any way i never buy holo's i can make about 2 mil a week selling them. being teras kasi master helps too, hehe the power of unarmed rocks. im surprised at the amount of people still buying them when they are so easy to obtain

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