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Space Battles?


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i'm almost positive that x-wings and ties are going to be able to be flyable. according to the gamespy interview the x-wings and ties are available as "flyers". they also say that they try to balance "infantry, with vehicles, with flyers". also according to lucasarts's website, you can "use a variety of weapons and vehicles, including X-wings, snowspeeders and AT-ST’s." i'm really looking forward to being able to fly x-wings and ties and it seems the developers really are trying to balance everything. reading the gamespy interview it seems that balance is one of their main focuses. also some maps may make x-wings and ties useless with the tree cover. so bring em on.

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Originally posted by The_One

I think each side should have one flyable low altitude craft. But this should not be an X Wing or Tie Fighter. I think the closest they should get to those ships, would be for calling in air strikes or something. I believe this was mentioned in an interview.


I like the idea of a load of Tie Bombers bombing the trees on Yavin IV :D

Could be like with Return to Castle Wolfenstein MP where you could call in an airstrike as commander with pointing a spot with your goggles.


I think that would be cool but I also hope they keep the number of those air strike limited as it would decrease the funfactor when you always get killed by those airstrikes without even have seen the enemy

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Originally posted by Pad

Could be like with Return to Castle Wolfenstein MP where you could call in an airstrike as commander with pointing a spot with your goggles.


I think that would be cool but I also hope they keep the number of those air strike limited as it would decrease the funfactor when you always get killed by those airstrikes without even have seen the enemy


Yeh, that would be fun if they could keep it under control. :)

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Anyone who knows a bit about balance knows that RtCW air strikes were a nightmare. There was too much base camping with air strikes.


And now for all of you who can't stand having a simple X-Wing making a strafing, know that aircrafts have been balanced in BF1942 and are NOT flying at full speed when strafing(try strafing at 500 km/h).

The same applies here. I don't think any X-Wing or Tie fighter would try to fly at full speed making a strafing run(or its a kamikaze attack).


As for all of you who complaint about aces beating the living hell out of you when playing BF1942, that's nobody's fault if you can't fight...

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Originally posted by The_One

The GameSpy interview - a link to which is provided in another thread...


......stated that there would be no space combat.


......The focus for the game is ground combat


I'm falling asleep already. Ah well I guess it will make the 1942 crowd happy....you guys who are also SW fans Im sure have been hanging for a good romp in the ole SW universe, replete with the orange xwing flight suit......



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

I'm falling asleep already. Ah well I guess it will make the 1942 crowd happy....you guys who are also SW fans Im sure have been hanging for a good romp in the ole SW universe, replete with the orange xwing flight suit......




Dude, this game is about ground combat - if you were expecting otherwise, then you are mistaken, and are best going off to another forum.


If I want Star Wars space combat I get X Wing Alliance out ;)

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I just picked up the latest PC Gamer UK, and it has confirmed that X-Wings will be useable on more than one map (in the style of the BF1942 Spitfire).


Here's what they had to say:

"In any online shooter, the chance to rise above the melee. whether its in a WWII Spitfire in Battlefield 1942 or one of Halo's banshees, is a profoundly liberating experience...


There was also an extract from an interview:

"We're looking at each map and choosing which vehicles make most sense. Obviously, the X-Wing will be available on more than one map


Then later on:


Whereas Tatoinne is mostly desert , and its dominated by X-Wings and Tie-Fighters."


So what do you think of that?

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[in denile] There will be no useable aircraft :D


For real, I still hope its going to be balanced so its still fun to play as infantery. If a map is dominated with aircraft I don think it would be that much playing as a little soldier. The less aircraft the better says I.

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Originally posted by Pad

[in denile] There will be no useable aircraft :D


For real, I still hope its going to be balanced so its still fun to play as infantery. If a map is dominated with aircraft I don think it would be that much playing as a little soldier. The less aircraft the better says I.

Says you what ever you want, aircraft are a very importent part of Star Wars :naboo::tie::x-wing:
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Originally posted by TPM_Montross

um, yea, if nebody says they dont want aircraft they clearly havent speant much time on bf1942, and also lucasarts is kinda modeling battlefront after battlefield, so i think air will play a large role as it does in bf

But in battlefield the planes are supposed to be close to the ground.

In star wars the spaceships are meant for space combat :rolleyes:

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x-wing near the ground doesn't seem so bad. the first rogue squadron had many levels with x-wings and ties near the ground and it never felt out of place. also except for bombs which probably have limited ammo, the lasers of the space fighters won't be effective against infantry if they don't have splash damage.

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Well, what someone won't make, someone will mod. But really, only secondary starfighter weapons should have splash. All ships should be flyable. People on the ground will get concussion missles probably. Republic Gunships will kick. I will be happy.


Don't be scared of low flying X-Wings. Few will have the skill to stop one from hitting the ground while strafing. Laugh as they crash.

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Um, what Obi-wan vs. Jango fett battle with starfighters? If ya mean where boba turns the ship and fires that lasers, well, yeah, but...well, the ship is stationary. Fighters in Battlefront probably won't be like that.


Oh, and, the ships have repulsorlifts, so, speeders will be hard to crash into the ground.

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