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kotor final?


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Originally posted by AIVAS

Kotor flight school final version has been released, but I am amazed to see that no one is useing it, there are a few servers with the beta, on ASE but none using the full version. doesn't anyone else like it?


yep it's starnge i even see more beta servers then befor.

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Originally posted by Sam Fisher

Doh.. they have included 4 different maps in there! One with just space, one with asteroids, one advanced, and there's onother one, can't remember though :o


1. asteroids, for the creator who really liked tem, and a few of his

friends, a GREAT way to pass the time until the real asteroids map


2. Nada (that's the name) Is my personal favorite, it has jetpacks, a tower, autofiring turrets, and i have to say it's the best map currently released.


3. Advanced this is like the original kotor_flight_school, only the final version, polished up to look great, and a good number of easter eggs :cool:


4. basic this is advanced, only without the easter eggs and toned down just slightly, and GREATLY reduces lag for when you have a bad connection, or live somewhere where no one but you plays jka, and it's a few thousand miles to the closest server. /[rant] (I live in hawaii, so let me tell you, visit, vacation, but DO NOT live here) [/mega-rant]

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