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Tim's Double Fine Productions


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Don't you all think he has the power to make another GF if he wanted to? All he has to do is let Lucasarts publish it or whatever. He could make another..but he hasn't. I might be wrong with some of the statements I'm making here...but don't you people think he has the power to make another?:confused:

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It's more complicated than that. Whether he wants to or not (and I doubt he does) is not the deciding factor in the making of Grim Fandango 2. LucasArts still owns the rights to the game naturally (since they, you know, sell it still), and since Grim Fandango wasn't much of a financial success (in fact, it was a sales flop) I doubt a sequel will be seriously put forward as an option by LucasArts. And I, for one, am thankful for that. Ask me why!

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Well, gather 'round, chilluns. I used to be in the pro-sequel camp, but I've since changed my mind. I think I would still play a sequel to Grim Fandango, but just thinking about the difficulty in trying to pull together some sort of seamless continuation of the storyline makes me very doubtful.


In addition, were this to be an in-house game (i.e. not outsourced to another company), virtually no one is left from the original Grim team, and as some of us saw with Full Throttle 2, the new guys just really struggle in trying to match up with what the original developers intended. I'm not saying they weren't talented, it's just that it would be hard for them to grasp the overall mood and feel of the original. They might place undue emphasis on one thing while neglecting some other element that fans might consider critical (and would then whine about to no end :)). Sam and Max 2 is probably a safe bet to be good though, because it is in the hands of many of the original creators, whereas Full Throttle 2 was being made by people we'd never heard of.


A perfect Grim Fandango 2 would have to be outsourced to Double Fine, in my mind, to have a chance at being good. But it's not like LucasArts can force Schafer and his boys and girls to make a sequel if they don't want to, assuming of course that LucasArts would ever want to make a sequel of Grim. And now we're back to what I said earlier. It would just be too complicated and probably not worth it financially or cricically to pull off a Grim Fandango 2. There's probably a 90% chance it would disappoint fans and critics, and would probably suffer the same fate as the first game financially (too hard to market, I guess).

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Originally posted by Metallus

In addition, were this to be an in-house game (i.e. not outsourced to another company), virtually no one is left from the original Grim team, and as some of us saw with Full Throttle 2, the new guys just really struggle in trying to match up with what the original developers intended. I'm not saying they weren't talented, it's just that it would be hard for them to grasp the overall mood and feel of the original.

Yeah, I think that the most difficult thing would be re capturing the mood of the game, thats the one thing that hit me when playing the game, you really get pulled into the world and thats a rare thing.
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  • 2 weeks later...

tim is da man; but i doubt that he would make a sequel 2 a game merely bcause of popular demand, i dont think he really cares what the fans think as long as his production = cash (wise man). and outside that hes an artist in his own way, as he works from inspiration (not from what the fans want)....

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For a main character I could accept a new character and a new cast as long as some characters were the same. I would like to see Toto and Membrillo again.


And there was this topic "Grim Fandango dreams" or something like that where I talked about my dream. In the dream I was Manny in GF2 and the events actually made sense... So I can imagine a new Manny adventure too.

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Depends on who the new character is. I have a thing against heroes, so I am always on villains' side. Manny was a great hero, (they didn't even try to make him the perfect knight with a white horse) so I liked him.


The new character would have to have some bad traits too.


But, if I could make the decision the hero would be Manny.

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