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Cantina 6: PTH Part IV, Dark Surprises

Admiral Odin

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Svafa: All of that doesn't matter if we decide he won't be coming along. *turning to Guy* Guy, sorry to tell you but what you said either right or wrong doesn't matter as well. If we fail in curing or eliminating them this world will be destroyed regarless of what impact it will have on the quest. We have three options available to us. Cure them, kill them or we all die it is just that simple.


So I suggest we stop standing around talking and resume hunting the trio. At least that is what I'm going to do, the rest of you can either help me or do what ever. You have a minute to decide.

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RH Irvine "I'm continueing on."


WH Irvine "Definately! Hell if I'm envolved, might as well."


RH Irvine "By the way, if not noticed our armour has been removed by a spell that Heimdall embuned on our armour. I already know what you'll say for the reason behind it, like: 'Why would we give free armour then for you to keep it if you betray us...' Quite ingenious that you can manipulate objects like that." *smiles* "I might have to study up on magic on my free time."

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Raschel: This is...Ugh, never mind. I'll do whatever you all decide. What other choice is there?


Guy: It seems the 'trio' don't intend to kill us at this point. This gives us a slight advantage for the time being. But who knows how long that will last?


*Guy taps buttons on a device on his arm* I'm summoning my ship. I'm keying it to my current bio-magical signature, so it can't be controlled by anyone but me. In the event that I become infected as our three deserted members are, my signature will change and the ship will revert to autopilot, and none of us will be able to control it. We can use my ship to find the trio as it can track them much better than my portable equipment can.






*Aidan dispatches the remaining droids with lightning*


Marin: <From our dimension? How interesting.>


Aidan: Interesting, maybe. Where is Heimdall? I hear a riot not so far off.

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"Admiral Odin: hello

Redwing - Aether Veneficus: Hey

Redwing - Aether Veneficus: Ugh. The online messenger I'm using to connect to MSN is horrid - it only displays a person as online if you already talking to them, it seems

Redwing - Aether Veneficus: *you are

Redwing - Aether Veneficus: Uh, still around?

Redwing - Aether Veneficus: if you're actually getting my messages, just replied to PtH.

Admiral Odin: are you there?"


Ugh. I hate Lycos.


Will post again with actual reply.))

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Guy: Unfortunately, Idun does not have the appropriate equipment or knowledge to judge that. I do. I am the only one here who does, unless you aren't telling everything. Also, if I became infected and intended to escape she has no way of preventing me from doing so. I would simply summon my ship here through warp space or open a portal into it on the Asgardried, speak a word, and be gone into warp space before she could do anything. Now I need my ship. If as you said, Idun has some way of determining whether any of us are infected, I suggest that you ask her to use it now.


Misae: You know what? I think you are trying to trick us, Guy. I have felt nothing from your mind whatsoever the entire time you have been here. Maybe you've been "infected" as you call it, all along, and you're only now passing it along to us? Marin didn't really try to harm you when you tried to shoot Aidan, for one thing. She only knocked you over and flew off. Heimdall on the other hand beat his own sister to near-unconsciousness. For the second time, I might add!

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Svafa: First, you have no idea what knowledge we have. Second you are now attempting to escape, which means you are infected and this world will now be destroyed and the quest ends in failure. If you want to avoid that you return or shut down your ship to the Asgardreid.


*To punctuate Svafa statement, a sonic boom erupts as a torpedo enters the atmosphere. It looks like a shining star streaking across the sky.


Svafa comlink beeps, she turns the volume up*


Idun: You have 10 minutes to stop what your doing, or the world will be destroyed. Sorry.


Svafa: The decision is yours Guy. Kill us all, or trust that Idun can tell if we cure them. Of course you could always leave like a coward and let the rest of us die.

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Guy: Idun, I cannot deactivate my ship. It is a living organism. Idun if you follow through attempting to destroy this planet, I will be forced to summon my ship here, use its shielding to protect us, and leave this planet. Svafa can stay behind if she wants. I will try to reach and capture the trio, or at least the key before you destroy the planet, an effort that will most likely fail. Rescind your threat, and I'll leave my ship where it is. You'll have to take me on my word that I will not leave otherwise, that my ship will not obey me if I become infected, and that I am not already infected. Please decide now, as I will need the remaining nine minutes.

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Idun: You can cancel your summons, and the threat will remain. If you do leave your ship in the hold the deadline will increase to ten days. At the end of those ten days you will have to prove that they are either dead, or cured. That deadline can be extend further, at a latter date. By the way, I'll vaporize Heimdall before I allow you to reach him.




somewhere in the plains


*Heimdall is walking alone looking around, sounds of blaster fire come from behind him. He sits on the ground to plot out his next move*

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Guy: Very well. Let's move, then.


*He starts off, scanner out again*




*Marin and Aidan fly towards Heimdall and land.*


Marin: <We have other visitors, Heimdall. From our dimension. If Aidan is right, this may be our chance to get the transportation we need.>


Aidan: And the firepower...

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Idun: Svafa, I'm picking up some strange readings from the planet, reading the ship says are identical to the sword Heimdall was carrying. You may want to check that out, it is in a field east of you *in the background Gerd askes Idun who she was talking to*


Svafa: Thank you.


*Svafa lowers the volume of her comlink, and waits for the other's decision*





Heimdall: We have another problem, that sonic boom that happened a little while ago was the Asgardreid preparing to destroy this world. We may not have that much time.

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Guy: I already have, Matt... Don't worry. I promise you no harm will come to you or your people, if I can help it.




Aidan: What? I should have guessed...well, we'll just have to go to the source and stop it. We'll turn Idun, or kill her. Marin, your portal?


Marin: <No, Aidan, I, uh, don't think that's the best plan. We need to get to Guy. If we turn him, he will help us. If we find the intruders first...we shouldn't try to turn them, as they may not want to help us. We will have to fight them for what we need. In any case, let me change to a more appropriate form...>


*She demorphs from the giant bird and begins morphing again*

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Guy: We need to fight them separately, strike quickly. Divide and conquer. Marin can change her shape at will. She needs to be the first priority, since she is best equipped to disappear. I can deal with her. Hal and Misae, as Jedi you're best suited to deal with Aidan. As for Heimdall... *He looks at Svafa*

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WH Irvine *At Matt* "Of course not, it is your town."


RH Irvine "Then I'll ackompany you Svafa, if he so wants to badly, I doubt being somewhere's else would be in the best interests. Orthos, I ask if you can come with, although its your choice."


WH Irvine "I'll go with Guy, and I'll take Matt with too. Maybe Elella and can come too?"

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