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Cantina 6: PTH Part IV, Dark Surprises

Admiral Odin

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Svafa: I'm injured, giving Heimdall the advantage. In open combat I do not think I can win. There is a spell however, that we valkyries know that freezes a target allowing for capture. In my current condition I will need to fully concentrate on the spell to caste it. Irvine will need to be bound. The rest of you stay out of site and be ready to interced in case the spell doesn't work and He is about to kill Irvine.


Heimdall will know that this is a trap, and in his current state I believe that will make in unresistable. To him it will be a challenge to outwit us kill Irvine and escape the trap. Something he will find extermly fun.

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WH Irvine "Which one again?"


Irvy "She was talkign about me. How ever, how are we to make him believe that I've been captured. Just binding me and stating that you've turned me in for his mercy, that'd make it look like we weren't trying."

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Svafa: We don't need a story, unless they are causing trouble the trio have stayed outside the town, and any story we would come up with they would not hear. Instead we just tie you up on a hill and throw some lights on you.


*Turning to Orthos* There is plenty of risk, Heimdall could make a ranged attack and never enter the trap and still kill him, or it could be on of the children. There is risk in everything we do.

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*At this point Hal arrives with Guy over his shoulders.*


Hal: I found him in the woods, it looked like Marin had caught him. He's still unconcious.


*Hal drops Guy and starts to peel the netting off, then he sees Guy wasn't whearing his belt kit.*


Hal: Oh great. Fine so you can curse me for that too. At least he still had his scanner. *Holds it up.*

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((OOS: I assume Hal is using his lightsaber on the webbing... ;)))


*Misae arrives back at the group*


Misae: I lost them. Thanks for the help, guys.


*She takes in the scene*


Misae: So, Guy's plan is indeed a complete failure. What happened to Raschel?


Guy: *opening his eyes* She...she fell. Outskirts of the forest...


*He sits up*


Guy: How long was I unconscious? What's happened?

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Svafa to Irvine: You might be able to escape, you might not. You may not even see the killing blow. Don't get overconfident.


*Looking at Hal*


Oh great, the coward child has returned. *not waiting for a response she turns to Guy* And you left Raschel there? That very well could be a death sentence.

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Guy: I couldn't...


*He looks around, noticing his equipment is gone*


Guy: This is not good. At least she didn't get the scanner...small favors... *picking up the scanner* I'll find her.


Misae: Who, Marin or Raschel?


Guy: Raschel. I know where she is, hopefully Marin doesn't. *He heads off in the direction where the group had separated in the first place*

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*Misae, Irvine and Gortick reach the woods. Guy is long gone. Misae looks around suspiciously*


Misae: I don't like this.


*She nudges a tree root with her foot, then jerks it back with great speed. The tree collapses and the ground caves in. Misae jumps back, avoiding falling by a hair's breadth. She stares into the newly made pit*


Misae: Traps. I bet there's more. One for each spare minute we've wasted while...the others roamed around free...

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*Hal goes to work, cutting down a tree and stripping it. He then uses his sabre to cut a pit about a metre into the earth. Using the force Hal drops the first three feet of the tree into the pit, leaving about nine foot above ground. He then packs the displaced earth around the stripped trunk.*

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*A loud noise echoes through the forest, followed by flocks of birds scattering upwards out of the trees*


Misae: *immediately, to Gortick and WH Irvine* Wait here. I'll be back in a moment.


*She disappears. Eerie silence descends over everything*

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