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Cantina 6: PTH Part IV, Dark Surprises

Admiral Odin

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((I kinda doubt that Guy would out run those three, esp when WH Irvine and Gorlick didn't leave not too far after Guy did))



*WH Irvine stands with his saber ready.*


WH Irvine *softly* "Make sure that we're absolutely quiet, wiat and listen to anything that might make a sound..."

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((silly me, I forgot that I'd said that. ^^;;))




*After a few minutes of impenetrable silence cut only by strange intermitten noises, rustling sounds and Guy emerges from the trees carrying Raschel, who is only half conscious and murmuring*


Guy: She's not badly hurt, but she took a mild blow to the head. You two shouldn't have come, you're too vulnerable. We need to return to---


*Misae emerges*


Misae: So there you are. And you found her...good. At least you've fixed some of your mistakes...


Guy: I couldn't have anticipated the way events turned out.


Misae: Whatever you say. We should get moving. I don't like the feeling of this place, and it's half full of traps.


*Guy starts back in the direction of the others, and Misae follows, looking over her shoulder*

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Guy: I know how the three were changed. Marin was carrying some of the cave crystals, of an unusual color. Apparently their touch transfers a magic affect that alters the mind...


*Raschel looks woozily around, then spots Svafa coming towards her. Her eyes widen with fright. She grabs her Aesirian rifle, and aims at Svafa, finger starting to squeeze the trigger*


Raschel: Stay back!

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*Guy holds up his scanner*


Guy: She's not infected, Raschel. Let's not---


Raschel: *backing away quickly from Svafa* No! I heard them talking...when I was in the trap...Heimdall infected Svafa after they fought! They used their Futhark to conceal it, and sent her back!


Misae: How? That's...ridiculous. *her voice doesn't seem completely sincere*


Raschel: No! They're using thought-speech to communicate. Like Marin always has! She gave the others her ability somehow...they can all shapeshift now, except Svafa - Heimdall didn't have "the cube", they said - you have to believe me!

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