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Cantina 6: PTH Part IV, Dark Surprises

Admiral Odin

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*Irvine steps infront of Svafa.*


Irvine "Before we start anything, let's look at both sides of this. While Raschel's extended absence the risk for her to be under the same infulence is almost a certainty, how ever with Guy's scanner which is evidence enough agenst that. But for her accusation towards Svafa might seem unreasonable, but I'm willing to question it."


*Irvine shifts his eyes back and forth at the two*


"We're all not sure what the exact full effects are, but we know what ever happened to Hiemdall, Adian and Marin, altered their thought processes enough to have the desire to want cause harm to one who's not under the same influence, and if not to 'recruit' more. I'm not withdrawing the possibility that Raschel could be under the influence, but Svafa, you're an aesirian, you've lived for meny thousands of years. And I'm sorry to question this, but with that amount of time, surely you'd be more wiser to come up with a plan to capture Heimdall with anything more then a bland one..."

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Misae: Shut up, Irvine. Who made you the expert? Guy says none of us are infected, and he's been right so far, even if he's a bantha-spit planner.


Raschel: You don't understand. They're playing with us! They're going to keep playing with us till we're all dead or they get bored or both!


Guy: I do have an idea of what the full effects are, Irvine. They're extremely egotistical, and they've lost their conscience and morality. They see the world as their playthings. Marin told me she wanted me changed because I "deserved" it. When it didn't work she knocked me out. She might have killed me if Hal hadn't appeared. I don't see why the three would've changed Raschel, since she's never associated with them, but...


Misae: Hold on a minute. Svafa, you started out attacking Heimdall, and he beat you. Why didn't he kill you? He certainly seemed willing to do it back in the caves. And then you threw him a sword when he was weaponless and we were trying to subdue him. Now you want to put Irvine in a situation where Heimdall can easily kill him, and you know he did say he'd kill Irvine before the rest of us...


*She puts her hand on her lightsaber* And that Futhark bantha spew you keep using...just how were you planning on curing Heimdall and the others anyway? Use your Futhark on them to fool Guy's scanner? No wonder Marin left him with it. She took everything else, didn't she, Guy?


Guy: Well...yes...

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Irvine "Misae, I never claimed I was, neither did anyone else. And Guy, thats what I meant by not actually knowing the quote unquote full effects are, in exact detail. Anyone can argue that an idea is not knowing it as a whole truth. But of course, thats not exactly important now."

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((Just a reminder to everyone: The only light is from the town and the fires that have been created, otherwise it is still very dark, also keep in mind their eyesight would have adjusted by now but it is still dark.))


Svafa: Misea, I gave Heimdall his sword back because it was the only honorable thing to do. As far as why he let me live, probably because he wants to kill the Irvines first, or maybe he had other reasons I don't know. As far as the trap, because of Heimdall's desire to see their blood, make the Irvines make the perfect bait.


*noticing Misea's hand on her lightsaber*


Now do you plan on oppossing me and joining with my enemy? If you don't then be quiet and let me deal with the traitor.


*Svafa shoves Irvine aside and continues on to Raschel*

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((I thought it was still dark))


*Irvine grabs onto Svafa's shoulder and turns her around to face him.*


Irvine "Svafa, since when are you willing to harm, if not kill? If you're willing to attempt to capture Heimall with out harming him, if possible, but still willing to do it forcibily. Now as to your plan, that if you're willing to risk my life, regaurdless of what manitude, I'll voice my opinion. Until we are for certain what is going on, I suddjest we remove her weapons and bind her, if its enough to your liking."


*Irvine lets go, then looks at everyone in the group, but stops at Misae for a breif moment, then finishes, then steps back.*


*During that brief moment, Irvine spoke telepathically privately to Misae through the force, completely mentally.* <Keep an eye on Svafa, but keep an open mind.>

*To her it would have sounded like a whisper, to others just a small occurence that could be mistaken for anything*

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*Svafa looks at Irvine for a moment giving him a cold stare. With no warning she hits him upside the head*


Svafa: You grab me again, and you will lose your hand, do I make myself clear, and no binding the traitor is not to my liking. She is a liablity and since she is not infected she will be executed for betraying us.

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Misae: I don't think so. Raschel's the closest one of any of us here to being a simple, decent being. She wouldn't be here in the first place if she hadn't been trying to save us on Coruscant. There is no way in the Force she would betray us. Then there's you, you who got into this by slaughtering countless innocents with the rest of your people! Whether or not you're infected, you're still a monster, and even if she is infected...well, she's worth saving. I'll die before I'll let you touch her.

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Misae: So be it, Sithspawn murderer. *She ignites her lightsaber*


Guy: No one is killing anybody here. I will not allow it.


Raschel: *desperate tone* Gods, can't you see what happening? They'll turn us all into monsters, monsters like this...Orthos, please, can't you do something? Can't you stop it?

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*Orthos draws the Starkiller Sword*


Orthos: Raschel's been my best friend for god-knows-how-long. If you want to harm her, you're going to have to kill me first. And after me, I imagine my brother and my cousin will take exception to my death. Then I imagine the rest of the group will want to stop your slaughter? And what then? Even if you manage to kill all of us, you're alone against the other three, and even if you manage to change them back alone, you need all of us to finish this mission. If Raschel were infected, I think we'd know by now. The one who seems most dangerous to the mission here, Svafa, is you...

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*Irvine takes the strike to his head lightly.*


Irvine "Guy,... Your equipment, do you have a remote transmitter to your craft, if so can you contact the asgardreid, and tell em to bombard this place, I'm sure no one up there will disagree. If we can't co-operate with each other, then we failed, there's no point of continuing."

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Svafa: If that is your wish then you will pay.


*With out another word Svafa begins a diagonal cut aimed at Misea just about midswing a large area of ground near Svafa and the group suddenly upheaves and explodes with tremendous force sending rock, dirt and other debri flying into the air eclipsing all visibility.


When the dust and debri dissipated enough for the group to see again, there was no sign of Svafa. A slight breeze had picked up and seemed to carry the sound of laughter. A moment later the rifle Irvine is/was carrying began to emanate a large buzzing sound*

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((OOS: It occurs to me I probably should've said this earlier, but Admiral and I have talked about this; no godmoding is taking place here ;)))


*Misae, ready to dodge, is surprised and knocked back by the sudden ground explosion. She immediately jumps up, but Svafa is gone*


Misae: Coward! Come back! Finish this!


Raschel: We have to get away from here...No! We have to save them...no...I never should have come...


Guy: *looking at his scanner* She's gone. This time, there's trails of the magic that I picked up in the other three...


Misae: Then she was infected. She had to have made that explosion with her Futhark. She must have stopped cloaking herself.


Guy: I don't like this at all.

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((Damm, missed all this.))


Hal: First things first. *He activeas his comlink and dials in the Asgardried.* Idun, this is Hal, I know you're probably not going to believe me but Svafa has become infected. The only thing we can do now is kill them, if thats possible. I think it'd be a good idea if you landed the ship and met us.

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*The rifle Irvine threw into the air, stops the lound buzzing as small repulsor activate in the gun straightening it and stoping all momvent. It then orientates itself so where the barrel of the weapon is pointed towards the group*




*Idun is in one of the upper lounges talking to a holographic image of Vidar when Hal comms the ship*


Idun: Excuse me Vidar.


*Opening up channel to the ground*


Idun: Why do you think I should land the ship? The mission has not been completed and I have no intention of landing the ship with them still at large, you can of course try to convince me otherwise.


Oh, because of the screw ups I'm advancing the deadline. You now have roughly 36 hours before the world is destroyed....

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Hal: Idun, could you stop pointing that rifle at us.


I know you don't trust us but consider this, you know Heimdal was infected, so your people are not imune. You know enough of myself, my father and my people to know if I was in my right mind I would not lie to you. The destruction of the planet will serve no purpose because the quest will be at an end.


Heimdal and Svafa are now infected, if we are to save them we need your help. If you do not give it we will be forced to kill them, since we cannot hope to capture and hold them.


The choice you have is whether to believe your kin are infected or we are.

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Idun: Hal, I know perfectly well who is and who isn't infected. Since you think 36 hours is enough for idle conversation you know have 20 hours before detonation to make somekind of progress.


As far as the rifle is concerned, it is an intelligent weapon and probably sees some of you as enemies. I'm to far away to control it. Now I have other things to attend to, call if you make progress, otherwise Goodbye.


*Idun closes the connection and returns to talking to Vidar*




*The rifle while still aiming at the group moves out of visiual range*

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Orthos: Great. Bloody great. We've got 20 hours to stop 2 rampaging Aesir...


Elella: I've an idea. If that gun thinks some of us are infected...maybe we can convince them that we are long enough to get the drop on them and change them back...

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