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Cantina 6: PTH Part IV, Dark Surprises

Admiral Odin

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*As the "gray-armored being" swings, Heimdall vanishes in a ball of light and reappears moment later behind the new comers.*


Heimdall: I really don't like being threatened, and I somehow don't think you will stop me.


*Uttering another spell Heimdall vanishes again*

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*The gray-armored being looks at the lizard being*


Gray-armored being [Trern]: Trevors, you never mentioned they could teleport.


Lizard being [Trevors]: Cairn is delayed, there's nothing we can do about it.


*Aidan throws lightning at the lizardlike being, who nimbly dodges. Aidan throws lightning at "Trern"; the energy hits Trern's armor and turns to steam. Aidan is hit by a blast from the "Trevors"' gun. Unlike Misae and Irvine, he is completely paralyzed and falls to the ground.


The rest of the group is sprayed with more shots from the gun*


((OOS: Since certain people aren't replying, I'm going to assume their characters got hit. :p The affect wears off, quicker if you're a Force user))

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*Guy's high collar folds in itself as he lies on the ground. It covers his entire face. White glowing slits appear where his eyes are located.


He leaps up from the ground. Eudoxia fires something blue at him from her staff. This time, he dodges. She fires again, hitting her comrade in the gray armor by mistake as he swung at Guy*


Lizard being [Trevors]: Eudoxia! Stop!


*Her attention diverts to him for a second too long, and Guy is upon her. He grabs her staff as she fires. The blue light hits the lizard being, knocking him twenty feet into a wall. She keeps firing as the two wrestle.


The air shivers high above the group, and Guy's ship appears. An invisible force begins lifting the group one by one into its interior, beginning with those stunned on the ground*

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*The lizardman lies unconscious in a heap of rubble. A light blue sheen is visible all over himself and his clothing and equipment, as if he is shielded.


Misae recovers her lightsaber. She takes a tremendous leap through the air, bringing her lightsaber down on the armored being's head at the same time WH Irvine's second lightsaber strikes him.


The hits have absolutely no effect beyond making the armor spark for a moment. The being slides the halberd's blade rapidly down against the lightsaber's "edge", towards WH Irvine's hand.


Guy and Eudoxia continue to struggle*

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*Heimdall reappears atop of the Asgardried. Within moments of his appearance the ship's turrents rotate Locking onto te newcomers.*


Heimdall: Fire when ready.


*The Asgardried lays downs a field of supression fire around the group memebers who were hit by the stun weapon (?). For those who are enganged with the Trern and Eudoxia the ships fire a little slower but aims the bolts percisly so they miss the group members but could hit the new comers*

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((OOS: Deac, up to you for what your characters are doing and where they are. BD and JM aren't posting so I'm assuming their characters were evacuated))


*The bolts hit Trern, causing his suit to smoke and throwing him off-balance before he can hit WH Irvine. He is further distracted by Misae swinging her lightsaber into his eyes*


Guy: *yelling to the Jedi, the only ones left on the ground* Don't fight them! Get in my ship! They can't follow you!


*A bolt from the Asgardried hits Eudoxia across the cheek. Somehow, instead of taking half her face off, it only glances leaving a long burn. The woman snarls in rage*


Eudoxia: Enough of this! *Her staff erupts with bright light* I don't care what they said... *With a burst of strength she throws Guy off herself, and knocks him ten feet away to the ground with a jab of her staff's blunt end* You die right here!


*Guy was already up and facing her when the bolt of light hit him in the face, directly in his eyes. The entire area is illuminated in a sharp burst, and a scream of agony is heard.


Seconds later, Guy is on the ground, hands clawing at his head. The others could see that most of his mask is only charred where it had been hit, but his eyeslits are burning with white light.


Misae is distracted for seconds too long. Trern's halberd catches her in the shoulder and smashes her into the ground*

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Originally posted by Redwing

((OOS: But they have the same personality (well, very similar) and the same name :p


Since it's a new page, I repeat: Jokemaster, where are you?!



((Wow, I've been missed. there's like 5 posts asking where I am/complaining about my not posting/etc.))

*Matt starts recovering from the attack inside the ship. He wakes up slowly.*

Matt *grogilly*: Huh? Did we beat those guys?

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*Misae is crushed into the ground. She tries to move for a moment, then stops, barely conscious.


Trern lifts the halberd off her. Her shoulder and upper chest are deeply wounded. Instead of going for the killing blow, Trern turns to WH Irvine.


Eudoxia holds her arms up as if to ward off the Force wave. As it hits her, she is pushed against the ground, her hair blown back as if in a strong wind. She rises against the wave and manages to point her staff at Gortick.


A bolt from it knocks Gortick out of the sky.


The lizardman opens his eyes as RH Irvine watches*

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*WH Irvine looks at Trern. He knew that Misae was a more powerful practitioner in the Force. WH Irvine had to use a different method...


He extingishes his sabers and holsters them, after he removes his outer robe which had been torn a bit from earlyer, then he balls up his fists and riases them infront of his face.*


WH Irvine "You fight good with that spear, how you say about going at it with out?"




*RH Irvine senses the lizardman waking up.*


RH Irvine "It would be in the best interests of both of us if you did not stand. I wouldn't want to put myself in a position where I would need to cause any further harm on you."

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*Trern sizes up WH Irvine. He looks around the clearing. He puts his halberd over his back, and it attaches to a holster set in the armor*


Trern: Very well.


*Eudoxia stands, pulling out a long knife, holding her staff ready in the other hand in case Gortick reappears. She stalks towards Guy, who has stopped moving*


Eudoxia: *muttering loudly* Your Seer's sight...now your eyes...now only your life is left. I shall take our repayment for your treachery in the blood that you've betrayed.


*The lizardman raises his gun, aiming at RH Irvine*





((OOS: I guess I should mention that yes, the new characters attacking the group are shielded against certain attacks/other things. So, anyone attacking them keep in mind that things might not work out the way you expect.))

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*WH Irvine scans the area a bit, and begins backing up to a spot where it's more 'clearer', and somewhat motions towards it.*




RH Irvine "You know now that I know of that weapon, I can and will dodge your shot if you choose to fire it."

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*Trern moves forward quickly, aiming an armored fist at WH Irvine's head.


Eudoxia kneels over Guy, who moves only slightly. She grabs his masked face and holds the knife over his eye, which has stopped glowing. She stabs down, but Guy's hand rises and grabs her knife before she can complete the movement.


The lizardman [Trevors] blinks at RH Irvine*


Trevors: I appreciate the warning.


*He twists the barrel of the gun. The shape of the emitter on the end changes, opening wider*

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*WH Irvine's eyes widen in surprise at the attack, then he dodges the punch to his right, while turning left at the same time, giving in to a momentary urge to swing back with a right hook to Trern's face...*




RH Irvine "Uh huh. It's nice to know that you can broaden your horizons a bit, but I'm sure if you did your homework, you'd know that a strong Force practitioner can be more afformitable then just what you can think..."

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*WH Irvine's hit connects. His fist hits unyeilding armor.


Trern aims a sharp blow at WH Irvine's ribs.


Trevors fires his gun at RH Irvine. The cone of energy is expelled over an enormous area, impossible to dodge, but is more thinly spread than before*


((OOS: In other words it won't have as drastic an effect))

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*WH Irvine grunts at the blow, the armoured hand hitting his ribs.


He thrusts his left fist at Trern's torso, augmenting the force with that punch...*




*RH Irvine sees the lizardman fire, he force speeds backwards, performing a backflip, then jumping upwards to dodge the shot...*

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((OOS: He went backward then backflipped then jumped to avoid the shot?


It's a cone-shaped spray of energy. Think of it as having fired a large circle at RH Irvine which gets rapidly larger. Going backwards would give it time to spread out making it harder to leap above it. And backflipping - well, without an illustration on how he backflipped I'm not sure what that would do. But in any case by the time he would get round to jumping out of the cone's radius he would've already been hit several times...))




*WH Irvine's second blow hits with slightly more effect than the first one; Trern is jolted a little. He brings his fist down on WH Irvine's arm, intending to break it before it could be drawn back.


Eudoxia and Guy appear to be in a strange stalemate. His hand pushes back the dagger above his eye while she presses down, hissing words too soft to be heard by the others. Neither of them otherwise move.


The cone-shaped spray of energy surrounds RH Irvine. The rivulets of energy are far more spread apart than before, but a few still hit him as he backflips and run around his body.


Trevors continues firing, spraying the area.


Above the group, Guy's ship closes in, hatch open*

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