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Cantina 6: PTH Part IV, Dark Surprises

Admiral Odin

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((Yeah, just um started to back up, then sped up a bit, then back fliped. As the shot came closer


damn you specify which arm he's hitting with! :p))


*RH Irvine gets hit by the energy, he lands on his face. But quickly he gets on all fours and using force speed he bolts off to the right of Trevors, as he begins attempting to weve between each shot...*

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Matt stood up grogilly. He looked around, saw that the others were still fighting. He also saw that nobody had seen him recover, and no one currently percieved him as a threat. He noticed Trevors attacking RH Irvine, raised his blaster out of his holster, aimed at the lizardman's head, and shot three times.

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((OOS: JM: Matt is firing from inside Guy's ship, I'm assuming XD




1) The shots travel far too fast to be evaded by Force speed by running backwards. It's not a blaster bolt :p


2) His right arm, since it was WH Irvine's left fist that hit him.))



*The blaster bolts hit Trevors' head and rebound, as if hitting something that had been magnetically sealed. Trevors fires a shot at the hatchway of Guy's ship from which Matt was aiming. The energy streaks hit the ship's shields and are absorbed.


Trevors covers the area around him with several more cone-sprays of energy, then stops firing and adjusts something on his gun, apparently reloading*

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*With Misea being ignored, Heimdall utters another spell transporting him to her side. Picking Misea up Heimdall utters a final spelling taking both of them to Misea's quaters in the Asgardried. Heimdall sets Misea down onto her bed*


Heimdall: Idun, please come to Misea quarters, she needs your aid.


Idun: I'm on my way.


*Idun rushes from leaving the Asgardried to monitor her*


Heimdall: Open a comm channel to the outside.


Asgardried: Open


Heimdall: Irvines grab Guy and get into one of the ships. We are leaving now. Same goes to you Gortick.

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((well keep at that specification :p))


*WH Irvine brings his left arm down, being forced by Trern. WH Irvine counters by swinging with a right hook, this time even more force then the last, giving a good yell into it.*


WH Irvine "Damnit Heimdall, can't you see I'm busy with 'Tons-of-fun' here!!"




*RH Irvine notices Trevors movements, he takes the moment to stop, and force pull apart the stone wall that Trevors slamed into. Stones begin to fall ontop of the lizardman...


RH Irvine then charges at Eudoxia...*

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*Eudoxia does not react when the Asgardried tells the Irvines to fetch Guy, but she whirls as RH Irvine charges her. She fires a red bolt from her staff at him.


Her back turned, she does not see Guy's ship swoop to hover behind her.


Two missiles hit her at the same time. She is engulfed in the resulting explosion and thrown.


The knife drops next to Guy. His hand closes around it. His unmoving body is lifted up into the air and taken into his ship. Immediately droids surround him, stripping off his suit around his face and moving him onto a floating stretcher.


Eudoxia gets to her feet - protected by her suit, although her cloak is shredded and charred - and screams in wordless rage.


Above the nearby hillock, new figures appear approaching quickly*


Trern: *to WH Irvine* I must apologize. This game is finished.


*He shoots out an armored hand for Irvine's throat*

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*RH Irvine gets hit in his shoulder, and with his momentum he spins helplessly on his face, then flips over his own shoulders...*


RH Irvine *shocked and in pain, clamly* "Wow that was reckless.."


*meanwhile, WH Irvine sees the hand coming, and he grabs Trern's forearm, stoping it in its place.


Immedately he grabs the other arm, using his force increased strength he lifts up the other arm. Gritting his teeth attempting to squeeze the armour...*


WH Irvine *talking through his teeth* "Ssorry to hear that, I gotta go anyway..."

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*Guy's ship fires at Eudoxia again, forcing her to dodge. She leaps ten feet at a time, augumented by her suit. The missiles force her away from RH Irvine, and the invisible beam lifts him upwards towards the open hatch.


Trern seems surprised at WH Irvine's increased strength. He pauses as WH Irvine attempts to crush his arms, with no effect. He then jerks his arms downwards, knocking WH Irvine's hands away. He then takes his halberd off his back*

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*WH Irvine see's Trern grabing for his weapon.*


WH Irvine "You fool!"


*WH Irvine summons all his strength that he can muster into one blow...*




*... He sends a stright forward punch at Trern's helmet, while he was grabing for his halberd...*

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*Trern thrusts his head forward, meeting WH Irvine's fist, ignoring Matt's blaster bolts hitting his helmet with no effect. There is a sound of crunching bone from Irvine's fist. Trern stumbles backwards from the blow. Eudoxia aims her staff at WH Irvine*


Trern: Wait. The others are nearly here.


Eudoxia: I don't care! Someone must die for this!


*Guy's ship blasts at her again, then aims for Trern. As the armored creature leaps away from the missiles fired at him, Guy's ship manuvers between him and WH Irvine, the open hatch on Irvine's side.


As it does so, more figures appear over the rise, approaching the mine entrance*

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*WH Irvine jumps onto the ramp, holding his hand, thinking how dumb that was.*


WH Irvine "I got to get some 'props' for that one..." *attempts to flex his hand a bit..* "Damn..."


(([edit]wasnt admiral going to reply??[/edit]))

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((you didn't. read my posts ;)))


*Guy's ship lifts off. Eudoxia fires bolts from her staff at it, sending jolts of energy through the shields. Trern and Trevors silently watch it.


The newcomers joining them shrink into the distance below before the group can get a good look at them. They seem to be mostly humanoid like the three who had attacked them. Among them, however, are several large animals, and a ring of floating devices linked together that appeared to be cages.


Guy's ship moves upwards through a bank of clouds and they are obscured*

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*The Asgardried follows Guy's ship flying to the right of it.


As the ships gain altitude Idun works with a quickly with sure motions on Misea's shoulder. Heimdall sits in the bridge staring out at the starless sky. Svafa and Marin lie in the same room being watched over by Gerd. Neither had awaken yet.


When both ships reached the Thermospherethey docked, and shortly their after the Asgardried jumped to hyperspace with Guy's ship safely in her hold...*


To Be Continued



((Will shortly post the intro to Part V))

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