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Cantina 6: PTH Part IV, Dark Surprises

Admiral Odin

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Raschel: I'm sure it's...well, Orthos, how can you be sure you're sensing yourself when you've ...never sensed yourself before? Maybe it's just an odd coincidence. *She adds murmuringly* I hope. *aloud again* Shouldn't we do something about those flames?

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*Idun leaves the girl for a second to speak with Heimdall*


Idun: It is serious, I'm going to have to stay with her, If I don't she will most likely die.


Heimdall: Alright, stay with her. I have a feeling she may be important later.


*Heimdall and Svafa exit the ship while Idun tends to the girl.*


Heimdall *to the group*: This crash is sure to have attracted some attention. We need to leave at once with full light and noise discipline. If you don't know what that means to put it simple, we will use no light and go as quietly as possible.


This is the last chance, if any wish to stay on the ship do so know. Idun is going to remain to tend the girl. Otherwise we leave now.


*Without another word Heimdall somewhat towards the lights in the distance and begins to walk with a quick pass in that direction. Intending to put as much distance between the group and the crash as soon as possible. Svafa follows closely behind him*

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((If anyone want to stay with the ship after this post simple throw it in, otherwise I assume everyone is following Heimdall.


Deac: About the new/second Orthos, I'm sure this won't be a problem just the metting is changing a little.))


[Time Skip: A couple of hours]


*The group had moved quietly with no light towards what was now evidently a town. Currently they crouched in a ditch along side a road. A landspeeder had just recently passed by.*


Heimdall: Recommendations?






*Idun stayed with the girl, slowly bringing her back from the edge of death. She could see scars on the girl's arms and legs.


The ship itself had cloaked and moved off into a low geosync orbit.*

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Guy: I believe we are approaching Enoy's main mining settlement. I recommend we enter openly, but with caution. If we do, though, keep in mind this planet has not had traffic arriving since the destruction of five months ago occured. We might be their first visitors in that entire span of time.

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Svafa: I would agree with Guy. There is or was little evidence that this planet posses a danger to us. The only problem could be on how we got here.


Heimdall: We could say we came from another settlement and our transport broke down.


Svafa: I think that is best. We could also dress some party members to look the part.


*She looks at the Irvines with a mischevous look in her eyes*

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*Irvine kept quiet, and obsurved Hal's comment.*


Irvine "Let me try a different approch, but in any case we should get what ever infomation we can and mett back here in about 3 hours. Come my Padawan." *spoken with a smile*


*WH Irvine is shocked at what he was called as Irvine throws his hood over, and re-arrages his clothing to a more Jedi fasion, standing up and walking stright into the nearest pub in such way that he didn't disturb the 'hiding place' of the others. WH Irvine tailing shortly behind following suit with his robes.*


WH Irvine "Irvy, what are you doing? I wouldn't doubt that everyone going to be pissed at you."


Irvine *softly* "Please keep your turn down, just follow suite, besides you're going to get your first lessons in using the Mind Trick."

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Heimdall: You think they would have learned by now. Anyone else want to leave them here?


Svafa: Sure, but I still think beating them would have been a good way to release some stress.


*Consulting the map*


Heimdall: Well, it looks like we are supposed to go into some mines. We could circle around the town and go in closer to the mine.

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Misae: *offering her first advice of the day* We should follow the map. It will give us plenty unnecessary detours on its own. We don't need to be making more intentionally.


Guy: Howeve, there are still workers in those mines twenty-four hours a day, and we know little about their habits. Perhaps, if Irvine and his red-haired twin insist on walking into pubs without our advice, we may as well follow them and watch in case they uncover any useful information.


Marin: I don't know much about these mining settlements, but don't you think Aidan and I would look too unusual? I look a little young for a person heading to a mining planet, and Aidan looks a bit...underdressed.


Aidan: I am not underdressed. You all are overdressed.


Marin: Do you think we'll be a problem?

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((Red: Just curious how does Guy know that there are miners in their 24 hours a day?))


Svafa: Misea does have a point, and personally I have no desire to play guardian to those two. Time is not something we have a lot of. For all we know in the future it may take a year before we arrive at a destination or longer. The sooner we get things done now the more leeway we may have later.


Heimdall: Marin, you can change your shape so you look older, and Aidan is simple another alien from another planet. I don't forsee any major problems. He could even be a benefit.


*Heimdall stands*


Heimdall: I've made up my mind. I'm heading for the mine, no real sense to delay. Any problems we can improvise a solution.


*Svafa nods her head in affirmation. She joins Heimdall and the two begin to walk towards the town. Their cloaks wrapped about them, the two walk on the side of the road visible to any possible traffic.*

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((OOS: He's done research on Enoy. I figure this falls under the kind of information that would've been in public records.))


*As the group follows Svafa and Heimdall*


Marin: Actually, that's the problem. I've been thinking...well, I'm not sure that would be the best thing. Last time I did it, I jeopardized the mission and almost died. Not only that, but Idun could have died herself trying to rescue me. I don't think I should shapeshift again unless it's absolutely necessary.


Raschel: I don't have a good feeling about this. I don't think I'll be much use to you if you end up in the middle of a fight...I think I'll follow the twins and make sure they don't get too lost. Anyone want to join me?

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Heimdall: It is your choice, but do not let fear make it for you, regardless of what you decide we will be plagued by danger, which could very well kill some of us. Also once you let fear have some control over your actions it has the pension for gaining more control making you second guess yourself and could eventually paralyze you.


Svafa: Marin, you concerns are valid, but also consider that it takes time for you to change shapes. Time we may not have. However, if you have made up your mind then if you wish we can teach you how to wield other weapons.


Heimdall to Raschel: I don't plan on waiting, so if you fall behind and can't catch up. Take this and Idun will pick you up.


*Heimdall tosses Raschel a small com unit*

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Raschel: Well then I'll go alone. *She turns to walk off in the direction the Irvines had headed in, throwing a last glance at Orthos*


Marin: Thank you for the offer, but I'm very bad at handling firearms. *she pauses for a moment* I will shapeshift if it's necessary. I just feel I should be more, um, cautious about it.

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*Heimdall and those who followed him made their way through the town towards the mines. Their walk to the mine was uneventful it seemed that most of the inhabitants had taken to staying in doors since the light vanished.


when they reached the outer gate they found a guard*


Heimdall: Hello. Please step aside, we need acess to this mine.

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