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Cantina 6: PTH Part IV, Dark Surprises

Admiral Odin

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Guard: Yes, I will give you access to the mines. *moving aside, turning to a panel next to the durasteel mine doors* You're the inspectors? Already? Wasn't expecting you till next week. I'll need your IDs to grant you access.


Misae: *repeating Hal's mind trick* You don't need to see our identification.


Guard: I don't need to see your identification. *Looks at the panel, appearing confused* I need to put your ID cards through this to open the door, though...


Misae: You don't need our ID cards. You will open the door and stop asking questions.


Guard: I don't need your ID cards. I will open the doors and stop asking questions. Wait...what am I saying? I can't open the doors without your cards. Gate guards aren't allowed in the crystal mines! What was I thinking? *He rubs his head*


Misae: How does everyone else get in the mines, then?


Guard: Why are you asking me? You're the inspectors, right? *He looks at Misae and the others suspiciously*


Misae: *exerting even more mental pressure* You will tell us and stop questioning us, now.


Guard: I will tell you and stop questioning you, now. My apologies. Well, the bosses have their own cards. They won't hand them out to us or the workers, for "security reasons". Paranoid, maybe, but...some of these crystals are worth quite alot. So, no one goes in without being supervised by the head guys. As you know.




*Raschel and Orthos arrive at the pub the Irvines went into*


((Scar, post :p))

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*The Irvines sit at a table in the pub, both with a glass of Corellian Ale. The Pub was having its happy hour, but the mood wasn't exactly like that. They were given suspicious eyes every now and then. Although it was merely purely out of curiocity why suddenly two Jedi, right out of the blue, walk into a pub and order drinks.


WH Irvine was all that much enjoying the trip, but Irvine remain patient, but still had a few doubts. However as much as he could feel the slightly unplesant mood in the pub, Irvine still kept a slight tab on the group, and maybe Raschel's and Orthos' presence, there was alot to focus though, even for the young Jedi.*


WH Irvine *softly to Irvine* "I don't like this, this is taking too long."


Irvine "For what? you'd expect someone to just open up and come here and spill what ever information to some strangers from no where?"


WH Irvine "I don't know how you can be so patient."


Irvine "When you had four months to think something over that happened during a few hours, you'd learn patience too."


WH Irvine "You haven't been too open about that experence of yours anyway."


Irvine "I haven't, besides we don't have time to me to tell you that story."


WH Irvine "What do you..."


*A blue alien walks up* ((damnit, i don't know these friken anme of those races (its the same as Rello's(jkii))))


Alien "Jedis? Whersh did yous comes from?"


*The pub goes quiet.*


WH Irvine *comments on the slur*"Would matter a bit more if you'd sobered up a bit."


*A few aliens burst into laughter.*


Irvine *waving his hand slightly* "So what can you tell me about this city?"


Alien "Sos what can I tells you abouts this city? Oh itsh a mining city, we mine.."


Irvine "That was simple, well all we can say that is that our transport had an unfortunate landing about 40 kilometers west of the city. Now from what I could tell there's no actual outgoing transports expected to leave soon. So, who knows where I can get some work?"


((not sure if this plays into anyone's hands ^_^; I ment to put in something earilyer but before i left, i didnt hit he reply button X.x))

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*Svafa shakes her head*


Svafa: There are much easier ways to handle this.


*She moves her arm from her side to around the guard's neck*


Svafa: While one of my coworkers retrieves their pass cards. Allow me to ask you about the security system of this installation.


*The guard looks a little confused and suddenly slumps. As he falls A tiny syringe is revealed in Svafa's palm. She has a cold smile across her face.


Heimdall captures the guard and props him up against the wall, as Svafa returns the syringe to a pouch on her belt and quickly moves to the control panel. With the infiltration skills of the Valkyries it was not a hard task to remove the panel top and rewire it.


The Door to the mines soon opens*


Svafa: Just as I thought, poor security. Well come on lets get going. The doors are going to shut in about four minutes.


*Svafa replaces the top of the manel, and she and Heimdall enter the mine*

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Misae: Who says the Jedi are spies?


*Marin, Aidan, etc. follow into the mine, immediately facing the openings of over a dozen cavern halls. Carts are in front of most of the halls, full of bright crystals arranged by shape and color*


Guy: The map's line seems to go straight along the third path to the left. It seems to be forming as we go, stopping when we stop. We ought to do this quickly.


Aidan: I can hear mining workers down most of these caverns, but not in that one...


Marin: Not sure that's a good sign. *She takes a deep breath* I had better morph now.






*Raschel listens behind the Irvines, trying to blend and regretting having nothing over the mithril armor she wore*

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*Svafa laughs at Misea comment*


Svafa: Think young one, before you speak. I know most of you Jedi are no spies, but there was once a time when I knew a few great Jedi skilled in the arts of infiltration. But that was long before your time.


Heimdall: Let's keep moving


*The door closes and the group can only move a couple of meters before a man stops them. Svafa positions herself between the man and the morphing Marin*


Overseer: Wait, who are you?


Heimdall: We are preforming a surprise inspection, what is down that tunnel.


Overseer: It's abandoned, there is nothing but a deadend.


Heimdall: We'll see about that, We've been getting reports about thieves and I think I know where they are stealing so if you don't mind stand aside.


Overseer: Yes, sir but you will find nothing there.


*The overseer throws one last glance at the group before returning to his group of miners.*

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*Marin finishes her morph. She thought-speaks to Svafa*


Marin: <Thank you.>


*She has become a winged, cat-sized dragonlike creature with jewel-colored scales. She struts around and sniffs the air, then leaps into the air and flies a little down the mining passageway*


Marin: *in public thought-speech* <Aidan is right, I believe. I don't smell any active scents down this way. I do smell magic, though not the kind that is formed in a living being. I believe some of these crystals hold magic energy in them.>

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*Heimdall and Svafa follow Marin down the passage way. The walls had only a few small crystals in them, the larger ones having been mined a long time ago.


Time passed as they moved further down the mining tunnel, eventually they came to a deadend. On the wall that prevanted them from going any further there was an impression of a sword.*

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Guy: Strange. The line on the map continues past here.


Aidan: Looks like a dead end to me...


Marin: <That impression on the wall...is it just me, or does that look familiar?>






*A surly white Twi'lek plunks down on the seat next to the Irvines*


Twi'lek: More off-worlders...Jedis, this time? *Eyeing Raschel and Orthos, who are eavesdropping a bit too obviously* You and your friends...odd sorts...*laughs semi-drunkenly* No offense meant mind you...Haven't had off-worlders visit here in four months...but believe it or not, you're not as strange as thast last group was here!


*The man next to the Twi'lek elbows him* Pay Rukol no mind, Master Jedis. He always talks like this when he's drunk. We don't want no trouble here...

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Heimdall: It does look familar I wonder.


*Heimdall draws his sword and holds it tip down right in front of the impression. What seems to be a strong magnetic force pulls the sword free of Heimdall and right into the impression. The rock wall envelopes the sword and the blade is completly swallowed by the wall.


Once that happens the wall swings backwards revealing another passage way. This passage was not that of a rough mining tunnel. Instead the floor was highly polished, the walls were straight and smooth. crystals jutting from the wall were luminous providing light.*


Heimdall: It did say it was a key, guess this is what it unlocked. So lets go forward.


*Heimdall enters the new passage while drawing his blaster*

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Twi'lek: Well, great wages, that's for sure! But terrible working conditions...and the bosses are so paranoid about employee theft, but anyone who's inside their inner circles---


*to Orthos* What was that you said there, kid? Oh...well, er...*sizes up Orthos* Nope, no one that looked like you, and by the Sith, I would've remembered. Group of...four, was it? Maybe five? Force...well, they wore strange clothes, like nothing I'd ever seen before...Their leader dressed the strangest of all. Can't even begin to describe it. But he did have pointy ears, and weird skin color for a human. Anyway, they asked alot of questions about weird things. Something about "magic". I know they were looking for a "shadow" who traveled with a group of Jedi and some aliens. Something about birthmarks and green and blue creatures...*looks at Raschel* Hey, in fact you look like one of the beings he described. Friend of yours maybe?


Raschel: *shakes her head* No, I don't think so...






*The group is taken aback by the sheer beauty of the gorgeously colored, glowing crystals jutting out of the walls, untouched by mining tools, growing like some sort of rainbow garden*


Marin: <It's...amazing.>


*Her dragon morph's senses are overwhelmed. Magic streams everywhere, which translates to the creature's brain as an all-you-can-eat buffet. Marin catches herself fluttering between crystal clusters, seeking out the strongest "tasting" bunch. With supreme effort, she squelches the dragon's mind and reasserts her control, just before she takes a large bite out of the nearest gem.


Somewhat disturbed, and slightly embarrassed as well, she lands and demorphs*


Marin: Alright. Business. Where does the map say to go now?

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*WH Irvine looks at Irvine wen he hears taht Sith were on the planet.*


Irvine 'This "Twi'lek" seems to be not so rather weak mnded, good thing this is appy hour or else this might not of had worked' *words it out just incase the mind trick isn't exactly working* "Could you lead us to the mines?"

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Twi'lek: Ehh? The mines? No one goes into the mines without supervision. Not even Jedis. That means you gotta be a worker. If you wanna register go to the registrar's office! Don't see why you'd wanna work in this hellhole, even if it does pay obscenely well... *gives the Irvines a long hard look* Maybe if you bribe the bosses enough, you might get a tour, if that's what you want...the mines 'emselves are on the southern outskirts, can't miss em even if you wanted to...






Marin: Looks like someone's been here before...


*The group enters a large room. Crystals are everywhere, in a million shining, blinking, sparkling varieties. All shapes, colors and sizes imaginable grew from the walls, the ceiling, and the floor. Tiny paths wound through the crystals on the floor which had clearly been much larger once upon a time. The crystals nearly covered them over who knows how many ages*


Guy: The map indicates we simply need to reach the chamber on the other side of this room.


Aidan: "Simply"?


*The group picks their way separately along the tiny paths. Misae trips and cuts herself on one of the sharper crystals*


Misae: Sithspit! Stupid...Force... *She rights herself and keeps walking*


*Marin walks along the path nearest the walls of the room. Something about the crystals seemed to draw her to them. A certain bunch of deep purple crystals draws her attention the most. Looking at them, she notices they have a special depth to them, seeming almost as if the matter inside them was swirling, in motion, silky smooth despite the hardness of their exteriors...


She can't resist, and extends her hand to touch them. A warm, soothing feeling flows into her on contact. She could feel something inside her changing, but it never occurs to her to pull away. She stands transfixed, staring into the depths of the beautiful crystals, reaching out to touch them with both hands...*


Aidan: Marin? Marin?


*She doesn't answer. Aidan jumps over the sharp crystal patches and rows separating them, grumbling, and stands in front of her. She doesn't react. He pulls at her, and she appears to suddenly notice him*


Marin: Aidan? What's the matter with you?


Aidan: We're going to get left behind. The others are already all the way across the room.


Marin: Oh! Sorry, I got distracted...just look at these crystals...


Aidan: No, there's no time to look at crystals, Marin! We need to move. I wouldn't bet on the others coming back to look for us if we get lost or something.


*Marin looks at Aidan without really hearing him. She can feel some magic inside her, mixing around, seeping through her every pore, making her different...better...stronger. Aidan had never looked so small, even as she has to look two feet up at his face*


It's the crystals...they have power...they give power, they unlock power...gods' power...


*She realized that Aidan was worthless as he was now. Not like her. She felt as if she had been walking all her life wearing blinders, wearing chains in her mind. Now she was unfettered. Now she could see everything.


Yes, Aidan was worthless. But that didn't mean he didn't deserve what she now had. Hadn't she been just like him, only short minutes ago? Hadn't he he been her friend, always helped her - even if it was out of some misguided nobility?


She had to give him the power too. It was simple. All he had to do was touch the crystals and accept it like her.*


Marin: *in a condescending tone* It's okay, Aidan. Everything's going to be just fine. Could you break off one of those beautiful violet crystals for me? Off that cluster? *She points*


Aidan: *suspiciously, and taken aback by her tone and strange request* What? Why?


Marin: Please, Aidan? For me?


*Aidan looks at her even more suspiciously, but reaches up and with his gargoyle's strength, breaks the cluster of rectangular purple crystals off the wall. As he does so his eyes change. Then his expression changes, and Marin knows he understands now too*


Marin: *smiling wickedly* Told you everything was going to be fine, didn't I?

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*The door that had opened for the group silently closes and seals itself.


Heimdall, was at the otherside of the room when he looked back to see Marin and Aidan lagging behind. He also looked and didn't immediatly see Elella.*


Heimdall thinking: Maybe, she went to explore that side passage, or she could be with the others and I just missed her, but regardless those two need to hurry up


*Heimdall walks over to Marin and Aidan*


Heimdall: This is no time to be picking crystals. We need to keep going so please pick up the pace.

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*Marin watches Heimdall come over. She looks at the crystals in her hand.


Heimdall was arrogant, had threatened to kill her once upon a time, and was sometimes aggravating. But all that was only because of his attitude. He didn't see like she knew he was capable of seeing. But he had saved her life, and Aidan's.


And she liked him.


There was only one thing to do.*


Marin: You don't understand yet. But soon you will.


*Before Heimdall can react, she reaches up and presses a crystal to his face*

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