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Cantina 6: PTH Part IV, Dark Surprises

Admiral Odin

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Guy: That's also possible.


Misae: Makes no difference. You know who's got the key, don't you?






Raschel: You two... You're twins? Wait...let me guess...Syrnl Darkstar did this, didn't he? Dropped you off on some deserted planet because you didn't inherit an 'Avatar'?

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Svafa: Yes, I know. *pulling a comlink* Idun are you there?


Idun: Yes, whats going on?


Svafa: Something happened to Heimdall, Marin, and Aidan. They've turned and are very dangerous. Do not let them in. In fact do not let anyone into the ship. Including me.


Idun: Alright. I'll speak with you later.





Idun: Asgardreid.


Asgardreid: Yes?


Idun: From this point on you will take orders only from me.


Asgardreid: Please give your clearance code.


Idun: Alpha Omega Delta 257986246.


Asgardreid: Acknowledge will now only obey councilwoman Idun's orders for the time being.


Idun: Seal the ship and do not allow access to anyone other then me. Didn't that extradimensional Rwos have a teleporter of some sort?


Asgardreid: Sealing and yes.


Idun: Could be that Guy may have one to. Seal the cargo bay from anyone and bring us into high orbit. If anyone should enter the cargo bay, open it up.


Asgardreid: Yes mam.



*Heimdall shakes his head as if to get rid of something.*


Heimdall: What did you say Marin? Oh the ship, problem with that. Svafa would have surely contacted Idun by now and would have sealed up the ship.

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Marin: How unfortunate. You don't think you hit her hard enough?


Aidan: It doesn't matter. *He takes out a black device* Remember this?


Marin: Of course. That's the portal we used to get here. But it was disabled when we were captured months ago.


Aidan: Doesn't matter. I did a little tinkering. Guy happens to have portal devices on his ship. Meant for emergency escape, I suppose. I can use this to override any of them and open a gateway for us.


Marin: I didn't know you were mechanically inclined.


Aidan: I've always been fascinated by such things. I seem to recall it embarrassed me to let anyone know.


Marin: Well, the morphing cube is with Guy's ship in the cargo bay with most of our other things. If Heimdall is right however they may try to kill us if we go.


Aidan: It would have been more prudent to kill the others before leaving. Ah well.


Marin: No, it's better this way. We can have a bit of fun. Open the portal, Aidan.


*Marin crouches and begins to morph, turning blue and growing translucent blue fur*

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Heimdall: She would be dead if she didn't wear her armor. I also think we are going to have company soon, and I really really want to have fun with these morons.





Svafa: Raschel is also in more danger because she has one of our weapons.

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RH Irvine "Morons you say?" *being proficient at hiding his lack of breath from running.* "Only one of me and three of you, yep I guess that could qualify."


*Just inside an alleyway around the corner of a building, WH Irvine stood with his back agenst the wall, keeping him and Matt well out of sight.*


*RH Irvine stood there right in the middle of the street, looking stright into Heimdall's eyes, meaning to pierce right stright into him with his stare. Knowing the he can't use his saber.*


RH Irvine "All three of you are not in your right minds, please stop becuase any more you'd be harming yourselves even more when you get better. I am a Jedi I can sense it with in you all, something twisted and evil. Give up."

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*Aidan and Marin ignore the twins and their new companion*


Aidan: Problem, Marin. Guy's ship is in the cargo hold. Assuming she is in orbit, if I were Idun I would decompress it as soon as we entered.


Marin: <You think so? Oh well. Then only I shall go. This morph lives on electrical discharges, not oxygen. Decompression will not damage me. Open the gateway. If you can, do it on the outside of Guy's ship. I can pass through walls but I cannot carry the cube with me.> *to Heimdall* <Not to worry, this will be quick.>






Guy: And why is that?


Misae: Don't tell me, let me guess. All your 'gifts' have a self-destruct in them. Or even better - they're set up to kill the user?

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*Heimdall gives a short laugh and sees a glint of the mithril armor.*


Heimdall: You little wanna be unenlightend moronic Jedi. Wearing the armor I forged, probably thinking that could protect you from me. Think again padawan.


Algiz Mannaz Irvine Gebo Kenaz.


*The mithril armor that both Irvines are wearing suddenly begins to contract, then a searing light appears within the armor. A moment later the armor disolves into dust. The dust particles still illuminating fly from under the robes of the Irvines and into the sky creating a beautiful light display over the heads of the Irvines.*


Heimdall: Noticing where the second display is going on. So that is where your would be apprentice is hiddin. Is he frightened what I may do to the sons of the man responsible for my fathers death.




Svafa: Depends upon the gift, and who we gave it to. For Raschel, it will just turn off on command of any Aesir. Now if we gave something to...oh the Irvines. Giving their habits and such we may well give them a gift that could kill them or maim them. Understand we dont' trust any of you.

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Irvine "Leave him out of this, I am the true son of Cracken Palpatine. He is Irvine Cracken Cracern, I am Irvine Seito Palpatine. And to e perfectly honest, I could careless what my father was, but I am a different man then he was, or my grandfather was. Besides, like it matters, that armour, I wouldn't have needed it to protect me anyway."


*Irvine's face becomes more serious, as a rumbling sound fills the air, the pavement between the two cracks and splits. Irvine raises his hands, and brings his arms to his side, bringing the hunks of road near him like a barrier.*

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Heimdall: You both have the name palpatine. That is enough, you both will pay for the sins of your father. But before I collect the debt owed. How in your infintile mind do you plan on stopping the three of us from say killing everything on this world.


*To emphasize this point Heimdall randomly shoots an innocent in a gathering crowd*


Heimdall: Looks like you failed to save another life. Maybe I'll let you live as I systematically destroy every living thing in this town.

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Irvine "You said it yourself, everyone is going to die sooner or later, you just did him a favor by ending it quick and painless." 'What am I saying, I know there's a way to save these people. I have to take them out, but not killing them, they're not stupid either...'


*Irvine launches a hunk stirght at heimdall's chest, knownly that his armour can protect him, but good enough to force him back a bit.*

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Heimdall *smiling*: Tiwaz Kenaz Dagaz


*A burst of light wreathed with fire emits form Heimdall's outstreched palm. It intercepts the rock and slows it. With in a few seconds the street becomes molten and falls to the ground in a puddle.


With his other hand Heimdall shoots his blaster killing another bystander*


That is two that you failed to protect padawan. Doing a poor job of protecting innocents.

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Guy: Of course not. However if the failsafes on your gifts put the bearers in danger...I hope we will not find our companions dead because of this. We should hurry.






*Aidan sets the black device on the ground. A blue light appears above it, expanding and forming into the shape of a circle. It appears like swirling mercury with a glowing luster*


Aidan: It's ready.






*A blue semicircle matching the one on Aidan's portal opens along the side of Guy's ship. Marin, in a blue translucent wolflike body, leaps through. She dashes to the other side of the cargo bay and grabs the blue cube out of a small hiding place. She runs back through the portal, holding the cube in her mouth*

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Irvine "I am a Jedi. And I restate my previous statement about the innocents here."


*Immedately after he states that, with a twich in his eye, cement from two building on both sides of the street break, but were a distence away so that the sound of it wasn't easily heard.


Irvine sends what he has left in frontof him directly at Hiemdall as a deversion, while sending his second volley at their behind, aiming them for each of the three's upper back a general spot where at least on the three, it was unprotected.*

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Marin: *emerging from the portal* <How nice. We have an audience.>


*She tosses the morphing cube to Aidan with a jerk of her head. In the corner of her eye, she notices the approaching missiles*


Marin: *to Heimdall and Aidan* <Duck!>


*Aidan, distracted by the running man, ducks only just in time*

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Svafa: That is a risk we are prepared to take, but I agree we need to hurry. Heimdall is very dangerous in this state and I don't know the full abilities of the other two yet.






Asgardreid: Anomly detected, it's gone. Scanning.






Heimdall: You are no Jedi. A true Jedi even if just a padawan would gladly give their lives to protect innocents. You are pathetic.


*With trained reflexs Heimdall drops to the ground and aims a blast of the previous spell at the crowd. When the wave hits people they begin to liquify. First their skin boils then bursts exposing internal organs which also become liquid. The process is quick but slow enough for the victims to let out screams of horror and pain. Especially since the spell was aimed at their lower torso. Giving them a little while before they died. The rest of the crowd runs off in horror*

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*Seeing what happened to the crowd begins to anger him, Irvine collects the dribris and throws it directly above the four, and hurls it with everything that he muster.


He charges at the down Heimdall drawing his saber, igniting it. When he gets near him, he dodges the barrage with force speed, and in a blur, attacks on Heimdall's blindside.*

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*Heimdall rolls dodging Irvine's attack, and jumps to his feet.*


Heimdall: Anger, anger. Always going further and further from the Jedi teachings.


*Uttering another spell a whirlwind of debris is created blocking Heimdall, Marin and Aidan from Irvines view.


Heimdall to Marin and Aidan: Come, the torture of that one has just begun. The others may be closing in on us and before that I want time to set up a proper welcoming.


Heimdall to Irvine: Remember whelp, the blood of those who die in this town is on your hands because you were not strong enough to protect them.


*With the storm of debir covering them Heimdall, Marin and Aidan slip away*

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((OOS: Deac, where is Ellela?))




*Shouts and screams are heard in the distance, from the direction the Irvines had gone. Raschel looks uncomfortable*


Raschel: Orthos, I think we'd better go...






*Marin stops in the middle of a forest some distance outside the town*


Marin: <This is far enough, I think. I can sense living creatures about. That is good.>


*She demorphs, returning to her normal form*

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Marin: It's a reconstruction of an Escafil device. Developed long ago by an alien race, designed to give any being the ability to perfectly duplicate and inhabit the form of any creature. Actual shapeshifting can only duplicate form and sometimes mass. This way duplicates the being itself, down to its mind and its essence. Everything else aside, this cube will let you do what I do - morph.


*She looks at Aidan* He has already used the cube but he cannot morph yet. Our next step will be to get some sort of docile creature that the two of you can acquire. But first you need to use this cube.


*She hands the blue cube to Heimdall* Concentrate on the cube. Picture it in your mind. Block out everything else you can. You'll feel a tingling. When it stops, you can let go.

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