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Cantina 6: PTH Part IV, Dark Surprises

Admiral Odin

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*Guy takes out his blasters* If they're distracted fighting in the town, and we can sneak up on them, I can try to stun them.






Raschel: *putting away the comlink* Great. So we're on our own. She won't help us.

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*Svafa approached the area of fighting. She stepped over the bodies of dead militia and innocent civilians looking around for signs of Heimdall or the other two.*



Town: Roof top


*Heimdall landed on a flat roof and demophed. Uttering a spell his armor reforms around him. He goes to the edge where he sees Svafa*


Heimdall: Come little sister let's continue what we began.


*Svafa looks up at Heimdall and simple nodds, she runs into the building and in a few moments joins Heimdall on the roof*


Svafa: I cannot allow you to continue...

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Raschel: So...uh, Gortick...can you take us to the mines?




*Misae spots a figure wheeling in the sky, blaster bolts coming at him from the ground*


Misae: I see Aidan.


*Guy raises his blaster to his arm. He extends the barrel and raises a scope*


Guy: We'll see if I can stun him.


Misae: Look out!


*A large bird rams Guy's shoulder, knocking him off balance and sending his shot wide. Marin's disembodied voice echoes in the group's heads*


Marin: <I don't think so.>

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*Heimdall and Svafa hand to hand, both equally match weave in and out of each other's range. It was a game of fients and waiting for an opportunity to get in a crucial blow. At the moment the two had back off again.


After a moment Heimdall came after Svafa again, this time he manages to trick Svafa into thinking he was going to attack high and he swept out her legs causing Svafa to fall on her back, in an instant he was a top of her, with his arm crushing her throat.*


Heimdall: You fought well, and as a reward you get to live until Cracken son's are dead.


Svafa *have a little trouble speaking*: Best to kill me now, you won't get another chance.


*Heimdall just smiled, then savagely hit her over the head, causing her to black out for a couple of minutes. When she woke up Heimdall was gone*

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((OOS: Scar, firstly that was my character thinking, not me. Secondly, since the "twins" have the exact same name, Raschel has trouble thinking of them as separate entities. Thirdly, she isn't going to think of WH Irvine as "WH Irvine". That's just a story moniker, not a name ;)))




*The group reaches the mines. An evacuation is going on through the main entrance. Down the road into town, the ruckus of battle sounds*


Raschel: Why do I get the feeling they've already been here and gone...




*The town militia take notice of Misae, Guy, and Hal*


Man: More outsiders! Get them!


Man 2: Wait...aren't those two Jedi?

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((OOS: Scar, if you're complaining about me having my characters misunderstand yours, why are you having your characters "misunderstand" Admiral's? Especially when WH Irvine DOES know that Heimdall is mind-altered? ;)


Deac: Er...o_O I think I made it pretty obvious that certain magic crystals are causing this, right? :D))




*Misae uses the Force to try to bend the minds of the militia members* That's right. We're Jedi. You don't want to attack us. You want to help us.


*The militia members hesitate. Then explosions light up the sky in the distance*


Militia 1: That was from the housing sector!


*Before the other man can answer, the two are struck and ripped apart by blue lines of energy. Aidan swoops above them*


Aidan: You shouldn't have come after us, idiots. Now it's time---


*He cuts off, hearing Marin's thought speech in his head. Heimdall hears the communication as well, but none of the others can*


Marin: <Look! I see something in the distance. Someone else is trashing our playground...>


*Another explosion goes off, closer*


Mines Outskirts


Raschel: We need to get out of here.


*An officer in ill-fitting stormtrooper armor - lacking a helmet - runs up to the small group* Hey, you there! Show your settlement ID! Orders are anyone without ID is to be taken into custody!

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