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A cry from the distance..

Darth Homer

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Ah! Finally someone has found me. I was afraid that I'd be stuck in this barren, icy wasteland for eternity. WAIT!! Come back!! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ramble. It's just that I live in South Carolina and we were hit by this ice storm that we had NO WAY to forsee!! (lousy weathermen...) No! Don't go!! I know you are a northerner and handle this type of weather and worse, but we are simple folk and are rarely subjected to this kind of storm. I was lucky that my power and heat did not go out, but my cable tv and internet have failed me. I made it to work where there is no tv, but I have the internet. I can't stay long, management trolls punish us for using the web. Please send word to others that you see that I am ok and will rejoin society once this friggin state figures out how to deal with a couple inches of ice. I have to go, I hear a troll!

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Hey, just because my state has the word "north" in it doesn't mean I'm a yankee. If i were i'd be forced to shoot myself. ;)


Oooh, I know a "Stupid-thing-that-doesn't-really-matter-but-pisses-you-off-for-no-reason-anyway" thing about you :p

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