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Baha, never let your friends on your aim


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RpTheHotrod: sup

JangoBoba7: f*ck off you!

RpTheHotrod: say wha?

JangoBoba7: btw this isnt z

RpTheHotrod: oh

RpTheHotrod: heh

JangoBoba7: his friend

RpTheHotrod: ah

RpTheHotrod: I'm his boyfriend

JangoBoba7: z died

RpTheHotrod: tell him I said hi

JangoBoba7: ok, this is new to me..

JangoBoba7: z's gay!?

RpTheHotrod: meh, he doesnt tell too many people

JangoBoba7: i see

JangoBoba7: brb, must murder

RpTheHotrod: nah, I'm just messin' with ya

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this is good, but as bad as having a ass hole'ish friend that knows your LF name and password :mad:


I can't remember what he wrote. I think it was an advertisement for his webpage...


Ahh I remember it was, and he did it while I was in the sh - er praying :D. Oh well I got him back, and now he has to drink his food through a straw :).

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

My dad sometimes likes to pretend to be me. I remember he even made an attempt to join the forums and overthrow me.


Anyone remember that interesting piece of swamp history?


Wasn't his name obiwan13sucks or something?

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

My dad sometimes likes to pretend to be me. I remember he even made an attempt to join the forums and overthrow me.


Anyone remember that interesting piece of swamp history?

Oh yeah, that was hilarious. Only person I've seen banned after one post.

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Originally posted by MennoniteHobbit

MUWAHAHAHA... my siblings don't even know I have AIM...

oh, and obi-wan, can you give me a linky to ur dad's profile/post? I would love to see it.


I tried to find it, but it must have been deleted. I don't think I was even just a normal mod at that time.

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