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What is your faction?  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your faction?

    • Imperial *crowd goes wild*
    • Rebels *crowd boos*

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mine changed over time.

i was a proud member of the rebellion. tried to help them in every way i could. till one of the largest rebel guilds decided they earned the spot my guild had for 4 months better then we did. and kicked us out of the place we lived.


since then i became an imp. Lieutenant now. AT-ST and 2 commando's at my disposal... and finding out what asses the rebels are on starsider. (no offence to those i worked with)

well i mean there are always a few rotten apples that spoil everything for the rest isnt there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

hmm... you guys talk like there are no bad imps...the only imps i respect are the ones that beat me in battle......otherwise i have no use for any of them....and there is nothing wrong with trynity corzip.....maby if you made a stand the first time they put a house up near your old PA city then they might of left.....but enough about that.....yes some bad apples on both sides....lets make that clear....


p.s. i live in trynity city now.... its a nice spot...you should check it out corzip....oh wait....

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Originally posted by Kaiser Isaac

and there is nothing wrong with trynity corzip.....maby if you made a stand the first time they put a house up near your old PA city then they might of left.


Don't start that **** again, Trinity even forced out there own Leader..

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Well I admit there are some rotten Imps... like this one I used to work with Acaofa I went hunting with him one day told him one of my friends were a rebel he "Ignored" me and I haven't talk to him since... I think other than him all the imps are nice... well anyways here is a funny imp story.... I got my vehicle disabled thanks to a rebel attack on the Emperor's Retreat I ask someone to DB me so I can restore it so then this guy from <-ST-> (StormTrooper) he says I am under arrest.... so I go to this so called "Detainment HeadQuarters" he asks me a few questions I use my SPARE swoop I always have stored in my Datapad so I run drive away and act like nothing happened :p

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hmm... you guys talk like there are no bad imps...the only imps i respect are the ones that beat me in battle......otherwise i have no use for any of them....
right so... only battle going imps that slaughter and slaughter and try to kill everything is the only imp worth playing?


me a doc helping and buffing anyone who needs a help or a buff is a worthless player and imp.... nice to have that kind of knoledge about rebs..... yet again rebs on naboo have lost some of my respect.


p.s. i live in trynity city now.... its a nice spot...you should check it out corzip....oh wait....
now thats hitting below the belt.....


we are finished talking.....

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im reb.. live on talus...



there are plenty of asses on both sides of this faction battle.. the rebs i group with are generally pretty cool.. unfortunately a lot of the imps i have met have been quite cocky and jerkish.. although lately i have met some pretty cool imps...


even grouped with one the other day... shhhhh ;)

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It's not the faction but the attitude of each individual player. I am a Doc on Intrepid and meet some major jerks on both sides. Since becoming a Doc I have started a 'No Buff' list, as have the other Docs I know....and mine has both Imperials AND Rebels on it. There is an entire Rebel Guild that I will not help at all, a few other rebels that are on hit lists of my imperial friends (hehe), a few imperials that I will go overt or teff myself to take down and a few imps that I will rez even in a fight against rebels.

Depends on my relationship with them. I've pissed off some Rebels by doing that....oh well. :)



So I wonder if that means I can't say I'm loyal to the Rebellion.

Hehe Anyway I'm Rebel but couldn't vote since the poll was closed.

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I witnessed some excellent roleplaying by 2 imp players at the weekend. Both had Stomie gear on and had ATST's. They set them up in korvella starport and set patrol point inside the starport area. They then stood there and asked everyone passing for 'there papers'. Some just ignored them but others roleplayed back. There were a few covert imps who pointed out they were colonel and they all acted it out with the 'sorry sir i didnt recognise you without your uniform on' thing. It was excellent and i give a massive pat on the back to the imp players that were involved. i find that a lot more imp actually role play compared to rebels. Most rebels i meet just want to cool, be mates with luke skywalker and dont roleplay at all. Shame really. credit where credits due to imp players.

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Originally posted by ho-ta

I witnessed some excellent roleplaying by 2 imp players at the weekend. Both had Stomie gear on and had ATST's. They set them up in korvella starport and set patrol point inside the starport area. They then stood there and asked everyone passing for 'there papers'. Some just ignored them but others roleplayed back. There were a few covert imps who pointed out they were colonel and they all acted it out with the 'sorry sir i didnt recognise you without your uniform on' thing. It was excellent and i give a massive pat on the back to the imp players that were involved. i find that a lot more imp actually role play compared to rebels. Most rebels i meet just want to cool, be mates with luke skywalker and dont roleplay at all. Shame really. credit where credits due to imp players.

you know when io walked into Kor Vela i got scanned by a ST.

when i walked to the trooper he saluted me and said the same thing: sorry colonel Dinn i didnt recognize you.

you sure it werent NPC's :)

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Originally posted by devian

wierd. Rebels are awesome on Bloodfin, but the imps are assholes. Guess it's different on each server.


not mention, all the rebel guilds on bloodfin are in alliance with eachother.


Nice ? Nice!? NICEE!!!??? They Told Me To Delete My Character! And if You Call That Nice Then I Would Hate To See What You Call Mean!

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  • 2 weeks later...

i am rebel,i have met two nice imps of kettemoor,the others wer just plain rude to me.like tis one time i was healin people in the med center and i was overt..well some asshole came and killed me and i didnt even have a weapon to protect myself,now i wasnt mad bout tis he beat me..what pissed me off is he laughed about it!But i have met some rude rebels....

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  • 2 weeks later...

How are rebels whinners?...you mean like whinning?like this

"you jerk i had no buffs and no armor and you killed me,and you had both those things!!!"like that?cause it does suck when that happens...which is most of the time for my wookiee who has no armor plus i highly discourage buffs..so i am pretty much srewed in combat thats why i usaly dont pvp.But its not like i dont cry about it...that makes me a "non-whinner"right?


anyway its up to you to decide what you will be rebel or imperail..you dont realy have to be either.

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