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Round one : Fight!


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I don't see a bunch of mature people posting here. I only see babies whining about 1 kid's problems. Let him handle his own problems the way he wants to, not how you want. He asked for advice on how to get out of the situation, not to continue it.


And self-defense is not accepting a fight, it's called ending the fight.


You're a fool if you think that's what its called. TK's right and you're wrong. Accept it.


Now stop this arguing before I take the law into my own hands, with or without a mods' consent.

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Well just one last thing. When you're 30 years old and you get the **** beaten out of you by another guy in a bar fight or something, sure, don't fight back, let him get suspended... oh wait... no ones going to care that you got the **** beaten out of you at 30 because you didn't want to fight back. Unless you tell the cops, and at the most he'll serve a week or two of community service for disorderly conduct. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by topshot

You're a fool if you think that's what its called. TK's right and you're wrong. Accept it.


No. You're young and naive and don't understand how things work in the REAL world. You can come back and tell me who's right when you're older.


Who the hell is going to beat you up after you finish school?!


Drunk people. And don't say don't be around drunk people, no matter where you go you're gonna find them, and sometimes drunks are violent. And you can't reason with a drunk, and you can't do anything BUT defend yourself when they start swinging.


Then don't meet him.


It's not a matter of don't meet him. It's a matter of he's waiting to FOLLOW YOU HOME after school, and then he jumps you beats the tar out of you when you aren't suspecting. Woooo for you! You took the high road and now you're battered and bruised and he wins, because he really doesn't care that he got expelled.


And by the by, Topshot, everyone in this thread has abstained from resorting to name calling, so how about you try to be a little mature about it. And you coudl try using actual points instead of just saying.."No. you're wrong and we're right and you're stupid even though you've got way more life experience than me":rolleyes:

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Originally posted by TK-8252

Bar fights? Please.


Let me add something... self-defense does not end a fight, IT CONTINUES IT! So called "self-defense" is returning evil for evil. Two wrongs DO NOT make a right.


Two wrongs DO NOT make a right.



things are not always as black and white as children see them.


I have gotten into my share of fights throughout jr.high and high school....and you know what I learned?


the bully thing...they pick on you because they can.

punch them in the face and that's gonna make them think a little differently.

The worst mistake you could make was to tell your parents, or the principal, or the teachers because , then, hey, now everyone in school knows how much of a idiot you are.


You have to fight your own battles.

it is not worth going to school every day and wishing you were dead...I knew the feeling.

A fight is not always the way, however its always worked for me.

no one has ever messed with me twice.

I've been in many a fight for no good reason other than someone said something about a friend, ....but I don't regret that either.

bullys are losers.

they are picking on you cause they see themselves in you.

so prove them wrong.


and to be honest I could care less for all the moral crap..hey, call the cops! wait for him to throw the first punch! or..."its assault!!"......or...maybe the principal will stop him...or.......well.... answer me this.


...who is gonna be there when your "mommy" is not there to save you? You gonna run? because its not right to fight?

I hope that works out for you.


and 2 wrongs do not make a right.

but I dont think that has anything to do with anything right now.



...no one is perfect.

given certain situations....a fight is the only way to solve your problem. If you want to be moral...then live with it.

but what happens when you pop?

the victims of bullies always pop eventually.

all that hate bottled up does no one any good.

may as well deal with it now....right?


problems have solutions.


that is my solution.

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No one get mad at me for helping out, that's what I like to do, help people out, I don't question if they really need help in a certain way (unless you ask for pot or something)


I simply was responding to what Michael posted.


OT, Jared, how do you always remember to post in italics? And Astro always says MYFBWYA, how in the heak do you always remember?

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Originally posted by ET Warrior:

And by the by, Topshot, everyone in this thread has abstained from resorting to name calling, so how about you try to be a little mature about it. And you coudl try using actual points instead of just saying.."No. you're wrong and we're right and you're stupid even though you've got way more life experience than me":rolleyes: [/b]


That's what happens when people piss me off........

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Originally posted by jokemaster

OK, so defending yourself is wrong? avoiding injury is wrong? Maybe you've never been in a situation where it's either get beaten up or fight, but I have. And let me tell you the first choice isn't gonna end well for you.

Fighting is wrong. No matter if you start it or not.


Originally posted by ET Warrior

Drunk people. And don't say don't be around drunk people, no matter where you go you're gonna find them, and sometimes drunks are violent. And you can't reason with a drunk, and you can't do anything BUT defend yourself when they start swinging.

Don't be around drunk people.


Originally posted by ET Warrior

It's not a matter of don't meet him. It's a matter of he's waiting to FOLLOW YOU HOME after school, and then he jumps you beats the tar out of you when you aren't suspecting. Woooo for you! You took the high road and now you're battered and bruised and he wins, because he really doesn't care that he got expelled.

Easy, Michael can get his parents to pick him up at school. Or, if the school has buses, he could take the bus. There's no real way to fight on a bus.


Originally posted by Jared

...who is gonna be there when your "mommy" is not there to save you? You gonna run? because its not right to fight?

I hope that works out for you.

Easy - you don't get into situations like that. And what's wrong with getting your "mommy" to help you anyway? Your parents are there for a reason. To guide you through life, and support you. If it weren't for your parents, you wouldn't be alive.


Originally posted by Jared

and 2 wrongs do not make a right.

but I dont think that has anything to do with anything right now.

Beating someone up is wrong. Two wrongs DO NOT make a right.


Originally posted by Jared

a fight is the only way to solve your problem.

How does fighting solve your problems? That's like saying smoking weed will solve your problems. It doesn't solve your problems, it only puts them off. And both of those things are illegal.
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Isn't it funny how we keep hearing that fighting doesn't solve anything, and yet for all of us here who've had to fight...it DID solve our problems.


Don't be around drunk people.

Yeah! Lets just lock ourselves in our houses and never leave, except to goto work and come straight home, because that's going to be LOTS of fun and life will be way cool like that. We'll never goto a sporting event or a bar or even just stand outside!

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Originally posted by ET Warrior


Drunk people. And don't say don't be around drunk people, no matter where you go you're gonna find them, and sometimes drunks are violent.




i'll can agree to that. one time one of my friends, a particularily big fellow, got all mad for no reason when he was drunk, and starting going crazy and hitting things. it took 7 guys to bring him down so that he'd stop going psycho. lol..


Fighting is wrong. No matter if you start it or not.


ok, then Tk, answer me this. Let's say that in 10 years or so if you get a girlfriend, that you two are walking down the street late at night and a couple of people jump you guys. cops are nowhere nearby so they can do whatever they want. they take your money, beat you a bit, and start to rape your girlfriend. what are you gonna do, just stand there and not fight because "fighting is wrong?" you gonna run away to find help while leaving your girlfriend alone with the muggers?


girlfriend: save me tk! help me!

tk: i'd like to, but i can't, because i believe fighting is wrong!

girlfriend: but they're attacking me!

tk: two wrongs do not make a right! but wait, i'll go get help!

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Originally posted by Lightsaberboy

ok, then Tk, answer me this. Let's say that in 10 years or so if you get a girlfriend, that you two are walking down the street late at night and a couple of people jump you guys. cops are nowhere nearby so they can do whatever they want. they take your money, beat you a bit, and start to rape your girlfriend. what are you gonna do, just stand there and not fight because "fighting is wrong?" you gonna run away to find help while leaving your girlfriend alone with the muggers?


girlfriend: save me tk! help me!

tk: i'd like to, but i can't, because i believe fighting is wrong!

girlfriend: but they're attacking me!

tk: two wrongs do not make a right! but wait, i'll go get help!

That is a different story. We're talking about 13 year old middle school kids. You can't compare petty fights with what could be a life-and-death situation.
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Originally posted by TK-8252

That is a different story. We're talking about 13 year old middle school kids. You can't compare petty fights with what could be a life-and-death situation.

One of my friends was hospitalized for a while after he got beaten up in middle school. The guy started smashing his head with a locker. :(

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Originally posted by TK-8252

That is a different story. We're talking about 13 year old middle school kids. You can't compare petty fights with what could be a life-and-death situation.


Then why dispute my idea about the bar fights. :rolleyes: That's also a different story.


And EVERY fight is a life or death situation. One wrong punch...

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From what I read briefly on the last page of this site...are we discussing the moral issues with fighting??


If so, here is how I feel.


Humans have been fighting since the dawn of their existance. small scale and large scale(wars).


You see...weve got this thing called Testosterone that makes us (mostly men) act funny.


As far as me and fighting...I used to be on the wrestling team in high school. I was taught some strange things that have stuck with me today. They did exersizes to teach us to be aggressive, and it worked. To this day there are things ppl can do to me that will unconsciously send me into a fit of rage. Also when somebody comes off at me in an angry way, I respond in an angry way.


Sometimes that gets the best of me, not as much as it used to. I am learning to just chill out about things these days. Also when I do get pissed at somebody and insults are starting to get thrown back and forth, they tend to take me lightly because I am a fairly small dude. I lift weights every other day...and I can pack a punch. Lets say I've knocked out teeth before.


But I dont think fighting alltogether is bad, Cops fight and I dont scorn it.


But I dont like fighting, I dont see what it accomplishes other than a temporary ego boost if you win. I havent been in a fight since high school, gladly. :)

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Originally posted by TK-8252

That is a different story. We're talking about 13 year old middle school kids. You can't compare petty fights with what could be a life-and-death situation.



Random quotes taken from the thread


Originally posted by TK-8252

Absolutely not! If you fight him, and kick his ass, there will only be MORE reason for him to try to get revenge. THAT is how rivalries start.


Originally posted by TK-8252

There's the thing - people's arms are only so long. If you stay away from the person until you can get help from the school, they can't hurt you.


Originally posted by TK-8252

OR you could do the right thing, and seek help from the people who are MEANT to defend you. And later in life, 9-11 can be your best friend.


Originally posted by TK-8252

Fighting doesn't solve your troubles.


Sounds like you're talking about fighting is ALWAYS wrong no matter what to me.



Don't be suprised when you get a phone call in the middle of the day, the principal informing you that your child has been suspended.

You said that to Lexx, and you know what? If her daughter got in a fight defending herself from a bully, I'll bet you doughnuts to dollers that Lexx wouldn't care at all. she would understand completely.


Like in hockey. On my team we've only had one game where a fight broke out. Some guy on the other team was being really pushy and crappy to one of our players, and they finally sort of went to blows, but then another player came in and cheap-shoted our guy. So his brother came in to defend his brother. They both got suspended and they didn't get to play in our game 2 weeks ago. We lost that game, probably because they were suspended, but we didn't care, nor did we hold them responsible. we all understood what happened and why it needed to happen.


So YOU sir, need to get off your high horse so you can get back down to the real world that we're all living in and you can understand why fighting is at times a necessary part of life.

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Best way to teach a child about fighting:


Teach them HOW to fight, so they CAN defend themselves when they need to(we're talkin school reputations, the most important thing to a child/teen), but teach them that it isn't always the way.


Am I gonna raise my kids this way? Hell no.


Me: Got into a fight?

Son/Daughter: Yep.

Me: Got suspended?

S/D: Uh huh...

Me: Did you kick his/her ass?

S/D: Good work.

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