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Round one : Fight!


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Originally posted by ET Warrior

You said that to Lexx, and you know what? If her daughter got in a fight defending herself from a bully, I'll bet you doughnuts to dollers that Lexx wouldn't care at all. she would understand completely.


Damn straight I would, and I've give her a treat too for having the intelligence and courage to stick up for herself. ;)





As for this ongoing discussion - Never argue with an idiot. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience. In other words, I'm done with this thread.

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

Sounds like you're talking about fighting is ALWAYS wrong no matter what to me.

We've been talking about middle school kids.


Originally posted by ET Warrior

You said that to Lexx, and you know what? If her daughter got in a fight defending herself from a bully, I'll bet you doughnuts to dollers that Lexx wouldn't care at all. she would understand completely.

What happens when leXX has to pick her daughter up at school, because her daughter has a broken nose, bruises all over her arms, a black eye, and can barly breath? Will leXX be very happy then?


Originally posted by ET Warrior

Like in hockey. On my team we've only had one game where a fight broke out. Some guy on the other team was being really pushy and crappy to one of our players, and they finally sort of went to blows, but then another player came in and cheap-shoted our guy. So his brother came in to defend his brother. They both got suspended and they didn't get to play in our game 2 weeks ago. We lost that game, probably because they were suspended, but we didn't care, nor did we hold them responsible. we all understood what happened and why it needed to happen.

Why not just let the idiot make a fool of himself, and eventually get taken out of the game?


Originally posted by ET Warrior

So YOU sir, need to get off your high horse so you can get back down to the real world that we're all living in and you can understand why fighting is at times a necessary part of life.

I sure don't need to fight. No one in middle school needs to fight. People only fight because they want to show off, be Mr. Tough Guy.
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Originally posted by TK-8252

What happens when leXX has to pick her daughter up at school, because her daughter has a broken nose, bruises all over her arms, a black eye, and can barly breath? Will leXX be very happy then?


I thought we were talking about middle school kids? And since you're now talking about a girl, how many middle school girls do you know that can do that to another girl?




And in fact, we're talking about ALL fights. When you got into this, I didn't hear you say "middle school kids" so why are you saying it now?

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Originally posted by DarkLord60

thats not what you said a couple of days ago.


Sarcasm, meet DarkLord, Darklord, meet sarcasm.




And in fact, we're talking about ALL fights. When you got into this, I didn't hear you say "middle school kids" so why are you saying it now?


Because our logic is backing him into a corner where he cannot win.


Why not just let the idiot make a fool of himself, and eventually get taken out of the game?

Have you ever watched hockey? Ever? Getting the tar beaten out of you is demoralizing for the ENTIRE team, and team loyalty means defending your teammates.


People only fight because they want to show off, be Mr. Tough Guy.

No. the bully wants to show off and be mr tough guy. The other person is merely defending themselves. NOT showing off.

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Originally posted by Reborn Outcast

I thought we were talking about middle school kids? And since you're now talking about a girl, how many middle school girls do you know that can do that to another girl?

You'd be suprised!


Originally posted by Reborn Outcast

And in fact, we're talking about ALL fights. When you got into this, I didn't hear you say "middle school kids" so why are you saying it now?

What is the topic of this thread? Helping Michael, a 13 year old middle school kid, deal with a bully. If you want to talk about ALL fighting then take it over to the Senate Chambers.


Originally posted by ET Warrior

No. the bully wants to show off and be mr tough guy. The other person is merely defending themselves. NOT showing off.

And fighting the bully is showing that you can be Mr. Tough Guy too! Mr. Tough Guy, no one messes with me! Everyone fear Mr. Tough Guy!
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I believe this proves that merely shrugging it off won't always work.


Most of the track team had already left, but Chris Heath saw no sign of her son. Then a student approached her truck in the high school parking lot.


"Are you Cutter's mom?" he said. "He's been in an accident."


Confusion set in, then panic. Heath rushed in and ran down the long hall where the track team had been practicing because of rain. Blood was smeared on one end of the polished concrete floor.


In the training room, she found her 15-year-old son flanked by a coach and a trainer. Christopher "Cutter" Lloyd sat slumped in a chair, shirtless. Blood gushed from his nose and mouth. He looked up at his mother, but his eyes registered no recognition.


"My God!" Heath shrieked. "What happened?"


Her son had been pushed, coach Kelly Gilbert told her. The student responsible had admitted to it. The matter, Gilbert assured her, would be taken care of.


Lloyd's troubles didn't stop after his nose and jaw were broken.


Others targeted him. And the more steps the family took to halt the harassment, the more they were ostracized. So they gave up. Lloyd has transferred to another district. And two weeks ago -- just shy of the incident's one-year anniversary -- the family moved.


Some agreed with school administrators, who see the family's departure as an overreaction to isolated incidents.


"For seven months, ever since Lloyd first set foot on the Stephenville High School campus, football players taunted him. At first, he didn't pay it much attention."


The school says boys will be boys.

See ignoring doesn't always make them move to a new target.
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Originally posted by TK-8252

You'd be suprised!


You just keep saying that we'd be surprised, but you have no evidence or facts or even stories to support it. Therefore. No. I wouldn't be surprised.


And fighting the bully is showing that you can be Mr. Tough Guy too! Mr. Tough Guy, no one messes with me! Everyone fear Mr. Tough Guy!

NO! This is where your apparent lack of common sense or even basic understanding is annoying. It is NOT showing him that you are mr. tough guy. It is showing him that you aren't mr. Beatthecrapoutofmebecauseiamapansy. It is defending yourself, preventing you from being harmed any further.

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Most of the track team had already left, but Chris Heath saw no sign of her son. Then a student approached her truck in the high school parking lot.


"Are you Cutter's mom?" he said. "He's been in an accident."


Confusion set in, then panic. Heath rushed in and ran down the long hall where the track team had been practicing because of rain. Blood was smeared on one end of the polished concrete floor.


In the training room, she found her 15-year-old son flanked by a coach and a trainer. Christopher "Cutter" Lloyd sat slumped in a chair, shirtless. Blood gushed from his nose and mouth. He looked up at his mother, but his eyes registered no recognition.


"My God!" Heath shrieked. "What happened?"


Her son had been pushed, coach Kelly Gilbert told her. The student responsible had admitted to it. The matter, Gilbert assured her, would be taken care of.


Lloyd's troubles didn't stop after his nose and jaw were broken.


Others targeted him. And the more steps the family took to halt the harassment, the more they were ostracized. So they gave up. Lloyd has transferred to another district. And two weeks ago -- just shy of the incident's one-year anniversary -- the family moved.


Some agreed with school administrators, who see the family's departure as an overreaction to isolated incidents.


"For seven months, ever since Lloyd first set foot on the Stephenville High School campus, football players taunted him. At first, he didn't pay it much attention."


The school says boys will be boys.

Holy crap... that's sad. But a bully situation like this probably wouldn't have been solved by a fight. Seeing how bad this kid was messed up, he probably wouldn't have won a fight anyways. High school football players can do a whole lot more damage than a petty 13 year old bully.


Originally posted by ET Warrior

You just keep saying that we'd be surprised, but you have no evidence or facts or even stories to support it. Therefore. No. I wouldn't be surprised.

You'd be suprised!


Originally posted by ET Warrior

It is defending yourself, preventing you from being harmed any further.

Using your fists to do the talking doesn't prevent harm, it only encourages it.
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Originally posted by TK-8252

Holy crap... that's sad. But a bully situation like this probably wouldn't have been solved by a fight. Seeing how bad this kid was messed up, he probably wouldn't have won a fight anyways. High school football players can do a whole lot more damage than a petty 13 year old bully.


That boy didn't fight back...

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Originally posted by TK-8252

Fighting is wrong. No matter if you start it or not.




Originally posted by TK-8252

easy - you don't get into situations like that. And what's wrong with getting your "mommy" to help you anyway? Your parents are there for a reason. To guide you through life, and support you. If it weren't for your parents, you wouldn't be alive.



you think?

running to mommy never solves anything.



Originally posted by TK-8252

Beating someone up is wrong. Two wrongs DO NOT make a right.


yes, 2 wrongs do make a right.

its call the death penalty.


Originally posted by TK-8252

How does fighting solve your problems? That's like saying smoking weed will solve your problems. It doesn't solve your problems, it only puts them off. And both of those things are illegal.


smoking weed, while it doesn’t solve problems...makes then go away....hence....they were never there...I don't care.

and who cares if it’s illegal.

It’s only illegal if you get caught.

no one cares if I smoke a bowl or 2.


or 5.


Originally posted by IG-64

OT, Jared, how do you always remember to post in italics?


because....I....lead a satanic cult bent on the destruction of the earth and everything in it.




*crickets chirp in backround*



.....Rhett threataned to have his elf slaves do horrible things to me if I didn't.



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Originally posted by Jared






you think?

running to mommy never solves anything.





yes, 2 wrongs do make a right.

its call the death penalty.




smoking weed, while it doesn’t solve problems...makes then go away....hence....they were never there...I don't care.

and who cares if it’s illegal.

It’s only illegal if you get caught.

no one cares if I smoke a bowl or 2.


or 5.




because....I....lead a satanic cult bent on the destruction of the earth and everything in it.




*crickets chirp in backround*



.....Rhett threataned to have his elf slaves do horrible things to me if I didn't.



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now now, no flame wars....do you need a time out??


Originally posted by Chairwalker

Fighting is like playing games, or pretty much everything else in life:

It serves no real purpose, but it's lots of fun when you're winning.


There's my 2 cents.



best advice on the whole page.

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Originally posted by Jared

no one cares if I smoke a bowl or 2.


or 5.







you sound like the guy who lives down the hall from me :p



(HA! Quoted you in NOT italics!!!!)





And TK....not cool man, not cool, no need to be all mean about it. None of us have attacked you personally. jeeeeez

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

Beh, this is getting to serious for the swamp.


Go make a fighting ok or not thread over at the senate chambers to continue the debate.


Don't ignore the old man, dangit!


TK- Don't flame. You're warned.

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