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I´m new to this forum but old friend of the Monkey Saga.


I´ve got almost all the mp3 files from the MI1 CD and I´m trying to burn it together with the CD version of the game.


Right now I have most of the titles and order correct, but I´m missing a couple of tracks which I don´t know the right listing order.


For instance, so far I have the following:


01-Game Data

02-Voodoo Shop

03-Meelée Forest


05-Organ Prelude

06-Ghost Ship Shuffle

07-Chapter 1 Screen - The Three Trials

08-Love Theme

09-Scumm Bar

10-Ghost Ship Shuffle

11-Stan´s Previously Used Ships

12-The Fettucini Brothers

13-Le Chuck´s Theme


15-Monkey Island overview





20-LeChuck´s Ship


22-The Cannibal Village






I´ve got almost 5 or 6 more tracks but can´t figure out their correct order.


I will apreciate any help you can give me, because I´ve been trying very hard to get the CD Version of MI1 unsuccesfully so far.


Thank you!!



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I'm still waiting for the whole damn soundtrack to be smuggled/leaked.


The rips utterly suck, thanks to all the ambience they cleverly mixed over the music which completely clashes with it at every oppertunity (unlike CMI for example, where ambient sound actually worked with the music for the most part).

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Thank you Thrik!


I´ve checked the Sountrack site at Mixnmojo, but CD track listing is very different from the Game CD.


Their soundtrack has the Main Theme as track number 1, but in the Game CD, this Theme is number 18th.


Well, if anybody has the right order (for the Game CD), I´ll be apreciated.


Thank you!



PS: the listing I posted before is ok, but I still have to fill the gaps (songs number 4, 14, 17, 19, 21, etc.).

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Well, I´ve finally figured out what seems the right order for the CD version of Monkey 1:



02-Voodoo Shop

03-Meelée Forest

04-Ingame Cue 1

05-Organ Prelude

06-Melee Island Overview

07-Chapter Screen

08-Guybrush & Elaine

09-Scumm Bar

10-Ghost Ship Shuffle

11-Meelée Island

12-Fetuccini Brothers

13-Le Chuck´s Theme

14-LeChuck's Theme (Alternate)

15-Monkey Island overview


17-Closing Theme

18-Opening Theme

19-Stan´s Previously Used Ships

20-LeChuck´s Ship

21-Monkey Island Night (Ambient)

22-The Cannibal Village

23-Monkey Island Beach (Ambient)

24-Ingame Cue 2

25-Monkey Island Jungle (Ambient)


If you sort the tracks like that, and play with the CD version of the game, it should play just right ´til the end (I´ve just finished the game listening to the tracks in the above mentioned order and it seems ok!).






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