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White males...


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As always, please forgive my spelling. I know, its bad.


Hello, I myself, am a white male. And I wanted to see if other White Males agreed with me on this subject.


No, I do not hate other races, I beleave all races should be treated equelly. EQUELLY. Yes, now you know where I'm going I bet. White Males today, we are treated, when we go to aply for a job, like second class citizens. Why should someone less qualified than us be chosen simply becouse they are another colour?


I understand that it use to the opiset. Back in the 50's and 60's, other races, escpecially blacks, where treated horribley. And that was, and still is wrong. Its sad when people are beaten for entering a resturaunt or bar so arogantly labeled: "No coloreds."


But, after everything that happened in the 60's, the protests, and such, you would think people would have seen the light. You would think they would have decided to make it right, by makeing it fair. But no, humans are stupid. They simply reversed it. Whats worse is that this was done mostly by other white males at the top of the government.


Not that the other races complained, oh no. None of them said how unfair it was to us, becouse hey, they had to go thru it, they wanted revenge! They wanted to see us suffer, instead of chooseing to try and get along, they decided they would just treat us the same as we had them.


Now I'm not saying we are treated as badly as they where. Not hardly, I have yet to see a "No whites" bar. But I still think we can be considered on the low end of the job pool.


There...I think thats enough ranting on that for now. Comment as you will, I'll probably think up other stuff to say. Also, this post mainly concentrated on how blacks are favored over whites today. I've got no problem with them, or other races however. Hey, look at my name! Go go Japan! :)

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Lol. When I started reading this, I thought the "whites" referred to Americans and such. And, no. I do not hate blacks. I treat them equally. I do not hate Japanese, even though its Emperor attacked my country ( not America). Anyway, I wholly agree with you. Do your best to.... Errr.... Root out racists in.... This forum! :xp:

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While I disagree with how initiatives such as Affirmative Action are managed in a large degree, I feel I have to point out that the "white male" is in no jeopardy of losing jobs to blacks in the United States.


As of Jan. 2004, the Unemployment rate for whites was 4.9 whereas the Unemployment Rate for blacks was 10.5 (BLS, 2004). You also have to take into account the number of people who are not eligible for unemployment benefits and therefore aren't included in the "unemployment rate" as they apparently count those who are receiving some sort of benefits...


There is a huge disparity between whites and blacks in that regard, therefore, one could say that whites are far from the low end of the "job pool" and certainly not favored over whites, generally speaking (it is likely that specific instances of favoratism exists, though this is not the general rule as born out through the numbers).


I think that affirmative action type initiatives can have their place if managed well, but one should be hired on the basis of meritt and not the color of their skin.


One way that affirmative action could be effective is if incentives are given to employers to find/train minority employees to fullfil positions, but, again, this would be a meritt based incentive. In the end, if a minority didn't arrive at the same qualifications as the "white male," then obviously the position should go to the person that will bring the most qualifications to the job. However, I certainly wouldn't rule out the value of cultural diversity within a workplace, so if the two were closely matched and the white person only just edging out the minority, then perhaps consideration should be given to non-skill level traits that can be a benefit to the workplace.


That having been said, one must also consider that blacks are not the only minority that falls into the affirmative action concept. Women also have disparities with their white-male counterparts, particularly with salaries and particularly in England.


I think the real place to begin making opportunities happen for the minorities of the country is within primary and secondary education. Our inner city and rural school districts get increasingly little foci in funding, professional improvement of faculty, innovations in education, etc. The suburban school districts get increasingly higher attention to each... This is understandable on many levels, since the suburbs is where the revenue is to distribute back to the school districts.


Another issue is the so-called glass ceiling, which I personally think is largely non-existant. This is the "invisible" barrier that minorities (particularly women and blacks) hit when climbing corporate ladders. My belief on this is that the glass ceiling is simply a result of the city-bus effect: the bus rolls through two white neighborhoods, picks up a nearly full load of people who get all the good seats.. then rolls through primarily Hispanic then black neighborhoods... they have to wait for the seats to become unoccupied before being able to get them.. perhaps other whites are already better positioned to get them first. It doesn't mean that the bus is racist, but rather it has an established route.


That's an oversimplification, since the whites on the bus don't have pension plans and corporate bonuses/stock options to motivate them to ride it all day, but perhaps it still conveys the idea.


BLS: Bureau of Labor Statistics (2004) Table A-2. Employment status of the civilian population by race, sex, and age. United States Department of Labor.

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Good for you, Hiroki. I, too, do not see what's wrong with black people. The difference between them and us whites is only the skin colour. I have no problems against black people. In fact, I admire some of them and think they're hilarious(Samuel L. Jackson's cool). This racism is childish. It's basically the same as prejudice against gay people.

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If a black man can't get a job, whos fault is it? The white man.

If a latino man can't get a job, whos fault is it? The white man.

If a japanese man can't get a job, whos fault is it? The white man.

If a white man can't get a job, whos fault is it? The black man, the latino man, and the japanese man.

Its not so much who can and cant get a job, its all about who tries the hardest for the job.


...of course, its always been said to me its not WHAT you know, its WHO you know when applying for a job.

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I don't get why blacks/latinos/everyone else can make fun of white people, but if we make fun of them, we're racist.


I usually ignore that rule and speak whats on my mind anyway. I'm not a very politically correct person.


Another thing I don't get, is why Blacks in my area do not have to work. They get money every month for food/cloths/raise their children. What do they spend it on? New cars and beer. That makes me MAD. They shouldn't even be getting that money in the first place. They should get a job like the rest of us.


And don't hand me the "Well, they might not be able to work" speach, because I've seen these people, and there is nothing wrong with them.

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Originally posted by Kain

If a black man can't get a job, whos fault is it? The white man.

If a latino man can't get a job, whos fault is it? The white man.

If a japanese man can't get a job, whos fault is it? The white man.

If a white man can't get a job, whos fault is it? The black man, the latino man, and the japanese man.


I am a latino that looks jewish, so either way I'm screwed.

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Obi-wan 13, That is EXACTLY what I have a problem with. Perfectly healthy blacks getting free money off the government so they can have an easy, work free, care free life, while we're out slaveing for our money every day.


Not to mention, that doing such a thing is very foolish. You do know that blacks won't always be considered a minority, right? Well what then? They will have been pampered so much, that alot of them will be haveing harder than any man should when it all stops. They won't have any will power, and they won't know how to make it on there own.


Doing all of that in the end, is hurting them more than helping them...

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Let's not forget the Indian. Look at the free ride those guys get. Their own casinos and bingo parlors, federal funding, their own land... their own NATIONS! (Zuni Nation, Hopi Nation, etc.).


It's crazy... you think they'd just accept their defeat and get real jobs and stop all that "live off the land" crap.




In case anyone didn't notice, I was being facetious.

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I am a white male.


my ancestors were whores.


So i'm probably black and asian too, as well as mexican and definatly american indian.....


so....my ancestors stole this land from my other ancestors damn it.....


....i'm being held down...I cant get a job....I am beat up by black men on the street...and....





























































*shuts thead*

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Perfectly healthy blacks getting free money off the government so they can have an easy, work free, care free life, while we're out slaveing for our money every day.


Perhaps, but even so, that's no reason to be racist towards black people. But yeah, some people do get treated better because of their skin colour. In Malaysia, the Malays have special rights which the other races don't, such as the requirements for admission to universities for Malays are lower than that for other races.

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Yeah, maybe the last few posts where immature...when did this even become about indians and there land? I haven't even seen an American Indian in an office.


Look. There a more of us here, whites that is. We are the majority. But that doesn't mean, simply becouse there are more of us, that the minoritys need an advantige. More of us, means more mouths to feed, correct? Besides, what happens when the minoritys become the majority?

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if we talk white and black humans we ALWAYS will have a minority and a majority. if we talk about humans there is none of both. these "differences" must be put aside not "equalized". there's a difference if "those" people have the same rights as "those". people have rights. that's it. (or more: should it be..)

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if we talk white and black humans we ALWAYS will have a minority and a majority. if we talk about humans there is none of both. these "differences" must be put aside not "equalized".


I totally agree.


I found this report...

Read it, and then imagine how ticked off people would be if it had been Trent Lott slamming "a bunch of black men."

(Or if Noriega had said, "I resent being branded a black man.")

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So you agree, rccar, that seperation of races is bad. But you'll say that seperating gays and heteros is good? Kinda contradicting eh?


Sorry to bring that gay marriage issue here, but it does bring up an important factor: If we shouldn't be seperated by race, why should we be seperated by sexual preference? Theres always someone who wants something (race or sexual preferece) seperated and treated better than others.

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Maybe so, but I doubt people will ever put them aside. Atleast equalizeing it has something of a chance. It would be great, if one day we would not even notice a persons race or color when we see them, but I just don't think its ever going to happen, not while we're still human.

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Originally posted by Hiroki

Maybe so, but I doubt people will ever put them aside. Atleast equalizeing it has something of a chance. It would be great, if one day we would not even notice a persons race or color when we see them, but I just don't think its ever going to happen, not while we're still human.


of course we "see" a black, yellow what ever colored man/ woman.. but we also "see" redhaired, blondes, blackhaired whatever. there may have been a time where this made a "difference", but nowadays not. there is only a difference in personality between humans. (ok, in the genes too, but .. .. .. you know? :))

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