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Hello. I cant win the swoop race on tatooine. I talked to Nico in the swoop registration about swoop bike upgrade in the czerka office. In the office the merchant wont sell me upgrade. How can I upgrade my swoop bike? Or how can I win the race? (Iwon easily on Taris). THX for your help. Ponge(light side)

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The races get easier with practice. I used to do really terrible, but I managed to beat the times by a good margin. By the way, the racing bonds you get are worth more to the Rodian on Yavin. He gives about 130 credits each, while most merchants give you 60 credits.

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Originally posted by narfblat

By the way, the racing bonds you get are worth more to the Rodian on Yavin.

Just about *everything* is worth considerably more to the Rodian on Yavin. I recommend not selling anything to anyone else if you can help it. It benefits you to visit him a number of times, and you can use the money (esp. if you're light side) to get good stuff for everyone.



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its sad but true, I looked all over the galaxy for those damned swoop upgrades that everyone mentions but these parts do not exist. If bioware had implemented these parts they could have given the game a lot more depth. Just Imagine tuning your swoop bike like in NFS: Underground.

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I think at one point, during early programming, that this was meant to be implimented. But like all good movies and games, something always gets edited out.

Truly sad.

I think the DEV's felt it whould detract from the main story line to have a more indepth mini racing game in the main storyline.

I can't tell you how many times I have played FF7 and saved a spot at the mini games so I could just go back to them and play them whenever I wanted too. lol

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There's only 2 races(excluding Taris) that you can participate in. There's no real point in buying costly upgrades for it.

It's different with Pazaak, where you really have a lot of people playing against you on every planet.

And of course the gunning station, well, if you don't play, you die.

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There are no swoop bike upgrades. However, if you can't beat the three tiers or if you're playing Kotor for the 10th time or so and don't want to put time on swoop racing, you could check this simple mod which aligns all the boost pads in straight line. You don't have to steer: just change gears when its time.

You'll automaticallly become the most famous swoop racer in the Galaxy. Note: don't expect any challenge.


Easy swoop racing

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