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Dawn of the Dead: Blackout


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this is a game on ther site

Kinda like test your skill, Okay just basically use your mouse to aim and when the zombie gets ontop of the cage use spacebar to FIRE!!!!


I got 90% accuracy

208 seconds I survived


EDIT: How silly of me I forgot the link



new stats...

219 seconds

99% accuracy

105 zombies... Damn I'm good...

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Originally posted by TheHobGoblin

I find music (Matrix mostly) to be helpful, it takes away from the fear factor so your nerves aren't tense, and it sounds cool. As you can see from my stats (the picture I posted) the results prove it works...

Zombie: Mr. Goblin...

Me: It ends here.



Yeah they purposely made that scary music to scare the hell out of you when you play. And the "Barricade" game at the side also freaked me out when i coudnt lock the door in time, the zombie head just poped out of nowhere.

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Originally posted by TheHobGoblin

.... *Smack* (german voice) I will train you all, until you can beat ze zombiez zhat have infested zhis town. WE WILL WORK NIGHT AND DAY UNTIL YOU CAN SHOOT AT LEAST ONE ZOMBIE *Cracks wip*

*Shoots Jed in the head*

I have shot ze zombie. I think ee waz a zombie anywayz. whoopz, my miztake.

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