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Ask Stupid Question, Get Stupid Answer


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We've all asked that question before. My advice is to do what you can as a regular to help keep the peace for as long as you can, and maybe an admin will recognize you as a user worthy of obtaining that title.


I don't know if that's how you can truly become one, but I'm sure it's enough to give you hope. Someday, you never know, it just might happen.......


Question: How much anger would it take to convert all of Luke's students to the Dark side?

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You're not very good at this, eh halfswedelarz?


A: They got it from general Roger, who could only say 'yes' after being hit on the head with a 22 mm. cannon two times.


Q: Why won't my f*cking mouse work properly?

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Guest HalfSwedeLarz

no actually i choose to look like the smartess/stupidess person here by answering my own question

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Originally posted by Doomgiver

You're not very good at this, eh halfswedelarz?


A: They got it from general Roger, who could only say 'yes' after being hit on the head with a 22 mm. cannon two times.


Q: Why won't my f*cking mouse work properly?


Because that ketchup in your lunch got in it...


Why the heck are people NOT asking stupid questions? Exempt me from this.

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Originally posted by HalfSwedeLarz

something i do best :D if you want me to stop just ask nicely


Here's my answer to that: You wouldn't mind stopping, would you please? And could you also, maybe, follow the rules of the game a little bit? (I apologize if that sounded rather harsh, Half.)


Now aside from that, I'll be going back on topic now.........


Q: How do you spell "spaghetti?"

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