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This has really been bugging me....


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Me and a buddy of mine were doing a rebel mission... when all of a sudden there was an Imperial overt player. We were weak and were still fighting something else. So he takes out an AT-ST and incaps us both and walks over to us slowly and deathblows us. The morale question of this story is, WHAT DO US REBELS GET!? This might sound like a n00b question but seriously, I am surprised there are lots of rebels. Imperials get stormtrooper armor, AT-STs, **AT-ATS**(for christ's sake). Us rebels, furniture???, our own recruits?.


Thanks in advance.(PLEASE reply A.S.A.P.)

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We do NOT get AT-ATs. AT-STs are the best faction pet we can acquire.


You get nothing comparable to AT-STs because you are rebel terrorist scum. You do not have control of the vast resources of the galaxy, much of which is used to power the imperial war machine.


The moral of the story is that you get smeg, and yet you still play the good guy.


(If it's any consolation, I am just as surprised as you are by the ratio of faction players.)

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I wonder if the whining about this will ever stop. Don't like it? Quit the rebellion and join with your Emperor. Also, us Imperial members don't get At-Ats, they just spawn, they are not faction pets....though I wouldn't mind having one. :D:dev11:


I also never would have guessed that there would be more rebels then imperials. *shrugs*


Edit: Sorry for sounding kind of harsh there, but as a long time member of the empire, I am just tired of hearing about this.

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Originally posted by flame737

Me and a buddy of mine were doing a rebel mission... when all of a sudden there was an Imperial overt player. We were weak and were still fighting something else. So he takes out an AT-ST and incaps us both and walks over to us slowly and deathblows us. The morale question of this story is, WHAT DO US REBELS GET!? This might sound like a n00b question but seriously, I am surprised there are lots of rebels. Imperials get stormtrooper armor, AT-STs, **AT-ATS**(for christ's sake). Us rebels, furniture???, our own recruits?.


Thanks in advance.(PLEASE reply A.S.A.P.)


I have no use for rebels. But the same thing happened to me but with a rebel ;) . So Here Is A Tip (Not To Offend You But It Was The Same Thing I did) I Would Get More Skill Before I Would Go Overt ;)

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Originally posted by McCusto

So Here Is A Tip (Not To Offend You But It Was The Same Thing I did) I Would Get More Skill Before I Would Go Overt ;)


I don't think he was overt. Sounds like he had a tef. This used to happen all the time when the game first came out. The powergamers who became master after a few days would camp out around where missions spawn. They would wait for you to get tef and then kill you. Here is some advice: expand your radar. Always watch your radar. Always have some pixie or muon in your hotkeys so you can eat it quickly. Make sure you clone whenever you go to a new planet. My last bit of advice is don't worry about it. Now that you don't have to insure when you die because of faction it's really not that big of a deal. Good luck.

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The playing field isn't supposed to be level. The Imps are supposed to WAY overpower the rebs, and in this game there are already more rebs than imps.


And about that guy, that is a mean thing to do, kil some newer players with TEFS and db as well. And to do it with an AT-ST. That's a very rude thing to do, and don't assume that's what all Imperials are like.

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hell no. but its different for each server i guess.

im on the starsider personally there im imp now. but uhmm i know a lot of rebels that are GREAT RP-ers and really nice to me and others. also a good friendly imperial PA and city is near ours and we are the greatest friends. so you just have to be lucky top bump into those people. and ofcourse be strong in ignoring those who are A holes.

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Well, thanks for your input(some of you) except for the ones who call me "Rebel Terrorist Scum" I am actually going to start and try to get my combat skills high and be overt for people who like to call us scum. Thanks anyway... hehehe. :D


P.S. I am actually a buddy with an Imp... but only one. hehe.

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Originally posted by flame737

Me and a buddy of mine were doing a rebel mission... when all of a sudden there was an Imperial overt player. We were weak and were still fighting something else. So he takes out an AT-ST and incaps us both and walks over to us slowly and deathblows us. The morale question of this story is, WHAT DO US REBELS GET!? This might sound like a n00b question but seriously, I am surprised there are lots of rebels. Imperials get stormtrooper armor, AT-STs, **AT-ATS**(for christ's sake). Us rebels, furniture???, our own recruits?.


Thanks in advance.(PLEASE reply A.S.A.P.)


Do All The Rebels Whine About This? But Honestly Is There Anything That The Rebels Could Have Compared To A ATST? I Am Afraid Not...

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Well, I would LIKE to have something compared to an AT-ST but I guess its better that we stick with the story line.... its actually fun being rebel. Well, atleast we can have soldiers by our side when we get to a certain rank.

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Originally posted by flame737

Well, I would LIKE to have something compared to an AT-ST but I guess its better that we stick with the story line.... its actually fun being rebel. Well, atleast we can have soldiers by our side when we get to a certain rank.


So can the empire,and i am pretty sure anyone aslong as there rebel can have a rebel commando and such(i think not sure but pretty positve i am right...).

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