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Rebel Campaign


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This is going to be simple, a return to the classic era of star wars. You may choose from three sides (Imperial, Rebel, Smugglers [who work with either the Imps or Rebels])


Era: Early Rebellion/ Before Battle of Yavin





Exception (One can choose to be one of the three main rebel leaders [bail Organa, Garm Bel Iblis, Mon Mothma]








Ship: (specify name and type [highest class vessel for Rebels is Corellian Corvet. For Imperials is Victory Class Star Destroyer. Smugglers are restricted to Freighters.)

If possible place photo of ship under Name/Type





Name: Ranik Cass


Age: 49


Gender: Male


Homeworld: Dantooine


Allegiance: Galactic Empire


Rank: Admiral


Ship: Judicator/Imperial Dreadnaught



Biography: Born on a ranching family in dantooine, he ran away to join the old republic navy at the age of 16. When the Empire replaced the Old Republic, Ranik continued faithful service to the Emperor. After revealing his superior officer as a rebel, He was promoted to the rank of admiral by Darth Vader himself. He's in charge of the 14th expansionary fleet, designated with subjugating the population of Chandrilla.




Ranik was sitting in his office aboard his dreadnaught. He was reading a report on the submission of uprising in Sector F-31 on Chandrilla. The Moff in charge of Chandrilla awarded the Admiral with a squadron of Tie Fighters to add to his fleet.


The door opened, and a stocky Imperial Officer, the Dreadnaught's first officer to be exact walked through.


"Sir, we have been given reports that the local senator, Mon Mothma has been giving support to the Rebel Scum, through monetary donations." said the officer.


"Well, have you arested the vile woman."


"No sir, she escaped, and her whereabouts are unkown. However we did find out that she was Consorting with Senator Bail Organa, and Garm Bel Iblis."


"Very well, send the report the emperor, so he may repay such trechary."


"Yes, sir".


With that, the imperial officer left Admiral Ranik alone. The admiral eventually went back to his quarters, to go to sleep. Three hours later he was awakened by alarms blaring. He took his comlink to contact the officer.


"What happened?" Ranik asked.


"Sabotage, our entire fleet is disabled, and we can do nothing to stop the Rebel Convoy leaving Chandrilla."


"Damn it, to hell. The rebels will pay for their disobedience. Have our troops round up 2000 citizens randomly, and have them executed do YOU HEAR ME EXECUTED. WE WILL SHOW THOSE DAMNED REBELS THAT THERE IS CONSEQUENCES TO THEIR ACTIONS."


"Yes Sir."


Troopers began rounding up innocent civilians, men, women, children, the elderly. They gathered them into the capital city square, and shot each and every one of them in front of a crowd of spectators. Everyone would remember the consequences of aiding the rebels after this day.

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Name: Tepe Sarcer


Age: 24


Gender: Male


Homeworld: Corellia


Allegiance: Galactic Empire


Rank: Admiral


Ship: Star destroyer


Biography: First born in correllia. When he managed to get in the Iperial navy, he rose quicly in his coureer as the other Admirals made many mistakes that Vader did not accept to happen. Tepe is now days an admiral and is leading the 17th assault fleet.


Tepe walks down the corridors and then gets to the command level. "Sir, we have the 14th expansionary fleet on sight. The rebels are leaving the planet and the fleet doesn't do anything" an officer shouted and Tepe walked to the screen. "Sabotage... Get 3 of our star destroyers and every TIE fighter you can get to stop the rebels escape. Now!" Tepe commanded and walked to the window where he looked as their TIE's flew to the rebel scum. "Get our mechanics ready and contact the Judicator. We shall send them some of our mechanics to assist theirs..." Tepe commanded two officers that nodded and both took their microfones. The other made contact on the Judicator and told that their mechanics were coming to assist as the other alerted the mechanics to the hangars and to board the shuttles that soon left and boarded the other fleet. Tepe walked to a screen. "How is the battle?" Tepe asked. "Not good sir, two transports are allready jumped to hyperspace. We have destroyed maybe one frighter and many fighters. Our Star destroyers have captured allready five... no... six fighters or correllian corvettes" the officer said. "So they have still many fighters, frighters AND transports?" tepe asked and got a nod as a yes. Tepe cursed and walked back to the window

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Admiral Ranik was standing on the bridge, giving orders to various teams to repair the ship, and the flee in general.


"Sir, the 17th assault fleet is in sight, they're asking if they can send repair teams to our vessels." said a communication officer.


"Very well" the admiral said. "Hail Admiral Sarcer"


Just then the holoimage of Admiral Sarcer appeared.


"Admiral, First of all I want to thank you for the repair teams you sent over, very genenrous. I have a request. Repairs will be finished in 4 hours. After which I would ask that you supply one of your ships to add to my fleet so I can personally hunt down these rebels. The saboteurs have been caught and promptly executed, but I want to get that freighter. Our scanners show that the transports were carrying a generous supply of turbolaser batteries, which were most likely stolen. Will you adhere to my request admiral?"

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"I shall give you two of my best armored and weaponed Victory-class Star destroyers, Admiral" Tepe said and ntoed to one of his officers to give the order to two Victory-class Star destroyers to go to the other fleet for a while. "We shall want them back after you get the Rebel scum to your hold. My fleet shall still continue the battle here. You can jump to hyperspace after them if you want to" Tepe said and nodded as a bye

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"Thank you admiral. I will have your ships back soon."


3 hours later . . . .


The communication officer submitted the repair report, showing that everything was okay.


"Captain, have us make the jump to lightspeed in pursuit of the Rebels."


"Yes sir"


The 14th fleet jumped to hyperspace.

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Name: Fisher Myers

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Homeworld: Chandrilla

Allegiance: Rebel Alliance

Rank: Sargeant

Ship: Owns none, currently on a Correlian Corvette

Biography: Joined the rebellion as a teenager. Recently the local commander of the resistance was killed, and Myers was forced to take his place. He organized Mon Mothma's dissapearance and the sabotage of the fleet. He doesn't like being in command, since most of the situations require him to send people to thier deaths.


Myers paced around the bridge of the ship. He hated the wait while in hyperpace, hated it.

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The fleet jumped out of hyperspace at approximately 1900 hours. The fleet was now in orbit of an unknown, uninhabitated world.


"Admiral, we detect no presence of the Rebels in this system"


"Patience, they will come" replied the admiral.


"Captain, have our ships hide behind the third moon, and have a legion of stormtroopers sent to the planet immediately."


"Yes sir"


"The rebels will have a bit of a surprise waiting for them."

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Name Ter Por

Age 35

Gender male

Homeworld Coruscant

Allegaince Empire

Rank Admiral

Ship The empires fist (A victory class SD)

Bio Born into the imp army by the age of ten he started his training by 20 he was a captain and now a admiral!




Based at Coruscant right now he gets news of a rebel convoy heading for Dantooine so he decides to intercept them!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name:Rustic Royal






Ship: Dark Age(friehter)


Biography:Grew up on Coronet, spent most of the days wandering around,recieved his first blaster when he was 5, and has been trainign with it ever since,rarely misses a shot,now uses 2 heavy blasters.

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