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MgNails about Future MODS and Galaxy Forge Remake!!!!!!

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mgnails@hotmail.com zegt:

i have the leviathan files and i am working on that right now, it shouldn't take long to release beta version


mgnails@hotmail.com zegt:

i also have the star forge files so i might incorperate the new ships into the new galaxy forge mod


mgnails@hotmail.com zegt:

you won't haveto wait, ill upload the files and post the link before i release it


{Screaming Eagle}Admiral Neder zegt:

youll be busy : es lev gf mandalorian war


mgnails@hotmail.com zegt:

i was thinking ofmaking a large mandalorian wars mod with the endar spire and leviathan


{Screaming Eagle}Admiral Neder zegt:

i think that i speak for everyone if i say : FIRST THE GALAXY FORGE !!!!!!!!!!


mgnails@hotmail.com zegt:



mgnails@hotmail.com zegt:

i didn't know you all wanted it that badly


{Screaming Eagle}Admiral Neder zegt:

how will that be with that datapad you receive from malak


mgnails@hotmail.com zegt:



{Screaming Eagle}Admiral Neder zegt:


i didn't know you all wanted it that badly



Duh it's an after ending mod !!


mgnails@hotmail.com zegt:

it will have most of the stuff mentioned


{Screaming Eagle}Admiral Neder zegt:

if you begin with it now and forget the es lev and mw how long would it take


{Screaming Eagle}Admiral Neder zegt:

ill post this interview at lucasforums haha


mgnails@hotmail.com zegt:

beta version projected date is a few weeks, not too long because i'll put the datapad on malak and that will open a door to the lev from the hangar of the star forge. the leviathan like ship will take you to the galaxy forge.

tmail.com zegt:


mgnails@hotmail.com zegt:

first ill release a warp to mod where it takes you to the completed galaxy forge. then ill add the ship that takes you there

mgnails@hotmail.com zegt:


of course, ill delete a few triggers that will allow you to do stuff after you kill malak


mgnails@hotmail.com zegt:



{Screaming Eagle}Admiral Neder zegt:

yeah warp rocks otherwise you have to play the whole game again but i have my 5 save games from end male light+dark and girl light+dark


{Screaming Eagle}Admiral Neder zegt:

and the warp mod takes .. days?


mgnails@hotmail.com zegt:

i think ill add a galaxy map on the ebon hawk that has the same options as the old one, except the star forge option will really take you to the galaxy forge


{Screaming Eagle}Admiral Neder zegt:

so we can say bye to the star forge?


mgnails@hotmail.com zegt:

itll take around 5 days for a warp to, and yes, bye to the star forge, hello to the galaxy forge


{Screaming Eagle}Admiral Neder zegt:

haha yes then lets begin ASAP!!


{Screaming Eagle}Admiral Neder zegt:

haha the people one the threads surely wanna here this


{Screaming Eagle}Admiral Neder zegt:

im going to open a thread now


mgnails@hotmail.com zegt:

i hope the galaxy forge has a point


mgnails@hotmail.com zegt:

the endar spire i am working on will later be incorperated into the galaxy forge



I had to say that all doom_dealers items will feature into the MODS and that he's working on the warp galaxyforge now shoul be done this week

;) ;) ;)

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I'm sure he's working on it now. He's been working on it for over a month with a two broken comptuers, creating star maps and new areas, new dialogs, and all by himself with a couple of people's custom items.


There's no point to posting a "I'm-almost-done-with-this-mod" thread.

Just post when it's done.

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...add web site to that list of things he has the time to do.


Anyway, to be honest, I couldn't support the claim that the pic on the sight represents anything new. It looks exactly like the interior of the Star Forge.


Again, don't take this the wrong way. There are so few people trying to mod this game that I would welcome mgnails attempts, especially if there was someway to validate them.

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Whose the fool?


You seem to be the one fawning over him like some groupie.


I am merely reserving my enthusiam for a legitimate display of proof, or a finished product. Like the rest of the people here.


The boy who cried wolf has cried one too many times. Now we want to see blood before we come running.

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Originally posted by pascalneder009

Just shut up fools and watch




More will follow today or tomorrow!!

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Watch what? And why do I feel like I'm on the Falcon with a bad hyperdrive motivator...

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Sorry if this is rude but I really have enough of those threads about a mod that doesn't exist. I believe i'm someone patient but too much is just too much. Makes me think of those pill adds I receive in my e-mail and that i keep blocking.


Pls use the boards to post questions (and answers) and completed (and reasonably tested) mods. As I mentionned in a previous post, I appreciate getting help and help when i can and this is why these forums are.


I tried the so-called mod at the other link before posting and it doesn't work. Game just keeps crashing. I guess we're just at problem no. 999. Perhaps when problem no. 17989 is solved we will get something (am i too optimistic?). Until then, pls stop spamming the boards.


In any event, you don't need to start 10+ threads on the same topic. Use the old ones, bump if NEEDED. If people are interested they will look at them.

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heh everybody can make remakes from other mod's




However,I will point out that several folks here have provided working and visual proof of at least hacks that they created. And provided in faaaaaar less time than these mods.


I'm sticking with the boy who cried wolf analogy LukeKatarn. People here have a difficult time believing someone who is constantly asking for files because he can't seem to figure out the tools available, yet claims to be working a mod. "He needs the files" is a mantra others here have heard far too many times to lend any credence to these recently posted file...which I can't seem to get to work either. Even I, and I do databases not game or software coding, can create a file that will crash the game like these files seem to do.


So. I am done here with this thread, so don't bother to rant back at me. And I am done with mgnails alleged mods...for now. Should I read of a great mod hosted at http://www.blahblahblah... I will go and take a look. If it is mgnails, I will assume that he must have either finally got it done and give it a go. Until them, find me on another thread.

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