Jackrabbit Posted April 12, 2004 Share Posted April 12, 2004 Just...give me a minute to think of what I want to say... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jackrabbit Posted April 12, 2004 Author Share Posted April 12, 2004 This post is going to make some people angry… As most of you know, I quit the PA today. My reasons? My own. As opposed to last time I quit, though, it wasn’t because of anger. I’m actually very happy with the PA right now. I think these new changes that are being put into place will take the PA to a new level, and will make The Affiliates a much better organization. Unfortunately, I don’t think I belong in that organization any longer. So today I talked to Corzip, I told him how I felt, and for a third time I typed in /guildr. A few minutes later I got the expected /tell from Jan and Zennor. The reason I gave them for me quitting was “I’m crazy”. And it’s true too; this PA has made crazy, but that’s another story. After that I didn’t hear anything from any of the other members, so I went about my business. I sign on later tonight and this is what I find out – the city has lost 5 (five) citizens and dropped below our required citizenship count. We’ve lost the cloning facility and we’re no longer on the map. Zennor finds Froobuk in a starport talking trash about her and blaming her for the city troubles. Zennor ends up leaving the PA, and Froobuk, Zeto and Peaco soon follow. Froobuk, Zeto and Peaco want to join Ryxx’s and my PA. …What…The…****? Did I pick a bad day to quit, or did my actions set this all in motion? Is this a great coincidence, or am I some kind of trendsetter. Am I your revolutionary? I feel like I quit, and you guys all took up the call and quit too. If this is the case though, you did it for the wrong reasons. Only two people know why I quit, and I’m one of them. The second person is nobody in the PA. If you think you agree with my decision, if you think I had the right idea, then you’re wrong. Maybe you didn’t quit because of me, and maybe you have your own reasons. That’s fine I guess. I’ve heard though that some of you want to join my new PA. The PA I’ve been planning in secret for a few months. The PA I’ve wanted to make since October. Why do you think I’ve been keeping it a secret? If any of you assume that you’re going to join my PA, you’re wrong. Anyway, the reason I’m making this post is because I’m just baffled. Like I said, the PA is going in a new direction that will make it better than it’s ever been, and you guys just quit. I’m not asking for your reasons, because that wouldn’t be fair without me giving mine. So I guess this post is basically just a rant… /sigh Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zennor Posted April 12, 2004 Share Posted April 12, 2004 do i need to write down the whole thing again of why i left? Grask I can quite asure you that you had absoultly nothing to do with why i left. I dont expect to get insulted by members for something that is beyond my control. This is the reason why i have left, basically Froobuk took this to a new level. To be honest i dont normally log on Xanadu when i have just been uber buffed and about to go killing at 2.30am, but off course, city update is always a messed up time, and never the same everyweek, but i logged on xan to sort out the city mess to the best of my knowlege and end up getting insulted and blamed by Froobuk for everything going wrong in his life it seems. Well i have had enough.. I have always had this feeling that I am some kind of fool from some ppl's oppinions, and well I feel like I am now for putting in so much money and time to make a great place for us to live in and now have my face rubbed in it like dirt. I will not be coming back, not aslong as i can see Froobuk being any part of the city or Guild. I have had enough of having to put up with childish two faced behavior. Have nice lives all Former mayor (maybe, depends on all your desiccions) Xanadu / Zennor Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xx_Patman_xX Posted April 12, 2004 Share Posted April 12, 2004 Alright first off I would like to apoligize to Xan. What I said was out of character and I do regret it. I was caught up in my emotions and anger at losing a city level (if anyone wants to know why I was so angry just ask me, nows not the place). I do not think you have been a bad mayor nor do I think your "stupid." I do feel that you and the other city leaders did screw up with this current situation, thats my opinion. My reaction to it all was wrong. Before the episode at the starport, I was still going to quit the PA. Grask leaving (AND DONT BLAME THIS ON YOURSELF!) was kind of the last straw for me. The situation with the city level made me realize a lot of discontent Ive had with the guild and this pushed me over. Xan, you should still be with -A- because its where you want to be. I do not want to be with the guild anymore. I will pack my bags and shop from Cori and will move out this week. Good luck Affiliates. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iwok Posted April 12, 2004 Share Posted April 12, 2004 Ok first off I just want to say that I had never wanted (nor still do) to join your guild grask, I dont think we have ever even been friends... And I was just in the middle of everything last night. The best thing I would like to have is everyone would just come back and we can be the guild we once were... But thats not gonna happen I guess... Froobuk - I do back you in your cause but you did go way overboard with your comment. The last person I think you should blame would be Xan, cuz she only helped the city of Cori and definately did not want anything to happen to it. I mean if you really feel so strongly about not being in the same guild Xan is in the fine whatever, but I like my spot and I still miss my -A- tag. I hope you dont take htis as a kick in the face but it has to be said. I just think you over reacted. As much as I would like to back you up, im not gonna move to a different server. Xanadu - I think you did a great job on Cori and I am sure that everyone will help you to get the city to its highest potential. Grask - Good luck with your guild, and have fun. Leaders of the Affiliates - I do think you have made some mistakes in the past (Rorana anyone? ) and I really think PA Spring Cleaning could have just been looking over the list for inactive members instead of kicking everyone from the guild. And I know that others feel the same as me about this, I was just the only one that took it the wrong way. Well that is all I have to say. Again I was just trying to keep the peace in the guild at the crazy time. I was in the middle of everything and I would just like everyone to come back so it will be like it once was. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zennor Posted April 12, 2004 Share Posted April 12, 2004 Thankyou Froobuk for being honest and appologizing to me. Yes i was very hurt with what u said, and yes it got me very angry aswell. I understand how u feel about the city being degraded but please put yourself into my position, do u really think i dont give a thought or care towards the city? And i belive this has nothing to do with anybody to blame. I can not be soley or personaly responsible for people to log and check their houses. I have lost more than most because of this, including possibly a few friends too. I hope u can understand that. As for the current game plan for the city, well.. i have sent out a city post, and discussions r still taking place. You do not have to move out of the city Froobuk, just please dont shoot of your mouth, stand back and think about it. It affects us all and i really want this to work. There are going to be alot of major changes.. all for the better i hope and more business for the city. I am thinking that we should go for a shuttle. I hope u can all see past this probelm and i am quite positive by next city update we will be a township once again Peace, love, unity and respect Xanadu / Zennor Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xx_Patman_xX Posted April 12, 2004 Share Posted April 12, 2004 First off, Zeto I never asked you to follow me to another server Second... I think iam gonna pull a grask and take a break from the server and then see what happens in a month or so. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iwok Posted April 12, 2004 Share Posted April 12, 2004 Quote There are going to be alot of major changes.. all for the better i hope and more business for the city. I am thinking that we should go for a shuttle. Hmm I wonder who said we should go for a shuttle in the beginning? Score one for Zeto! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-=miniSITH=- Posted April 12, 2004 Share Posted April 12, 2004 Wow......WTF is right. I don't know what to say, I know someone has said this before, probably more than once, but This could be the beggining of the end. Truthfully, and only Ryxx knows this but way before even he left I was seriuosly thinking about joining a rebel PvP PA, mainly b/c its a lot eaiser to PvP with a group of people you know rather than by yourself or with stupid people you dont know. But I really didn't want to leave the guild, you guys are great and I love talking and hanging out with you guys. After Ryxx left I started to think about it some more, due to the fact that He was one of the people I was closest with and know that he left...... But I didnt leave I stayed for the reasons stated above. However now the other two people I am really close with, Grask and Froobuk have left. It seems that everyone I am close with leaves Giles(yea that was awhile ago), Ryxx, and now Grask and Froobuk. And who know where the *edit* X'ero is. So I think this is the beggining of the end for me. When I get back Im probably going to join a Rebel PA. Maybe TRINITY b/c I know Giles or I hear good things about ECHO Who knows, We will see when I get back:confused: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peaco Posted April 13, 2004 Share Posted April 13, 2004 I didnt find out that you were starting a guild until after i had done left the guild....as far as i know im coming back. Things just got to confusing last night Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunshine Badass Posted April 13, 2004 Share Posted April 13, 2004 I never got around to officially resigning from the guild, but as you may have noticed (Or forgotten about me completely) I have not been very active with the guild ingame. My playstyle takes me some very different directions than others in this guild, and for that I have been lacking in activities shared with other members. I had no real motivation to leave the guild, and even less to stay. I have been an inactive member for a very long time now, mainly due to the lack of support from the guild. I see no point in being in a guild that requires services from me, while at the same time provides none in return. Since the "Spring Cleaning" has removed me from the guild, I will not be making efforts to rejoin. P.S. --Edited for my own reasons-- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Imreanna Posted April 13, 2004 Share Posted April 13, 2004 Well Im quite happy with Cori, and I will never leave. Ingame Im married to Grask, but that dosnt mean I will leave. I even got a new character so I can get her to join the city aswell. Froobuk, I know so well that you want a really big city, (if Im not mistaken), and I want that too. A small city as we got it now is nice, but in a game I feel we also need to get our city up to new levels. I always wanted a small city myself at one time, but I have changed my mind. And I want us to grow. Zennor/Xanadu, you are doing great with the city, I know it must be hard. But I dont feel its right that you get all the trashtalk. Thats really mean and not very nice. You try your best and we cant ask more of anyone. I also wish that everything would be as it used to be. When we had the old city on Naboo I remember that we had great fun together and I will never forget those times. But now it seems like most of us have lost interest in helping others and have fun together. Now we stay in small groups, helping only ourselves, only thinking of getting high xp and money. This wasnt the way it used to be, and I miss the old days. I have tried so many times to get hunts together, but I get back that someone has to grind, someone isnt strong enough, someone dont care, someone dont feel like it, someone has to do this and someone has to do that. And I end up hunting with the same people all the time. (not that I mind, its great fun, but its just the same group of people, never new blood, so dont take it personal). I have met some of our members only a few times, and they have been with us for months! And they are impossible to meet or get contact with. if someone wants to do everything alone, I dont see why they are in a guild. Just my thoughts and if they have made anyone mad, Im sorry, but maybe there is some truth in what I have said. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xx_Patman_xX Posted April 13, 2004 Share Posted April 13, 2004 The reason I got so mad about the city was because we had dropped a level, not because we werent persuing a high city level. At first I was a little disapointed we werent going to make the city big, but I got over it. I completly agree with your "missing the old days" speech. Its part of the main reason Iam leaving. I enjoy the company of the "new affilitates" but it will never compare to the times back on the mIRC chat or the first few months of the game. It doesnt feel like the same guild I signed up for a year ago. Grask (besides Corzip and Jan) was the last member from those times and he leaving was the end of the "old times" I used to love. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ocYrus Posted April 13, 2004 Share Posted April 13, 2004 Well hello there. The reason my char was removed from guild was because I unlocked my fscs and sold my char. I bought the game and my ingame name is now Elea, but i cant say im going to join A. The guild rarely did anything to be active. The guild never got bigger and never tried to actively recruit. Im not blaming anyone, just stated the faults. Tebra you always had a good atitude. If i ever came back it would be because of you. But the city the pa, it was not active at all. I would get online asking if anyone would wish to hunt, or go to a theme park, or anyting and its always the same answer, no. There simply not enough people, who wants the bare minimum for a city? I sure as hell dont. And, yes I do remember the old city, where Trinity stole "our" spot. My character Elea is unguilded, but I recently learned that the person i sold the account to does not want it anymore is selling it back to me. This character will be unguilded or it will join an imperial guild, as I will be a Dark Jedi Thanks all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xx_Patman_xX Posted April 13, 2004 Share Posted April 13, 2004 Ill take the jedi character if no one else wants it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunshine Badass Posted April 13, 2004 Share Posted April 13, 2004 If anyone needs me for anything (Though I doubt any would want me, as none have wanted me for anything before now.) I will be glad to help. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Imreanna Posted April 13, 2004 Share Posted April 13, 2004 I have tried so many times to get people to do stuff together with me, as I said earlier. But its not easy. but maybe now that we are starting to take the problem a little more serious I belive something can change. And thank you Ocy for those nice words =) /hug and Arina I havent had the chance to meet you so many times, not even chat with you in guildchat, only been on some few hunts with you and grask. So even if you arent in A anymore, if you need anything, just ask =) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaiser Isaac Posted April 14, 2004 Share Posted April 14, 2004 Ocy how many proffesions did it take you to unlock your slot?...my buddy secaih has masterd 24 proffesions and still no jedi....?....yes its off topic but i was just wondering. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ocYrus Posted April 14, 2004 Share Posted April 14, 2004 16 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-=miniSITH=- Posted April 14, 2004 Share Posted April 14, 2004 Ocy Ill take that Jedi off your hands;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Devil Doll Posted April 14, 2004 Share Posted April 14, 2004 /sigh I think i joined -A- in a bad moment, i don't know what kind of problems the guild is having since I can't play a lot, Ihave been playing when no one is ingame so I'm alone the few times I get a chance to be there, I think it's time to start bitching for a little to make the -A- a nice place, i want to see that awesome Place Wraithy used to mention to us (aresen people) If you need me just send me an email ingame, also have a character on Scylla if you want to call me, I'm there a little bit more than with Naja, send a tell to Belial'a or an email, I'll do my best to help the PA, i'm gonna start giving ideas and lurking around the Planetary cities making friends on Starsider, try to get some join the PA Offering only friendship and a nice time, something people should do to get a big PA, let's hope my efforts will do the same here like bel does. if you guys need me, or when I'm there you want to go hunt or do a themepark with a totally n00b (now called Nub for me ) just send a tell to Naja Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunshine Badass Posted April 14, 2004 Share Posted April 14, 2004 Thank you Tebra, I will keep that in my mind. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Altus_Thrawn Posted April 14, 2004 Share Posted April 14, 2004 Why when I see things like this happen do I have a sudden urge to rejoin, and use nonexistent leadership and people skills to set everything right? I think part of the reason old times were so good was because of 1) Our small size. You knew everybody. Period. If you didn't, either you or they were not in the guild. 2) Our lack of everything-we had no city, no huge spot, no unlimited credits, and the like. We had common goals that united us. Now you have a city, a nice spot, and a large organization, and it seems that the common goals or common enemy is gone. I think any mayor that can make their city even stay around, ignore being on the map or having levels, is doing a great job. Ive seen Secaih, Nicab, Jeuke, anarchy, Corzip, and to a point Xanadu at work. Its a hard job. On the topic of proffessions for the fscs, DS has a guy thats done all but 5. You tell me how many that is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-=ReApEr=- Posted April 14, 2004 Share Posted April 14, 2004 Hey OcY if you don't want your Jedi slot, i'm sure we can do a trade for some credits in game and some items, armor, Krayt weapons etc. Send me a mail on what you would like for it if you were to part with it. [Edit] Email Neoc on Starsider, incase you forgot Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-=miniSITH=- Posted April 14, 2004 Share Posted April 14, 2004 Bah Neoc you are all ready uber, you dont need a Jedi:p Not Like Jedi are uber anyway Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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