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The Vampire Wars - Part1 - The Shadows of York

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Near the lizardmen nest 4:59 AM


"oh my god... Sir! A hole army is reaching our gates just now! Shall we sound the alarm?" "Yes! Sound the alarm! Get the royal guards in front of the row of our army! Elite's behind them and normal foot soldiers to the far back! We need to win this battle if there will be such. Get my armor ready! I will march with my kind."

Asshakar walked throught two wooden doors and into a dark room where two men were standing. They were holding armor peaces for Asshakar to wear. The other was holding the breast armor and the other the leg armor. They got fastly to put the armor pieces to the right places. Soon, Asshars hole body was armored with decorated iron pieces. He was holding a long spear in his other hand, and on the other was his M-16. His two USP's hanged on the belt, ready for a battle. The high commander of his armies came to Asshakar and put the last piece on it's rightful place. The highly decorated iron helmet swallowed Asshakar's lizard head and left only two rows of teeth and Asshakar's gleaming eyes to be open. Asshakar's upper-jaw was corede in the iron helmet but the downer jaw was free so he could speak


The lizardmen gates 5:05 AM


There was a small noice as the gates started opening. You could only imagine the large gates would keep much bigger noice. Then there was lizardmen. A hole army, marching throught the gates to meet the so called enemy. Asshakar looked at his men. "Men! This is a day to be remembered! This will be our first arming of our hole troops. If there now shall be no battle, there will be in the near future!" cheers sounded in the lines and rows of the highly armored lizardmen. "Today will be blood shead! If not atthis hour, but I guarantee, there will be blood of the human race today spilled in the streets when we rise from our hide. This shall be a great day indeed!" more loud cheers sounded and Asshakar turned. He walked towards the growth and then saw the armies getting closer and closer.

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5:10am Outside The Lizardmens Nest

Ap had heard enough "We need to get Turners recruits to 'help' this growth"

Robbins spoke on the transmitter "Goecus, we are at what seems to be the lizardmens base, and now theres a giant army of insectoid creatures marching to attack them."

There was some static and then they hear Goecus "Does...this*static* what I...*static* means?"

"Yes, You and Droeck get to Turner and tell him we need the others."

Ap told Robbins to keep it down and stay out of site while they watched the battle.

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the Lizardmens gates. ( 5:08 AM )


The army of Acurade finally stopped there march once they saw the waiting army of Lizardmen at the gate. The Insects expected there to be a defence, that it why it dispatched its own force. The front row stopped within 18 feet of the front row of the Lizardmens army.


They all began to chitter as they looked onward at there reptillian foe's, earie cackles, and insectoid chirps being heared from the army as it looked onward at the Lizardmen. Some of the Acurade where on the wall of the sewer, clinging to it as if they where as much at home there as they where on the ground.


They looked on at the Lizardmen, there ant-like mouths knashing together with a ping, as several tilted there heads curiously. It seems the force controling them had allowed them some small range of personality at this point.


The Acurade gazed deeply into the eyes of the awaiting army infront of them. There cold, red, pupiless eyes showing no emotion, unlike the lizardmen infront of them. They began to let out a cackleing type noise, raising there head to the ceiling, as if calling to something.

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Infront of the lizardmen gates 5:12 AM


The lizardmen answered to the clicking and clitching sounds of the acurade with hissing and clingin their armors with their wrist armors. Some even shouted curses in the human language to the ants.


Asshakar stepped forwards. "Bring me this groups highest officer! I wan't to speak with him before we engade in any sort of battle!" Asshakar shouted. As Asshakar spoke, his army was quiet and just started at the ant-like enemy.

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5:15am Outside the Lizardmens Base

Ap watched from the cieling of the sewer with the camera "I have a feeling there either,Is'nt an officer here or he's not going to step forward..." Ao ciuld under stand some of these languages from way back before ahe woke up and a little from when they learned.

"You know this thing has more than these guys, I think it might be an great ally"Robbins said

"Yes, yes it would take alot to get rid of this stuff, not impossible just dificult if you know what I mean."Ap began recording the fight which would be transmitted to HQ. "This will help us out alot."

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At the Lizardmens gate. ( 5:10 AM )


The Acurade, after hearing the Lizardmen leaders request simply began looking at each other, confusing clearly the responce that they showed. They seemed to understand what the reptile said, but they themselves, unable to speak a language understandable by him, could not awnser.

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Outside the lizardmen gates 5:11 AM


"Speak!" Asshakar shouted. He looked at the antmen that looked each others in confusion. "If you don't speak, let me. There is no reason for this battle to go on. This growth was allmost blocking our routes that would lead to the nest and out. It would be a catastrophe to us. Now, leave this area and let us go marching up to attack the human scum. There is no real reson to shed each others blood" Asshakar said, stepping towards the acurade again. His army started hissing as thhey heard something from the ceiling. Asshakar looked up, only to see some shadows.

Asshakar turned back to the acurade. "I will give my word that we won't harm your race if you keep these scout growths from our tunnel systems. If you agree that this treaty may be agreed on, back away from us, so we shall back up into our nest" Asshakar looked at his soldiers that were anctious to kill, but this was too strong enemy for them now.

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5:10am Upper Sewers


"Shart....We need to get back and fast."Ap seemed worried

Robbins didn't think they neeeded to"Why?We need to know what we're up against-"

Ap interupted"The cameras will record but we must warn the others to gather up, After hearing this I'm finallly going to do what Turner says...we're going to bring this battle to thier turf,but not until we have gathered everyone up."Ap began to move down the sewers."Lets just say i think we need to help this growth more and use all the forces we can get." Ap seemed determined,like there was somthing he wasn't telling them. Things just got more complicated and now because of this new enemy attempt for alliances against the factions, But Ap had another trick up his sleeve.

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At Dark Shadows, in one of the communication rooms (5:11AM)


Jorton (**), one of the brightest Lycans, sits on a chair while he is talking amongst another Lycan. "Wierd how we haven't heard from our allies the lizardmen. What is the name of their faction?" The other Lycan shrugs his shoulders and says, "I don't know."


Jorton stands up from his seat and stretches. "You think conflicts will occur if the Night Stalkers ever met up with another Vampire clan?" says the other Lycan. "Probably, if they know that we are allied up with them." Jorton replies.


Back at the Assembly (5:11AM)


Almost everyone is asleep, except for the ones guarding the Assembly. Maximus and the other Lycans woke up and guarded the Assembly. "I just hope this stupid conflict between Lycans and Vampires ends." Maximus said to his fellow Dark Hunter. "So many false thoughts had flooded people's minds of us. We stopped dining on humans ever since Lord NeoVenom was young. We feast on animals,such as chicken and pork, just like the humans do. We just eat more." Maximus says laughing.

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At the gates of the Lizardmen hive. ( 5:10 )


The Acurade stood still for a moment, simply stairing at the Lizardman who spoke to them. Finally, without an extra chitter, they turned there back to the Lizardmen, and began walking back from which they came. Interestingly enough, the Growth itself began peeling back from the sewers, following the Acurade back down the sewer tunnels...

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((Not exactly bad, but your sorta our enemy at the moment and it kinda brought the light to us that you are planning an someway to attack so now we needed to do sumthin ;) but no i ment no dishonor i mean even re-reading my post it didn't seem like we were targeting just you but it kinda dawned that there are enemy forces at work so no offense lizard dudes ;) ))


5:20am Subway A Entrance


Ap and the others came out of the subway tunnels after thier full sprint. "Come, we need to gather our forces from the city, Not many of them are still here. This is now war." Ap was serious about this, He was going to wait for the next move, and then he was going to dispatch and attack, this was not just a battle for the control of the city but the preservation of it. And with out the city they had nowhere else to go. So now they must fight, to control the city, to control the humans if they must. They muct fight for the power to stop all powers.

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Just before the subway entrance, out of view from the outside world. ( 5:20 AM )


As they took a few steps forward, they heard a chittering sound. Looking up, they saw no less than 10 Acurade hanging from the ceiling. They 10 dropped down around them, forming a circle around the confused group. They all chittered around them, some tilting there heads slightly.


From the shadows scampered another 10. Within seconds, they where surounded by nearly 20 Acurade Soldiers, all stairing at them. The Acurade simply stood there, there red eyes turned directly at them.

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5:20am Subway Entrance


Ap looked into thier cold emotionless eyes, Staring at him as if they were waiting for them to look away."We mean no harm to any of your kind. We won't be your problem until you are ours. So make your choice, Ap cocked his shot gun "Do you want us as an enemy or accquantance." He sat there and looked them in the eyes ready to fire when he needed to.


((If your going to attack, don't harm just yet Cuz i might use this as an opprotunity so of you are going to attack just like have one about to strike rather than striking right off thanks^_^


(You dont have to attack yet)))

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Infront of the lizardmen gates 5:21 AM


Asshakar looked the acurade walk away to the darkness and mist of the wet floors of the tunnels. The wet dump was flowing from the sewers. The lizardmen had did wice when they made the tunnels, they made small holes into the ground that led to two large caverns below the nest. Asshakar turned to his men again when the acurade had disappeared from sight. "Open the gates!" Asshakar shouted and the large doors started slowly opening. The army marched throught the gates.


In the lizardmen nest 5:22 AM


Asshakar was the last to go throught the gates. "Men, you have done well. Now we shall prepare our attack to York's powerplant. When they lose power, they shall panic. When they lose power, they lose connections to the national guard and the army. They shall have nothing to protect them from our armies!" Asshakar shouted and raised his M-16. "Power over humans! Glory to green hate! Green hate to power!" Asshakar continued. The army raised their M-4's and shouted the same.

"Now go and change your M-4's to M-16's and get pistols so we can slaughter the human and stain the ground in the red blood of the huumans!" Asshakar shouted and cheers rose from the army. Asshakar leaned onto his spear as his soldiers went to the armory.

Asshakar sat down on a large wooden chair with his helmet off. He looked his men reassemble in the same place where they left.

The lizardmen army was ready and armed.


((Hey, this RP is all about the war going on. Lizardmen want to get rid of the humans and some of the vampires. Now thats there even more, the lizardmen have to get rid of them too in the near future, except the werewolfs and the acurade))

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Near the station entrance. ( 5:01 )


As Ap cocked his shotgun, one of the Acurade soldiers crouched, as if it was ready to pounce on him in an instant. Its mandibles nashing together. However, before it could do so, a three fingured hand was sternly placed infront of it.


The owner of this clawed hand was an Acurade, but differant. Slightly larger, with wings. ( Battle Soldier. ) It was clearly incharge of this 'small' group. It chittered at Ap for a second, before extending its clawed hand, and withdrawing it towards its own body. It was asking him to follow him.


The Acurade soldiers cleared a path for him as he walked, also keeping the path clear for Ap.

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Through the subway tunnels. ( 5:28 AM )


The Acurade group lead Ap through the subway tunnel, and down through the sewer. This however, was a differant rout than that of which they took before. He lead him deeper down into the sewer, the smell becoming stronger as they went.


Not long after entering the sewer Ap noticed they where now walking on the growth he had saw earlier, and as they moved farther away from his comrads, he began to spot other Acurade. These Acurade where shorter than the soldiers, and looked much less imposeing, they did not have very sharp-looking claws, and payed him no mind. ( Workers. )


Finally, the Acurade grouped approached a tunnel, at the entrance of which stood 8 Battle Acurade, the same as that which was leading the group. They calmly let them pass. The group continued. Ap began seeing many Acurade. Too many for even his comfort.

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5:30am Deeper into the tunnels


Ap didn't like the way things were going, he was beginning to sense more beings than he saw, He felt an odd disconfort as the Acurade escorted him deeper and deeper into the growth. Even a transformation would be risky with such small space and somany creatures even if most he could kill in a swipe.


5:30am Back at the entrance


Robbins watched as Ap went deep into the tunnels "He better comeback in one piece or I myself will lodge an attack on this place..." Robbins watched with an intense worried look in her eyes.

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In the uper York hive. ( 5: 36 AM )


The Acurade 'escorting' him into the hive continued to move deeper, and deeper into the growth, which now covered whatever structure this was before from top to bottum. Nothing but the growth could be seen, and to his right, he saw larva crawling forth, no doubt more Acurade, as well as the disturbing sight of some older larva as they feasted on the coprses of Policemen.


The Acurade continued deeper still, however. Now, he was surounded completely by Acurade. They crawled on the floor, walls, and ceiling. Building, and guarding. Finally, as he made his way deeper, he saw yet another type of Acurade.


These Acurade, although there where only abouy 14 of them, stood much taller than the standered soldier class. They also had a small crest from the forhead up, as aposed to the pure oval-ant/bee heads of the others. They still had those same red eyes, however, and also had a pair of wings on each, much like the Battle Soldier escorting him. Some held strange biological spears, it would seem, whilest some chose to stay unarmed. ( Elite Warriors. )


In the middle of these creatures, was one who was slightly larger than the others. This one stepped forward, and looked directly at Ap. These Acurade displayed complexed personalities, unlike there lesser breathren. They chittered quitely to each other, cackled slightly for no reason, and some figited around.


The one he faced now, ( Akulaka ** Elite cast Commander. ) stared at him curiously, clenching his clawed hands slightly as he stepped down.

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In the uper York hive ( 5:40 AM )



Ap could tell this one was of higher rank, He made no movements but stept closer to the creature"I am Apologetic of the suface world, Leader of the Shining Dragons faction" He said as the creature stood before him. They looked as if they had ment no harm to him and so he would keep his weaps down.

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In the upper York Hive. ( 5:41 AM )


Akulaka listened to Ap as he spoke, allowing him to finish. Afterwords Akulaka nodded slightly in Ap's direction, and to his great suprise, he heard words.


"I am Akulaka of the Acurade...we have noticed you have been watching us..." The words echoed forth, the creatures mouth did not move in responce to the spoken words, so that only lead Ap to believe he was speaking telepathicly.


"Why have you taken an interest in the Acurade, betrayer?"

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5:40am The Upper York Hive


Ap did not understand,"Betrayer? I have ot betrayed you in anyway. And I watch you to leanr about your spiecies for, your kind is new to me and my group. We were intrigued and curious so we follow you. We have not done anything harmful to you or any of your said beings.We observe because it is part of our way of learning 'friend or foe'."

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