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Fantastic glitch!! (possible spoilers)

Andre Belnap

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This glitch is such a riot that I had to share it:


On the level on tatooine where you team up with Chewbacca there are several cinematics. Since I have already played the game through a few times, I chose to skip them. This time though, something hilarious happened. In the cinematic after you enter the Raven's Claw docking bay, just before you are about to leave, it shows all the mercs coming out, and then after you run through the door, one launches a missle and all the rubble falls, blocking your way out.

This time, when I hit enter to skip the cinematic, it skipped... but it didn't. I suddenly find myself in third person view (I had my saber out,) looking at... myself. Standing next to Chewie. The game then proceeds to run the entire cinematic (voices and all) up to, and including the scene where the merc fires the rocket and all the rubble falls. This entire time, I am standing with my saber out, laughing in astonishment because this has never happened before. Even after the cinematic ended, I was still standing in the docking bay watching Chewie fight the mercs. The glitch didn't end until I jumped on top of the rubble pile. After I did that, the game resumed normal play.


Hope you all enjoyed that little tale, and if any of you have funny glitches you'd like to share, feel free to post them here. I'd love to read them. :D

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Originally posted by Druid Bremen

Okay, so this isn't exactly a normal glitch, but a forced one.

Before kyle came in to fight me at the end, I spawned some rancors around the place. As he said, "Jaden, stop!" or something, a rancor just grabbed him and ate him up.


LOL thats nice. :p



At the last level when ragnos was about to possess tavion, i typed "cam_disable" and played during the cutsecene, i killed tavion and jaden resumed the cutsence and tavion's dead body was still moving and talking for a while and stopped. :D


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Oh that's happened to me on several occasions!


What happens is when you spawn a character it will interact with the cinematic!


During the final scene fighting Ragnos/Tavion I had spawned 4 Yodas. During the end cinematics the 4 Yodas continued to fight!


Same with the Mutant Rancor. I would spawn it and during the cinematic on Hoth during the fight with Alora, when Alora tries to escape the Mutant Rancor goes after her and eats her!

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There was a time when.......

I used the "Leela as Jan" mod in JO, and for just 1 time (it didn't work after that), the Leela model looked very different. Either I was dreaming it up, or she looked like "Trinity (gone jedi)!" :D After the Kejim mission, it disappeared and was the regular Leela model again. Alas, I have no proof. It was a glitch, or something.

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In melee mod, I cut a pillar, but I only cut the bottom part. The upper section was still floating.


Also, see the cheats thread for my flaming crotch boba fett glitch!


Another weird thing that happened was I got eaten by a mutant rancor, and my legs were still left. I was alive and everything... very odd...

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