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which one?? (JA or JK2)

JawA J i N

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i play both games and i must say: JK2 RULES. why? less newbie style. like egolav1a said in ja if u strafe and drain people u don't die. in jk2 that doesn't happen. jk2 is for me more fun(no random damage like in jka). i am talking about saber only because i never liked much of guns. the time to learn how to play jk2 is totally different. in jk2 in the first time u play u want kill many people, U MUST LEARN TO KILL. in jka the same doesn't happen, first time players can actually kill lots of people.

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It's as simple as the following:




1. Better SP.

2. Better maps come with the game.

3. Better bot routing!!





1. Better MP maps made as mods.

2. Better mods.

3. Vehicles.





But most importantly:








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Well thre you go, until the Star Wars mod is made, JA is the only place you can get both FPS ground combat & arcade style vehicle/ship combat in the Star Wars universe in one online game (that'd moddable to boot).

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Originally posted by Amidala from Chop Shop

majinrevan, since you obviously love vehicles so much, why are you wasting your time here, when you could be playing UT2k4?














Well, actually, I am not really allowed to get many games a year. Only 3 games and my birthday. Let's just say that it was a bribe by my mom to make me go to "Sunday School." It isn't the Sunday School you're thinking of, it's a school on sunday where you learn stuff about India like music, dances, languages, culture, and instruments. I really hate it, and my mom said that I could get 3 games a year along with the normal games (birthdays, etc.) if I kept going.


Now that I gave you my life story, here is the simple version: What Kurgan said. Also, not enough disk space. My dad hates video games, so he would never, in his right mind, get more space just for "worthless games."



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Originally posted by Egoslav1a

If you like seige better then CTF it's for one of two reasons:


1) you want to pretend to be Han Solo


2) You have no skills

LOL, I'm sorry? Come again? :p You have to admit, it does take some skill to play siege, just not the kind that you supposedly use.
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Originally posted by Tinny

hey Majin, if your from india, what part are you from? i'm from madras. i'm going to have to say ja simply because siege is so amazing :)



Umm, actually, I live in the U.S. I am personally embarassed of being from India. My mom was born in...Lucknow. My dad was born in...some village. But, my mom grew up in New Delhi. My mom's dad was a governor of some states and a mayor of some cities.


India is just backwards and..........weird..........a lot..........



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What do you mean "PRETEND"????!!!



Personally, I prefer JA.

Good points for each


JO -

Good storyline

More challenging


Many mods made for it



Better MP in just about every area

SP is more fun

More variety in game modes

Better game modes

More sabers = more variety

Choice of force powers in sp

Choice of light/dark in sp

More Balanced

Better MP maps

Guns can be used


Bad points for each


Retarded community

SP gets a bit boring, not much replayability

Not much variety in mp




Semi-retarded community

Crap hit detection

Stupid ff ng duels


Just my opinion of course but I agree with Sam, JA's duelling is getting more popular. :p

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