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It's that time of the year again, people!!!

Jan Gaarni

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Well, it's that time of the year again, and like last year, I'm alittle late announcing it. :D



[align=center]Happy birthday, people![/align]


Our PA now has become 2 years old on the 12th of May, and the bar is open.


Special thanks go out to:

Gaalgoth, for comming up with the idea and initiate the PA plan.


Wraith 8 (Corzip Dinn), the glue that has held us all together and the one that has definatly worked the most for this PA.


We've seen alot in the past year, many have come and gone, most recently some of our oldest PA members.

We've had good times, and tough times, the hardest hit we had was being forced off Naboo by the rebels and relocated on Rori in the middle of nowhere (NOTE: RP-talk :D ). But we eventually found a nice spot on Corellia and I think most are happy about that.

I'd like to thank Xanadu, the cities mayor, for all the work and dedication she has put into forming our city, Cori Celesti.


Last but not least, a big thank you to our members!!

Here's to you guys!!





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/bow /bow /bow


thank you thank you :)

yeah i noticed that jan. and i was hoping to get the site im working on finished before it. but its a lot of work..


for those wanting to check the site im working on:



NOT SWGASSOCIATES like the old on... and like some of us typed and looked at :p;)


happt birthday Y'all


Corzip Dinn

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something tells me I should read theboards more often....



happy Bday guys!!!


I have been lurking on these since some time after the =A= were created and I really like what you do, I have to say thanks to Wraithy cause he ruined my life showing me the great thing SWG was going to be when pre-release ;P



Nice! my pic is on the page! I guess I need to make short bios hehe, I wrote that bio the same day wraithy asked me and I was thinking what to do with Naja's Bio, I guess I have an addiction writing stories :p

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