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svösh's work in progress


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Open KT > bifs > 2da.bif > 2da Array > heads.2da double click to open. I copied one of the head nodes and pasted in a different persons head node saved to override and that was it, piece of cake. One thing though when using a female head on a male is’t like there neck is rubber so they have trouble holding it up :lol: Not all the heads are there like the hooded characters.


Have fun svösh

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This a fixed version of the vacuum mask model in the game I’m so excited about this and I will replace the the model used on my lotf , and foh masks today.


Say good bye to the ugly asymmetrical mask and hello to what the devs should have fixed in the first game patch.



Big thanks to cchargin for all his work :)


http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p5084287.html :drop2:




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Originally posted by svösh

This a fixed version of the vacuum mask model in the game I’m so excited about this and I will replace the the model used on my lotf , and foh masks today.


Say good bye to the ugly asymmetrical mask and hello to what the devs should have fixed in the first game patch.



Big thanks to cchargin for all his work :)


http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p5084287.html :drop2:





Svosh , going to put a note in the read me so we can change the orignal vacuum mask aswell ?

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I've run in to a bit of a problem with the Revan Redemption robes.


I followed the installation and everything *should* be working fine, but the problem is it seems that the white revan robe mod that i downloaded is taking up the spot of the tan one, thus I can't spawn the tan one with the cheat.


For clarity, the blue robes should be spawned into inventory using "giveitem g_a_mstrrobe55" and the tan robes should be spawned into inventory using "giveitem g_a_mstrrobe56".


But what happens when I use those two cheat codes is that the "...55" command spawns the white robes from a different mod, and the "....56" command spawns the blue robes from svosh's rrr. So my problem is I can't spawn the tan robes, because apparently the path is being taken up by the white robes.


edit: i re-read my post and wasn't sure if i made it clear that the white robes i am referring to are from ANOTHER mod, not the ones found on svosh's site.

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Damn I’m sorry about that it has come to my attention that I miss typed the cheat code for the robes. I was hoping people would not cheat and get them the way I intended them to but to each there own . I have updated the readme and the post for the robes.


Well I find It curious that some on else has used the exact same .uti number’s in fact it’s almost to strange. As the revan redemption robes shouldn’t have any conflicts at all????? Due to the fact I chose those numbers randomly off the top of my head.


GhostofAnakin tell me who’s robes are these that are overriding the redemption robes I would like to know?


I had g_i_mastrrobe55 , g_i_mastrrobe55 but it’s

g_a_mastrrobe55, g_a_mastrrobe56 sorry about that folks it’s fixed now ;)



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I don't think its my Revan The White Robes they use revan_whiterobe.uti and N_DarthRevan08.tga, as I also use your Redemption Mod with mine. Had to merge the appearance.2da's.


Originally posted by GhostofAnakin

edit: i re-read my post and wasn't sure if i made it clear that the white robes i am referring to are from ANOTHER mod, not the ones found on svosh's site.


GhostofAnakin who's white robes mod is it?

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eyecandy, xenofex, my weapon of choice is ps 8 aka (cs) at the moment but I also use 6. I use illustrator 9 as well because I can still import paths to Photoshop with it. illustrator cs does not and coverts them to pixels I was not happy to find that out. I started out on ps 2 way back when and illustrator 4 lol


A good gradient blend can fake a metal surface but all you need is an alpha channel to use the in game shaders, and a .txi to go with it. In many cases unfortunately a tiny hack in the appearance.2da file in the envmap node is needed. And makes adding the mods a bit more challenging for new guys ;)



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Originally posted by svösh

Damn I’m sorry about that it has come to my attention that I miss typed the cheat code for the robes. I was hoping people would not cheat and get them the way I intended them to but to each there own . I have updated the readme and the post for the robes.


Well I find It curious that some on else has used the exact same .uti number’s in fact it’s almost to strange. As the revan redemption robes shouldn’t have any conflicts at all????? Due to the fact I chose those numbers randomly off the top of my head.


GhostofAnakin tell me who’s robes are these that are overriding the redemption robes I would like to know?


I had g_i_mastrrobe55 , g_i_mastrrobe55 but it’s

g_a_mastrrobe55, g_a_mastrrobe56 sorry about that folks it’s fixed now ;)




I'd actually wanted to have them spawn naturally, but I was already too far into my current game for that to happen and just wanted to check out the robes.


To tell you the truth, I'm not sure whose white robes they belong to. I got them in a thread in here a while ago.


I'm wondering if it has to do with the 2da file, since when I followed your instructions and used the editor to add those two lines, it tells me to rename the nodes 509 and 510, respectively. But the white revan robes i already had installed already took node 509, so I had to change your robes to 510 and 511. Perhaps that's the problem?


edit: in the readme file, the creater goes by matchewga

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From what I can see in his files I just downloaded. There is no disguise used so I think your safe to use his in slot 511 copy the whole row then rearrange mine again it may be easier to use my appearance file and add his robes to it.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Newest wips enjoy ;)


Thanks to cchargin 's model tools some new models





http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p5817325.html saber hilts new models


http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p5817319.html wip modeling a new mask new model

http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p5817316.html wip modeling a new mask to much clipping need to take the chain saw to it hehe

http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p5817320.html testing beta texture in game :D


Coming soon


http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p5817406.html Sith vengeance new model


http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p5817317.html A new look for my one of my favorite Npc’s




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