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svösh's work in progress


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the complements folks :)


Humm updates eh? ;) well I was toying with this idea and tested the games limitations.. Unfortunately even by cloning the bullet hook only one side of my beta double blaster works but if we can figure this out that would really cool, here is the 2x-60 double blaster in half action http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p7137725.html raw model, skinless


Ok so for the past little while I have been attempting to get some good working uv maps out of either gmax or 3dsmax. I have manually unwrapped the sith vengeance over 4 times now, my hv88 at least 3 time and have also been helping T7 with his models and unwrapping Achilles updated Force pike model made by T7.


My Juhani mod had a major problem of getting forever stuck in that appearance and had to be dealt with, as well as for some strange reason not being able to use her force camouflage. The problem is fixed now Big thanks to T7 for his help while I unwrapped his model he found that p_juhani .utc was causing most of the trouble, and edited a bit of dlg. And added a give item script. So when you talk to her on the Ebon hawk she gives you the robs. And looks normal in default jedi robes, and there is a prerequisite of force camouflage so only she can wear them.


I’m hoping to have the Sanctuary threads out tonight or tomorrow Tuesday latest


My hv88 set of blasters will be on mission when you meet up with her in the under city with Dartth333’s help. And I ‘m hoping to have those on my site in a day or so.


As for my sith vengeance mask I have to tear apart my texture map and painstakingly retexture it to the way my best uv map came out. I wanted to have all of this stuff done with but I ran it to a lot of problems along the way. Anyways it will be out within a week, If all goes well.


No rest for the wicked :D



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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok latest up date Sanctuary threads, up for download , Hv88 up for download


And I have had a [ mini ] hehe set back with the sith vengeance mask. And had to completely remodel it from scratch:smash:




The left side [ purple ] is the new one, the right side is the decompiled one I had in game.


When segmenting my mask I found a few extra problems with it but if all goes well, look for this on my site sometime soon.


EDIT: Ok segmented , skinned and ready to compile, edited the model to give it a meaner look and I’m now trying to add a custom bump map :D



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Ok here is the Newly modeled from the ground up Sith vengeance with a partial alpha channel and a perfect UV map :D


Channel is in the works ….


The custom Bump map doesn’t show at all :( I’m doing my research in to what method was used for NWN and the selkath in Kotor but it doesn’t look good, in nwn the bump mapping was hardcode so I bet it’s the same in Kotor. Oh well I’ll keep my fingers crossed.





http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p6420566.html old model


http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p6420507.html old mod



compare if you want, it was completely remodeled started as a box 6 x 4 x1


A bit of render fun :spin: A coloured omni light, a bit of directional Volumetric spot lighting, a familiar projection map, and a little rayrtaced reflection http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p7485789.html NEW full render all the bells and whistles ;)


http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p7506751.html NEW render with custom bump map


http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p7506750.html NEW model in 3d before export


http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p7506594.html NEW model in game with partial alpha channel



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Thank for the compliments everyone, ok so I have gone ahead and made a Faux bump map on the texture. All my 15 attempts at real bump maps failed :(




Here is my fiery blond.. dyed red. Bastila sporting the Sith vengeance, my 3rd test with Faux bump maping I think it ‘s quite convincing ;) none the less I’m still testing things.



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Originally posted by svösh

Thank for the compliments everyone, ok so I have gone ahead and made a Faux bump map on the texture. All my 15 attempts at real bump maps failed :(




Here is my fiery blond.. dyed red. Bastila sporting the Sith vengeance, my 3rd test with Faux bump maping I think it ‘s quite convincing ;) none the less I’m still testing things.



Faux??? Why did you mention it? I wouldn't have noticed anything :D (just like 99% of the modders here i guess- you are the 1% missing to make 100% ).


Great work svösh ! :thumbsup: (the orchestra is for when you release it :p )

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Originally posted by svösh

Thank for the compliments everyone, ok so I have gone ahead and made a Faux bump map on the texture. All my 15 attempts at real bump maps failed :(




Here is my fiery blond.. dyed red. Bastila sporting the Sith vengeance, my 3rd test with Faux bump maping I think it ‘s quite convincing ;) none the less I’m still testing things.




That mask is so cool!!! I think this about says it all svösh.





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Thanks for the great feedback


Faux??? Why did you mention it?


Ah Darth not everyone understands French ;), although it’s a common word adopted In every day life… I had to be honest I couldn’t get a real bump map working. Is Trompe L' oeil better :p


So last night I built this new quad blade sword in a few hours, original polycount was1357 so I knocked it down to 720 poly’s




It may go up a bit more, but I will do my best to get it as low as I can. This quick rendering so I could judge what’s going on with my optimizing. The image is just the raw model so it won’t look like that in game ;)


I have to segment it up and unwrap it make a nice texture it’s underway….



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