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Just out of curiosity, what happened to Malak?

Excalibur Bane

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More specifically, his face. Did he have a horrible and tragic accident with his energy shaver one morning? Perhaps he had a bad stew with a thermal detonator in it? Or did Revan finally get tired of mindless stupidity and force rip his lower jaw off? ;)


I'd rather love to know what happened to him. I didn't see anything in the game explaining this, but he seemed fine in the cutscene before they went to the Dark Side, so I'm assuming it's something that happened to him after he soured. :)

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I think Bio/LA were going alnog the lines that it happened because he "soured". Something like, the DS takes such a toll on the users body that it slowly decays them, could be wrong though. Although I do like your idea about Revan ripping it off :p


Malak: The council will surely banis.....

Revan: ENOUGH!!! Whine, whine, whine. It's all you do. Shut up!-- Jaw splatters against wall--- :D

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I was more under the impression that the removal of his jaw happened right after the scene where they enter the building on dantoiene(sp). It happened as malak continued running his mouth, and eventually...

"SHUT UP YOU LITTLE ***!" (Why is that sensored? Its not even a word!) *Whizz!* *Shhlk* :)

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Yeah. I ever manage to make a mod or something interesting. I will totally change that cutscene. Revan will stop pacing, do the force use animation and you'll see Malak's lower mandable splatter against the temple door and fall to the floor with a raddle sound. Ooooooh, I would so like to see that one :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

I dont like it when Revan is female.He's my favorite character in star wars universe,I like to think of him as extremly powerful and menacing character kinda like Vader only not as tall,with narrower shoulders ,more skilled with lightsaber,smarter and with much cooler mask and costume.Female Revan is something very weird.

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But the surprise is even greater when you play as a female first and find out that you are the Dark Lord . Especially in game versions with gender-related articles like my German one. They talk always about the (male article) jedi Revan ... I was prepared for every male one I met and espescially the ones in my party to be Revan. But myself, a female? But the surprise was great, though. :D Almost fell off my chair. ;)

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Originally posted by Tanesh

But the surprise is even greater when you play as a female first and find out that you are the Dark Lord . Especially in game versions with gender-related articles like my German one. They talk always about the (male article) jedi Revan ... I was prepared for every male one I met and espescially the ones in my party to be Revan. But myself, a female? But the surprise was great, though. :D Almost fell off my chair. ;)


Me too, I'm usually always looking for early plot giveaways but the first time through I also totally missed all of the Jedi Council hints that you were Revan, or at least something was up. Especially Master Dorak, "what if we undertake to train this one and the Dark Lord should return!" And when he interrupts Vandar talking about your connection to Bastila. I totally missed those, probably too excited about getting to finally become a Jedi!

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I remember reading somewhere that it happened when Revan and Malak fell to the dark side and were trying to decide who would be the master and it turned into a fight and Revan hacked Malak's jaw off. I don't remember where I read this as it was a while ago, but I think I got the link from these forums. I'll look for it again and if I find it I'll post a link.

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Originally posted by illuzion69

I remember reading somewhere that it happened when Revan and Malak fell to the dark side and were trying to decide who would be the master and it turned into a fight and Revan hacked Malak's jaw off. I don't remember where I read this as it was a while ago, but I think I got the link from these forums. I'll look for it again and if I find it I'll post a link.


Nice trick to hack only someone's jaw off without seriously injuring other parts in the face. :D On the other side, Revan didn't have to use a lightsaber, (s)he could've just used the force. But I like the idea better that it happened because Malak talked too much. ;) But I believe I've read that somewhere, too.

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  • 1 month later...

Well,if Revan DID use the force it woulda ripped his jaw off equally,if u noticed some of his front teeth remain on his face..I prefer to think Malak was trying to be like Vadar..trying to get a new look,but instead got more than he bargained for :o:D :D

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actually i think vader was forced to replace body parts for machine parts due to some of his injuries in battles


where as i just assumed lord malak had actualy done this willingly because he wanted to be more a part of the dark side and as the star forge resonates darkside energy he wanted to be part of it by mutilating himself and adding star forge technoligy to himself therefore making him stronger in the darkside in his mind


I could be wrong but thats my theory

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