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Which is better ? (FFA vs. CTF)


CTF or FFA ?  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. CTF or FFA ?

    • CTF
    • FFA

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Originally posted by Prime

I prefer FFA myself. Unfortunately it is hard to find a good game anywhere other than the Chop Shop server these days. Nothing against CTF, I just never really got into it. I also enjoy TFFA... :)

I'm tellin' ya Prime, you don't know what you're missing. Just forget the flag and think of it as a big TFFA.


I actually played on my CTF server a little while ago and it was great: non-stop action. Not only no whining or "lamer' stuff, but not that much chatting in general (and this with ~20 people playing), except at the end to say gg. It's too fast-paced for chatting.


Everything the game has to offer was being used: lightsabers, guns, explosives, Force powers. In the course of two maps I was sabered, shot with a pistol, gripped and thrown off a ledge, rocketed, killed by lightning, killed by mines, and crushed by an elevator. It was great fun!


Again, just think of it as a big TFFA. Hang around your base or at the crossroads (midfield) and kill any opposing team member that you see. Or hang around the enemy base and specialize in flag-returning (killing the enemy flag carrier).


Make sure you have a key bound to /kill and have Team Heal or Energize at maximum and you'll look like a pro.

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Originally posted by Amidala from Chop Shop

Just forget the flag and think of it as a big TFFA.


Looks like we think along the same lines. I usually just make my way over to the enemy flag without Force speed, taking time to slaughter any enemy I come across. Only if I make it over to the enemy base alive do I try to go for the flag, if it's even around. If not, I'm content to stay around and give the defenders headaches.


I prefer CTF over TFFA. The action's more frantic and competitive.

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In the course of two maps I was sabered, shot with a pistol, gripped and thrown off a ledge, rocketed, killed by lightning, killed by mines, and crushed by an elevator. It was great fun!


lol thats not the main reason i play ctf Amidala but i see your point .


i like ctf because of the team work you need to infiltrate the enemy base ,steel the flag and get back to your own base alive. you need more teamwork in a ctf than in a TFFA or a siege. And (as you've probably noticed) i realy like teamwork . i dont think there is enough around anymore . just a minute ago i was on a siege server and there was a player who only killed his own team . how stupid and pointless is that . anyway thx for givin me your views and for voting . i hope we get more people voting so we get a wider perspective of peoples views :) and then we know whitch is better ,CTF or FFA .


*ctf* *ctf* *ctf* *ctf* *ctf* *ctf* *ctf*

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Originally posted by Neverhoodian

Looks like we think along the same lines. I usually just make my way over to the enemy flag without Force speed, taking time to slaughter any enemy I come across. Only if I make it over to the enemy base alive do I try to go for the flag, if it's even around. If not, I'm content to stay around and give the defenders headaches.


I prefer CTF over TFFA. The action's more frantic and competitive.

I tried this last night. It was pretty fun, but I find I got annoyed when people kept running away. I mean, they were actually trying to play CTF!!1!11 :mad::D


It was a good time, and I'll probably play again. But I think I would still prefer a good FFA server. It appears that the Chop Shop FFA server has disappeared. Is this true?

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CTF throws in a lot more tactical play and teamwork, and it brings back happy TFC memories too. One problem with JA, as with JO, is that somehow the weapons don't suit CTF all that well. They're not particularly balanced, and sabers seem almost utterly useless, especially for defence. I can usually mow down people trying to use their sabers with relative ease, and I can't blame such people for getting a little upset with the imbalance.


I really, really love one hit kills Disruption CTF (such as the one Chop Shop has), that is perhaps the most addictive gametype I have played in years.


Team FFA is a great idea, it just often seems to degenerate a bit. If it was sabers only, I'd say Team FFA has a big edge over CTF, just try stopping someone capping a flag with a lightsaber...


Siege was supposed to be like the next logical step in terms of teamwork, tactics and such (as in FFA>CTF>Siege) but with only three maps and complex work required for modders to create them (hence I think only three custom siege maps for JA, including one today!), it probabaly didn't take off in the way everyone hoped. I think games like UT2004 absolutely destroy Siege when it comes to objective based online gaming, so its suffered a fair bit in terms of gamer and server numbers.


For me then, CTF - but I still get more fun out of TFC CTF :)

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Originally posted by Prime

It was a good time, and I'll probably play again. But I think I would still prefer a good FFA server. It appears that the Chop Shop FFA server has disappeared. Is this true?


It's still up.


Originally posted by Kengo

CTF throws in a lot more tactical play and teamwork, and it brings back happy TFC memories too. One problem with JA, as with JO, is that somehow the weapons don't suit CTF all that well. They're not particularly balanced, and sabers seem almost utterly useless, especially for defence. I can usually mow down people trying to use their sabers with relative ease, and I can't blame such people for getting a little upset with the imbalance.

I totally agree with you about lightsabers being almost useless on a default, full-weapon CTF server. The default gun-CTF players use them for defense and wall-climbing only. By the time you finish hacking at someone with a default saber, you would have been rocketed\shot ten times by your opponent or his teammates. Default gun-CTF players laugh at saberists and call them "flailing saber noobs".


That's why I increased the saber damage on my CTF (and FFA) server, to improve the balance between saberists and gunners. Others have copied me and the two most popular CTF servers have increased saber damage. And the gunners hate it, because they can actually get hurt\killed by "flailing saber noobs", which some of them seem to think is humiliating and disgraceful. You should see them complain and complain about the increased saber damage, even though such servers are overwhelmingly more popular with the majority of players.

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Yeh, I think upping saber damage is a very good idea. That's one thing that made Promod so excellent, really good saberists were absolutely lethal, they could go through gunners like a knife through butter if they got close, which is exactly how the films portrayed it. If lightsabers are more powerful, then it becomes far more interesting - you get other tactical factors coming into play, like the balance of gunners and saberists in each team, and how they are arrayed (defence/offense).


Hmmm, I think I'll have to give this server a go tonight, if only on the off chance that I get to attack Prime with a Flechette :D

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Originally posted by Kengo

One problem with JA, as with JO, is that somehow the weapons don't suit CTF all that well. They're not particularly balanced, and sabers seem almost utterly useless, especially for defence. I can usually mow down people trying to use their sabers with relative ease...

Indeed. With the bigger guns being so plentiful on most maps, it is really no contest. Most of the time a saberist can't even get within range of a gunner. Even if the do it takes so long to kill anybody.


Originally posted by Kengo

and I can't blame such people for getting a little upset with the imbalance.

It is just too bad that for the most part the most intriguing and unique weapon in the game is perhaps the most useless.


Originally posted by Kengo

Siege was supposed to be like the next logical step in terms of teamwork, tactics and such (as in FFA>CTF>Siege) but with only three maps and complex work required for modders to create them (hence I think only three custom siege maps for JA, including one today!), it probabaly didn't take off in the way everyone hoped.

The other problem from what I have seen is that many people don't really take the time figure out what the objectives are. Without a coordinated effort the game really suffers. I don't play all that much, but I don't remember being in a game that was really that satisfying or lived up to what I thought Siege could be. Most a pity.


Originally posted by Amidala from Chop Shop

It's still up.

Excellent! My "favorites" list must be out of date :)


Originally posted by Amidala from Chop Shop

That's why I increased the saber damage on my CTF (and FFA) server, to improve the balance between saberists and gunners. Others have copied me and the two most popular CTF servers have increased saber damage. And the gunners hate it, because they can actually get hurt\killed by "flailing saber noobs", which some of them seem to think is humiliating and disgraceful. You should see them complain and complain about the increased saber damage, even though such servers are overwhelmingly more popular with the majority of players.

Upped saber damage is the difference between night and day. It amazes me how much better the game (non-duel at least) is with higher settings. It certainly addresses a large number of the balance issues. Not to say I am the best player, but on the Chop Shop servers I can get near the top of the board using just the saber. I just love it! :D
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I have the H3H siege map that kengo refered to but i never get to play it because no one joins the H3H server. I have played it by creating a non-dedicated server and played it with bots but a siege is made for people and i dont like siege with bots.


The only reason i dont play siege much is because it is very repetative ,same map , same objectives ,same people etc.

This map is different to the other siege maps. It has way cooler models and a heavy weapons expert with concussion rifle AND rocket launcher :eek: . If anyone is bored with the old sieges i recommend H3Hsiege.


sry bout that i just had to mention it ;) . anyways keep the votes coming . thx for all the feed back too. but at the moment CTF is losing :( .



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