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Guest DarthMaulUK

You can find large battles on battlefields spread around the systems but you will need to be in a faction (Rebel or Imperial) declared to take part



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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

You can find large battles on battlefields spread around the systems but you will need to be in a faction (Rebel or Imperial) declared to take part




no it doesnt ,faction battles are the only big ones that should be goin on around this time in sw ,who else is going to fight the smugglers and the hutts?

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Guest DarthMaulUK

reelguy - no offence but you dont have the game.


The ONLY battles you can walk upto and join are ones on battlefields. PvP battles are extremely rare thanks to the insurance situation.


When Galaxies first started, every day there were running pvp battles (imps v rebels) with each side almost every night raiding Bestine/Anchorhead and it rocked.


But since player cities and the insurance feature (if you die, your stuff reduces in condition) has stopped most of this and its very rare. Some guild may do battles but theres times when the community is TOO friendly and not ruthless enough.


With JTL I guess there will be more space battles but lets hope they get the whole battle thing right.



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It's not the insurance feature that is the problem, it's the insane pricing on items in the game. People just blame the insurance feature, but the reality is they are overpaying the stuff they buy. Simply put. :)


I guess people doesn't want to realise this, and it's easier to blame the game rather than the ones that are ripping them off. :D

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I totally disagree.


Every night, Anchorhead was raided by Imps PvP and the rebs hitting bestine and im talking in big numbers of 80-100 players all in combat


Then, the moment insurance came out - all stopped. People do pay alot of money too much for rare items etc and they dont want their precious FWG5 featherweight with krayt tissue made by the hands of ewoks in a tree on hoth to get alot of damage.





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for 500,000 credits in the real star wars universe you could buy five years of boba fetts serveice or for 9,000,000 credits you could buy a top of the line human replica droid like guri for 500,000 credits you could buy 500 pk General work droids or you could purchase 1,000s of battle droids

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for 500,000 credits in the real star wars universe you could buy five years of boba fetts serveice or for 9,000,000 credits you could buy a top of the line human replica droid like guri for 500,000 credits you could buy 500 pk General work droids or you could purchase 1,000s of battle droids



But like so many say about SWG, there is nothing Star Wars about it...



P.S. These are not my personal feelings, i am merely forwarding them as information... "Please dont flame me!"


/me hides in the corner

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If you are in a large faction based guild that's near a large opposing faction based guild and both have cities... there are a lot of large battles.


For a few months I was in this guild on Flurry(called Leaders of Virtue)... The city was attacked a few times with huge pvp battles. (They were quite awesome.) And then it got too strenuous with sll the item decay so we got rid of our rebel bases :'(.


I do blame decay by the way. The biggest problem with the market is that it’s inflated out the wazoo. Money is basically useless because it’s too easy to get/ too hard to loose.

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I haven't seen any pvp battles really, just Npc V Npc which is sometimes quite fun. There was a large group of maulers trying to attack this rebel place and I had quite a good battle there and it was quite fun. But I bet it's nothing compared to a full scale pvp battle. :D

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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

reelguy - no offence but you dont have the game.


The ONLY battles you can walk upto and join are ones on battlefields. PvP battles are extremely rare thanks to the insurance situation.


When Galaxies first started, every day there were running pvp battles (imps v rebels) with each side almost every night raiding Bestine/Anchorhead and it rocked.


But since player cities and the insurance feature (if you die, your stuff reduces in condition) has stopped most of this and its very rare. Some guild may do battles but theres times when the community is TOO friendly and not ruthless enough.


With JTL I guess there will be more space battles but lets hope they get the whole battle thing right.




very good point dmuk,lol!!:D :D

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I dont understand. If u just insure ur items (the ones u have equipped), then dont they just not decay. I mean, its not too expensive, especially since credits in swg are not too hard to get. If I'm wrong about this insurance thing, explain it to me.

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Originally posted by TripleM25

I dont understand. If u just insure ur items (the ones u have equipped), then dont they just not decay. I mean, its not too expensive, especially since credits in swg are not too hard to get. If I'm wrong about this insurance thing, explain it to me.


they all decay a bit, you get the sevice you paid for, 100 credits/item is nothing, your lucky they don't lose your items when you clone :p

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