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Do You Think Certian Characters From KOTOR Might Be Behind The Sith?


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hi there



I don't know about this but I get this sloshy feeling maybe even and Bastilla might be behind the sith I dont know but this is just speculation. I know there is millions of speculation out there on the net. But you remember when you get a revelation of you being malaks ex-master. Well in KOTOR you might get a even bigger revelation possibly maybe that some how you were connected maybe to the crew possibly I don't know.

How about some of the crew member moght be behind some of the story line two hmmm I guess we will have to wait fir a year to find out what do you guys think hmmm any thoughts?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

Something tells me you're related to either Revan or Malak. I mean, you're one of the Jedi who has fought in the Mandalorian Wars, you've probably met them and fought alongside them.


Being one of the Jedi who rallied to Revan and Malak's cause in the Mandalorian wars, it could be even worse than that. It might not be a relation issue but a responsibility issue.


Possibly the main PC in KOTOR II could be the one who, either accidentally or on purpose, started Revan and Malak down the dark path in the first place, or something like that.

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Originally posted by RedHawke


Possibly the main PC in KOTOR II could be the one who, either accidentally or on purpose, started Revan and Malak down the dark path in the first place, or something like that.


Hmmm... interesting. It would definatly fit with the whole theme of SW, (well atleast kotor), & the idea of redemption.


Or maybe it is T3, damn quiet droid plotting galactic conquest behind a facade of beeps, whirs, & whoops :r5d4:

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Yup I'm always looking for possible plot hooks... When they said the main PC in KOTOR 2 was a Jedi that fought in the Mandalorian wars, and was exiled or self-exiled, that angle just seemed the logical choice.


Also if KOTOR and KOTOR 2 are going in a normal Star Warsy direction we should also all expect a KOTOR 3 as well. Being big on trilogies and all. :D

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

Then after they make a good KotOR 3, they're going to try and milk out all they can from the franchise and make a bunch of crappy prequels.


Although Episode 1 wasn't all that bad... It was kinda like seeing an episode of Highlander the Series, with a drawn out pod race crammed into the middle.


Insted of Duncan and the bad guy of the week drawing their swords and discarding their trenchcoats and having it out at the end of the weeks episode. We saw 2 Jedi and a Sith discarding their robes and drawing their Lightsabres and having it out at the end of Episode 1.


The similarities are frightning! :D


Edit: Episode 1 did have its purpose, and Episode 2 is a solid Star Wars film... Just after 25 years of waiting, peoples expectations of a Star Wars prequel are also a little too high.

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

they're going to try and milk out all they can from the franchise and make a bunch of crappy prequels.


Hey now, I'm kinda fond of the prequels. There certainly not any worse than the OT, IMO. ;)


A trilogy of kotor games set during the begining, middle & end of the Mandalorian wars would be pretty neat. Of course coming up with enough material for a 3 game series that spands 5 (cant remember if this is correct) years, & having each game have some sort of conclusion is another matter. Certainly do-able though, I'd shell out the cash for them.

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Hmmm.. I already thought of the idea that you can make a lot of Kotor games in different periods. How about one a 1000 years before the rise of the galactic empire or, why not a Kotnjo (yes Knights of the New Jedi Order), set in the time when the Yuuzhan Vong invades the SW universe? It would be nice to see all the Characters from these books or have them as an NPC!

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Exactly, I think the future of the Star Wars Galaxy is where it is at, as far as creating any new stories in that universe.


As long as that SW future does NOT contain anything like!


"We are the Sith, lower your shields, and surrender your ships. We will add your technological and biological significance to our own... Resistance is Futile!"



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hmm, the films were questionable due to the acting and story. err, natalie portman is a great actress but in this film im not sold, hayden christianson or whatever does a great job as an actor in ep 2, but his lines are so freakin annoying! the killing off of quigon sucked too, i really liked him, but oh well. ep 1 i think was better than ep 2 because it's cheese factor was limited. i.e. scenes with little boy and pod race scene compared to ep 2's romantic chats between annikan (little orphan annie, dear god) and padme.


as far as plot hooks in kotor 2 i'm really looking forward to it. i like the idea of a guy losing his touch with the force and gaining it back.


i hope that the SW films don't end with just prequels. i like the idea of new star wars set 1,000 years later since ep 6. as much as i like gaming nothing compares to a good film.

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Originally posted by RedHawke


As long as that SW future does NOT contain anything like!


"We are the Sith, lower your shields, and surrender your ships. We will add your technological and biological significance to our own... Resistance is Futile!"




RoFL!!! Good One.......




Makes me go :barf:

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Originally posted by 0rlo

i hope that the SW films don't end with just prequels. i like the idea of new star wars set 1,000 years later since ep 6. as much as i like gaming nothing compares to a good film.


I would like to see Episode 7-9 as well, though they are supposed to occur when Luke and Leia are older.


I hope Lucas decides to do them, or hand them off to someone who expressed intrest in doing them... Like Steven Spielberg... I heard he was interested in possibly making the sequels... But I could have been mistaken.


Originally posted by FiEND_138

RoFL!!! Good One.......




Makes me go :barf:



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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by Emperor Pangasa

I believe that Jolee Bindo might be secret sith conspirator. He has issues with the jedi order, the jedi killed his wife, and he joined your party just because he saw a destiny before you? It doesn't make any sense.:emperor::saberr:


Or it could be Jolee just needed a ride off the walking-carped populated, tree-infested rock he was stuck on too! :D

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Originally posted by RedHawke


Or how about 1,000 years after the battle of endor. That could be a ripe time for a totally new Star Wars story.

a thousand years is a long time, and maybe they'd consider moving locations to a different galaxy ... before you know it we'll be playing a game that's our present day.



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