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About non humanoid .xsi-s. look plz


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Well i did a new hazardtrooper just i added the concussion rifle to the model and i weighted all to the little boxes called as bones in the xsi. I opened it in ModView and OH IT WORKED PERFECT!!!. Anyway all my excitement came down when i tryed it in-game:


What has happened? i mean, the ext_data is perfect, the .gla and the animation.cfg is in models/players/../

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Don't you just hate modding for this game?


Just pitching ideas here...


-Are your meshes pivot points all centered on the stupid triangle off?


-If you look at bones enveloppes , are they centered over the bone? (some might be way out of place)


For some reason the bone's pivot point gets screwed sometime.


The only way to fix this is to remove that bone from the stack and re-weight it.


Other than that i dunno...checking xform is always a good idea.

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ill see that in a moment; as curiosity i have found that in modview when i open my atpt model, the .gla doesnt have to be at _humanoid folder, i must be in models/players/atpt; but when i open the hazardtrooper in modview, the .gla must be in the _humanoid folder and not in models/players/hazardtrooper :/

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i dont know how Corto did the path of atpt, but i did the same path like vehicles or p.models. The enveloppes are centered :/. I have find that in the screenshot the only parts that are together are the ones i did reset x-form. But well, if the skelleton will continue like that...anyway ill reweight that parts..doh!

Man this is a paranormal phenomenom

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Did you check every bone?


What about the pivot points of the meshes?


Note that it might not be a problem to have weird pivot points, but i always align them to the stupid triangle off to make sure.


And once you have done that, you need to reset xform on the meshes (just move it below the stack). That's why i always do these things first, i dont want to mess with a player's mesh once it's been rigged.


EDIT: to change the path, just look down the "make own skeleton" option and you can enter the new path in there.

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Did you use the _humanoid.gla file to compile your hazard trooper?

The atpt has it's own .gla file, and when I generated it, I compiled it into the same folder as the atpt for sanity sakes. The reason why there's a _humanoid.gla at the _humanoid folder is becuz it's used by so many models.

I guess there's a _ at the beginning of _humanoid just to have it always first on the name's list :p.

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The -makeskel flag grabs the animation data from the .xsi file and compiles it into a .gla file.

If you're grabbing the skeleton from current .gla file, as the _humanoid.gla file, carcass only takes the mesh and weights data from the .xsi file and associates that .glm with the .gla you've chosen.

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