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JTL news for Veteran Players!

Lord Haine

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Hey all you Veteran Players out there, if you have been playing for Six months or more, and you are going to get the expansion to Star Wars Galaxies, (Jump to Lightspeed). Then you are entitled to your very own Ship, straight from the start!


This is what they have to say on there official site:


Star Wars Galaxies is pleased to announce the first veteran reward for longtime players! Veteran players are those players who have subscribed for at least 6 consecutive months. These players will receive the deed for the multi-passenger ship model SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 the day Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed launches. This starship model has been popularized in Star Wars fiction by Lando Calrissian's personal vessel, the Lady Luck. Non-veteran players will receive the reward once they become veteran players. Similar to the Special Edition goggles, this item will not be tradable.


Visit the information page here!


Have fun with your ship!


P.S: Could we sticky this maybe?

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Quote taken from the link given...

These players will receive the deed for the multi-passenger ship model SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 the day Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed launches.


It says Multi-Passenger, so i would have thought it can hold multiple people. :)

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I'll take that "bribe". :)



But to make a twist to it, why not give it to just those who have stuck by the game from the first month (let's be fair, not everyone was able to get in on day one due to the massive amount of people trying at the same time, others like myself had to wait for the shipping company to get their finger out of the ... well, you get the picture. :D ), to make it really rare. ;)


It is a Luxury Yacht after all. :D

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Guest DarthMaulUK

As I have already posted in the news, that 'ship' looks like something out of the 70s TV show The Love Boat.... yawn or something you will find in Thunderbirds



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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

As I have already posted in the news, that 'ship' looks like something out of the 70s TV show The Love Boat.... yawn or something you will find in Thunderbirds




thats how landos ship the lady luck actually looks,i saw it in the game jedi knight 2 jedi outcast,,yu have to do a mission with lando ,and help him get his ship back ,thats why,its not just some cheesy representation from the love boat,thats actually what that class of ship looks like,i saw it for my own eyes in jedi knight 2 ,jedi outcast!!!!

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Originally posted by reelguy227

thats how landos ship the lady luck actually looks,i saw it in the game jedi knight 2 jedi outcast,,yu have to do a mission with lando ,and help him get his ship back ,thats why,its not just some cheesy representation from the love boat,thats actually what that class of ship looks like,i saw it for my own eyes in jedi knight 2 ,jedi outcast!!!!


I think he already knows that it is a real ship from the Star Wars Universe, and we have already established that it is Lando's Ship. He was just saying that it looked something like the love boat out of the 70s program. If i were you i seriousely wouldnt get that aggressive towards Moderators. Unless your asking for a ban of course.

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Originally posted by Lord Haine

I think he already knows that it is a real ship from the Star Wars Universe, and we have already established that it is Lando's Ship. He was just saying that it looked something like the love boat out of the 70s program. If i were you i seriousely wouldnt get that aggressive towards Moderators. Unless your asking for a ban of course.


good point haine,how does anyone become a moderator?

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Maybe the Jedi Outcast guys saw loveboat and thought ' great idea'!


Sorry, its ugly and i can just see everyone flying around in that! laughable.


As for becoming a Moderator, well....just depends on how good your force choke is ;)



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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

As for becoming a Moderator, well....just depends on how good your force choke is ;)



ROFL heheh yeah that helps a lot hahahhaah

asking to become a mod for one is the wrong way :p demanding aswell.... and sucking up is really bad :p


Wraith 8

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

ROFL heheh yeah that helps a lot hahahhaah

asking to become a mod for one is the wrong way :p demanding aswell.... and sucking up is really bad :p


Wraith 8


i dont think lady luck looks ugly ,comeon yu guys how did yu guys become moderators?

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*sees the screen do this twirley thing indicating a flashback*


... i originated on the Roguesquadron.net forums. got like 800 posts there when the Swgalaxies.net forums opened. i went here ... and at first there were like 4 or 5 people here. Juztyn (admin), jan gaarni, me, MikeC and ComRaven.


well after like a month or 3 4... the forums started to grow and juztyn got more and more busierbecause of all the info he needed to put on the SWG.net site. And because i knew some admins from the RSN and GB (galactic battlegrounds) forums i asked them to keep an eye out here because there was no mod :).


then one of them suggested me for modship over here to juztyn. i became a moderator. then they asked me to mod the Star Wars discussion forums. so i became a mod there aswell.


then an admin came along and offered me a super mod position because i modded and visited multiple forums. so i became a super moderator....


ofcourse along the way i got Jan Gaarni and Deft to become mods here. but then deft had to quit the modship and DMUK comes here so often we dont need an extra :).


thats my moderator story :p


*flashback fades*


Wraith 8

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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

As I have already posted in the news, that 'ship' looks like something out of the 70s TV show The Love Boat.... yawn or something you will find in Thunderbirds





Well, it's free. It's something to say "thanks for playing". No, it's not the Millenium Falcon or a Star Destroyer, but hey, you got something. I'm going to have to gain credits to buy my ship, LOL! I mean, I would be. . .appreciative, if nothing else. That's just me.

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

*sees the screen do this twirley thing indicating a flashback*


... i originated on the Roguesquadron.net forums. got like 800 posts there when the Swgalaxies.net forums opened. i went here ... and at first there were like 4 or 5 people here. Juztyn (admin), jan gaarni, me, MikeC and ComRaven.


well after like a month or 3 4... the forums started to grow and juztyn got more and more busierbecause of all the info he needed to put on the SWG.net site. And because i knew some admins from the RSN and GB (galactic battlegrounds) forums i asked them to keep an eye out here because there was no mod :).


then one of them suggested me for modship over here to juztyn. i became a moderator. then they asked me to mod the Star Wars discussion forums. so i became a mod there aswell.


then an admin came along and offered me a super mod position because i modded and visited multiple forums. so i became a super moderator....


ofcourse along the way i got Jan Gaarni and Deft to become mods here. but then deft had to quit the modship and DMUK comes here so often we dont need an extra :).


thats my moderator story :p


*flashback fades*


Wraith 8


what happens when u guys ban some one?

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They cannot use their account anymore.


There are a couple of ways we ban. First there's the temp-ban, which lasts from a few days till a few weeks, depending on how long we think the individual needs to cool down.

Then there is the perminant ban.


If they are really naughty we request an IP ban on the person. But only an admin can do that.

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Originally posted by Cosmos Jack

Can you say bribe. :rolleyes:


"Gee guys the game is screwed up, but if you stick around and dish out the money for JTL. Then well will give you your own person MP ship ! !:eek:"


Instead of bribing players why don't they fix the game?



no doubt, here it is a year later and the game is still so bugged, so many problems and now they are talking about epic space battles............at 3 fps? I predict JTL will come out even more bugged than galaxies. Why not put the whole JTL staff on the task of realizing galaxies potential before watering down what is already a weak game, content and gameplay wise?



And i could care less about getting a free space school bus that looks just like everyone elses that will do nothing to make the game more enjoyable.

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It's to say "thanks for playing". I have no problem with that(no, I won't be getting one, I've only been playing 2 weeks). It's appreciation for a player's perserverance and dedication through whatever issues the game has had or currently have.


The way gamers are always prone to complain, and moan, and whine, about what a game DOESN'T have, instead of enjoying what it does(this game included), and are always ready to jump ship the moment they cannot have something the way THEY think it should be in a game at THAT moment, I'd say the "veteran players" deserve it.

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