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Jedi Merchant Mod available for download


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This mod replaces most of Adum Larp's inventory with Jedi-related items, such as lightsabers and some lightsaber crystals. Please see the readme for specifics






Adum Larp (Jedi Merchant) by Achilles



Special thanks to Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool that made this possible.





Creator's Notes



This mod was inspired by GameUnited's Elite Force Mod. Too many sabers and not enough crystals when using this mod. I decided to rectify the situation by adding some Jedi-specific items to Adum Larp's inventory. Adum was a suitable candidate for the mod because I never bought anything from him anyway and you can only visit him after completing the first two steps of the Trials.


The blaster rifles have been replaced with Lightsabers, blaster pistols have been replaced with short Lightsabers, and the various grenades have all been replaced with an assortment of lower-end saber crystals. All other items remain unaffected.


This mod is especially useful if you are using the Elite Force mod, however you may want to use it if you don't feel like waiting for some decent Lightsaber crystals in a normal game






Files Modified




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Heres all the warp cheats if you need them


Warp Cheats



Va. Endar Spire



end_m01aa - Command Module

end_m01ab - Starboard Section



Vb. Taris



tar_m02aa - South Apartments

tar_m02ab - Upper City North

tar_m02ac - Upper City South

tar_m02ad - North Apartments

tar_m02ae - Upper City Cantina

tar_m02af - Hideout

tar_m03aa - Lower City

tar_m03ab - Lower City Apartments

tar_m03ad - Lower City Apartments

tar_m03ae - Javyar's Cantina

tar_m03af - Swoop Platform

tar_m04aa - Undercity

tar_m05aa - Lower Sewers

tar_m05ab - Upper Sewers

tar_m08aa - Davik's Estate

tar_m09aa - Sith Base

tar_m09ab - Sith Base

tar_m10aa - Black Vulkar Base

tar_m10ab - Black Vulkar Base

tar_m10ac - Black Vulkar Base

tar_m11aa - Hidden Bek Base

tar_m11ab - Hidden Bek Base



Vc. Ebon Hawk



ebo_m12aa - Bridge

ebo_m46ab - Mystery Box



Vd. Dantooine



danm13 - Jedi Enclave

danm14aa - Courtyard

danm14ab - Matale Grounds

danm14ac - Grove

danm14ad - Sandral Grounds

danm14ae - Crystal Caves

danm15 - Ruins

danm16 - Sandral Estate



Ve. Tatooine



tat_m17aa - Anchorhead

tat_m17ab - Docking Bay

tat_m17ac - Droid Shop

tat_m17ad - Hunting Lodge

tat_m17ae - Swoop Registration

tat_m17af - Cantina

tat_m17ag - Czerka Office

tat_m18aa - Dune Sea

tat_m18ab - Sand People Territory

tat_m18ac - Eastern Dune Sea

tat_m20aa - Sand People Enclave



Vf. Kashyyyk



kas_m22aa - Czerka Landing Port

kas_m22ab - The Great Walkway

kas_m23aa - Village of Rwookrrorro

kas_m23ab - Worrwill's Home

kas_m23ac - Worrroznor's Home

kas_m23ad - Chieftain's Hall

kas_m24aa - Upper Shadowlands

kas_m25aa - Lower Shadowlands



Vg. Manaan



manm26aa - Ahto West

manm26ab - Ahto East

manm26ac - West Central

manm26ad - Docking Bay

manm26ae - East Central

manm27aa - Sith Base

manm28aa - Hrakert Station

manm28ab - Sea Floor

manm28ac - Kolto Control

manm28ad - Hrakert Rift



Vh. Korriban



korr_m33aa - Dreshdae

korr_m33ab - Sith Academy Entrance

korr_m34aa - Shyrack Caves

korr_m35aa - Sith Academy Entrance

korr_m36aa - Valley of Dark Lords

korr_m37aa - Tomb of Ajunta Pall

korr_m38aa - Tomb of Marka Ragnos

korr_m38ab - Tomb of Tulak Hord

korr_m39aa - Tomb of Naga Sadow



Vi. Yavin Station



liv_m99aa - Yavin Station



Vj. Leviathan



lev_m40aa - Prison Block

lev_m40ab - Command Deck

lev_m40ac - Hangar

lev_m40ad - Bridge



Vk. Unknown World



unk_m41aa - Central Beach

unk_m41ab - South Beach

unk_m41ac - North Beach

unk_m41ad - Temple Exterior

unk_m42aa - Elder Settlement

unk_m43aa - Rakatan Settlement

unk_m44aa - Temple Main Floor

unk_m44ab - Temple Catacombs



Vl. Star Forge



sta_m45aa - Deck 1

sta_m45ab - Deck 2

sta_m45ac - Deck 3

sta_m45ad - Deck 4



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Originally posted by UDM

i downloaded the mod and placed it in my Override folder, but adum larp still gave the same items. did i install it correctly?


Did you talk to him before you installed the mod?


The files for the area load the first time you venture there on that save game, so if you have been to that area Adum Larp and everyone outside has already loaded, you may have to start from a previous save game, where you haven't gone outside the Dantooine Jedi Enclave yet. Sorry!

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