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rebels, ge, separatists, republic?


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Phase 1:Darth Sidious/ senator palpatine makes a bargain with the Trade federation and causes the crisis at Naboo [Episode I]. ---He uses the crises to get elected as supreme chancellor.


Phase 2: Darth sidious/Chancellor Palpatine indirectly orders a clone army from the kaminoans. He uses his apprentice, Count Dooku to incite a rebellious movement against the republic.

--He uses the crisis to justify being given emergency supreme power.

He calls for the creation of an army to answer the threat. Clone Wars begin


Phase 3: Darth Sidious/Chacellor Palpatine declares himself emperor and dictator.

--Nice, democratic Republic becomes evil, dictatorial Empire.


The Empire evolved from the institution that was the Old republic, but the Empire was different in fundamental ways.


Okay, enough about that.


I'm porbably going to play separatists first. There's just something appealing about being a battle droid. Then Rebels. Gotta go to the OT, and gotta be the good guys for once. Then Empire, cuz they kick butt, then republic, because they're the last ones left.

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Originally posted by JawaJoey



Phase 1:Darth Sidious/ senator palpatine makes a bargain with the Trade federation and causes the crisis at Naboo [Episode I]. ---He uses the crises to get elected as supreme chancellor.


Phase 2: Darth sidious/Chancellor Palpatine indirectly orders a clone army from the kaminoans. He uses his apprentice, Count Dooku to incite a rebellious movement against the republic.

--He uses the crisis to justify being given emergency supreme power.

He calls for the creation of an army to answer the threat. Clone Wars begin


Phase 3: Darth Sidious/Chacellor Palpatine declares himself emperor and dictator.

--Nice, democratic Republic becomes evil, dictatorial Empire.


The Empire evolved from the institution that was the Old republic, but the Empire was different in fundamental ways.

Couldn't say it better myself :D
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